Bishopdale Community Preschool
Excursions Policy
Aim:It is our aim to provide a curriculum that involves exploring our community and extends children’s knowledge, skills and attitudes through exploration.
It is vital for the growing child to experience an environment where connecting links with the family and wider world are affirmed and explored, in order for them to develop a sense of belonging to their community and extending their own knowledge.
Is to ensure the safety of the children and staff during visits to the local and wider community.
- The ratio for informal walks around our community will be a maximum of 4 children to 1 adult and at least 2 staff will attend all walks. If the opportunity arises where the preschool would like to enjoy an activity together outside the center but within the community, then the supervisor will assess the risks and a maximum ratio of 8:1 will apply.
- The ratio for an excursion involving transport will be, in the case of public transport, 4 –1 children to adults. If we are intending to use private cars then the Education (early childhood centers) regulations 1998 will apply of 3:1. It will be the centre’s responsibility to ensure that all drivers hold a current license and that all cars hold current warrants of fitness and registrations.
- When a formal excursion is planned a Risk Management Assessment form will be worked through and written permission will be required by all parents/whanau of children attending the excursion. Parent/Whanau permission for informal walks is gained via the enrolment form.
- A first aid kit will be available on both informal and formal excursions and a teacher who holds a current first aid certificate will be available to administer first aid on all excursions/walks. A backpack that contains:- spare clothing, water, cell phone, sunscreen, any medications that a child may need, list of all children on the outing and the first aid kit will be taken on all excursions/walks.
- An excursion/outing book will record all excursions/walks taken by the children and at the front of this will be a recording of all children that are excluded, by parent choice, from attending excursions and all children that have a custody order included in their enrolment. If a child has a custody order they will be require to be with a staff member at all times while on walks or excursions.
- A roll of participating children will be carried by the Supervisor and will be checked by her/him when the group assembles and before leaving the destination of the excursion/walk.
- No parent help, student or visitor will be left responsible for children while on an excursion/walk or will they be asked to toilet children.
- Notice of cancellation of an excursion will be by phone on the morning of the planned trip.
- A qualified staff member and the appropriate adult:child ratio, as specified in Schedule 3 of the Education (early childhood centers) Regulations 1998, will be maintained at the center at all times should any child/ren remain.
DOP 1b, 4c 5c,,6
Reg 27 (3)
Date Adopted: October 2008Date for Review:2010
Excursions Policy