

Feedback on External Training/Seminar/ Conference

(Between 200 to 300 words)

1.  Name of Officials who attended the event: Ms. Preety Khattar, Ms. Chhaya Verma, Ms. Jaysree Ratnakumar and Mr. Venu Gopal

2.  Topic- International Business opportunities with the Asian Development Bank

3.  Date(s)s and duration of the event: 24th November 2014, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

4.  Venue: Hotel Le Meridien

5.  Brief profile of the faculty/panelists: Mr. L.B. Sondjaja, Deputy Country Director, ADB

Mr. Hiroyuki Maruyama, principal Procurement Specialist, ADB

Mr. Subhash Goyal, Member, Managing Committee, FIEO

Mr. Ajay Sahai, DG & CEO, FIEO

Mr. Sriram Subramaniam, Dy. General Manager &RH, EXIM Bank

Mr. Shailesh Pathak, Member, CII&ED, Bhartiya Group

Mr. K.K Kapila, Member FICCI and CMD, Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. R.N. Gupta, Chairman, BAI

Col. Surinder Kuda, Member, NHBF& ED, Ashoka Buildcon Ltd.

Consultancy Development Center (CD)

6.  Major topics covered:

o  Introduction about ADB

o  Access to ADB Business opportunities through an On-line Demo of the ADB web-site

o  Forthcoming opportunities under ADB projects: Procurement and Consulting opportunities

o  ADB procurement policy/procedures

o  ADB Consultant Recruitment Policy/Procedures

7.  Lessons learnt: Questionnaire attached

8.  Applicability/relevance of the lessons learnt in the context of ICT: The Seminar has been relevant and useful for day-to-day handling of ADB projects that we have been bidding for. It helped in clarifying many issues that we normally face while bidding.

9.  Remarks including suggestions, if any: Such Seminars are always worth attending as these push the confidence level of participants and help them to brush up their knowledge after face to face interaction with the ADB dignitaries.

Minutes of ADB Seminar

Held on 24th November at Le Meridien, New Delhi

The seminar was very informative and useful. The seminars aimed to disseminate information to Indian business community on business opportunities under ADB-financed projects available within and outside India. It was intended to increase awareness among the participants on various business opportunities available under ADB-financed projects, and also make them aware of the advantages of ADB-funded projects. During the seminar, the following questions were raised for clarification:

Ques. 1 Criteria for Shortlisting – As per the format for EOI submission, a consultant is required to include firms best 10 projects. Is the shortlisting done merely on the strength of these 10 projects objectively or is there an element of subjectively in favor of the Consultant who includes additional relevant projects?

Ans - The evaluation is done merely on firm’s 10 best projects. No weightage is given for the inclusion of additional projects.

Ques.2 Regarding 10 best selected projects – Is there any limit of periodicity for undertaking those projects? We have observed in some cases, the period is not mentioned at the EOI stage but is included in the TOR at the proposal stage.

Ans – if it is so, this issue can be addressed to Mr. Hiroyuki Maruyama, Principal Procurement Specialist, ADB at (tel: 011 30900600) who shall further bring it to the notice of the concerned person.

Ques.3 In respect of inclusion of CVs in the EOIs, as per the CSRN, it is not mandatory to project the CVs at the EOI stage in the QCBS selection whereas in case of CQS, it is mandatory to include the CVs. In case of QCBS, if the CVs are included, does the bank give any special credit or is the shortlisting done purely on the strength of 10 best projects?

Ans – In case of QCBS selection, it is not required to showcase CVs at the EOI stage. It won’t give any special credit as they are not evaluated. In fact, it would worsen the situation if the experts that you have showcased at the EOI stage will not be available at the proposal stage. It is not a good sign. Thus, the Consultant should not project CVs at the EOI stage in case of QCBS.

Ques.4 Can a Consultant who has prepared a TOR for a particular project participate in ensuing or downstream project?

Ans – It is debatable.

Ques.5 What should be the countries experience of an International Expert?

Ans – If an expert has to be deployed for an international position in his home country in that case, he should have work experience of 3 countries other than his home country. On the other side, if the same expert has to be deployed for international position outside his home country then, he should have experience of two countries other than his home country.

Ques.6 Is it possible to create an option for the local consultants in all the countries on the ADB site so that a consortium can be formed?

Ans- A Consultant can check the shortlisted firms on the ADB website and can build contacts.

Ques.7 Is it possible to have the feedback for the not shortlisted firms at EOI stage? Can the reasons be stated why the firm is not shortlisted for further improvements?

Ans- ADB feels that they should provide feedback for not shortlisted firms and shall see to it.

Ques.8 Can a Consultant show the same expert in the two projects while bidding?

Ans- No, one expert cannot work on two projects. However, if he is engaged on intermittent period, Consultant has to justify or demonstrate his availability for another project if he wishes to engage him in that project.

Ques.9 Do frequent trips of an expert have any impact (from home to other country and vice-versa)?

Ans- Yes, frequent trips of an expert not only lead to high cost but also cause obstruction in the implementation of the project.

Ques.10 What is the challenge in the preparation of Technical proposal?

Ans- The biggest challenge in the preparation of Technical proposal is writing skills. It should be eye-catchy, convincing. It requires special skills to prepare technical proposal. It is the most difficult challenge for the countries like Japan, China because their official language is not English. Consultants should also not copy paste and try to use the same terminology given in the TOR or other similar words.

Ques.11 What is the difference between Full Technical Proposal (FTP) and Simplified Technical Proposal (STP)?

Ans- FTP contains experience of the firm, methodology, work program, Personnel schedule etc. and personnel whereas, STP does not involve experience of the firm while the rest remain same as in FTP and both also carry different weightage in evaluation.