Bradley Elementary School Site Council Minutes
January 9th, 2017
1. Call to Order- 9:03am President Kathryn Luka
2. Approve Last Months Minutes-
a. Kathryn Luka motioned to approve minutes from December and Amanda Nguyen seconded, all approved.
b. Bradley Webpage has minutes posted under Site Council.
3. Principals Report- Dr. Culkin
a. District Accreditation: Dr. Culkin. District Accreditation planning is year zero. Year one will be next year. Teachers have started STAR testing to check for student progress this year in reading and math. (If students come home and talk about STAR testing.) State testing will begin at the end of February and go through April
b. Questions- none.
4. Volunteer Coordinator Notes- Amanda Nguyen
a. Please register hours for December no later than January 12th, 2016. Hours are important to be added to help the post with funding. Please put past hours in as this month. Volunteer appreciation day in April.
b. Volunteer of the Month: Andi Janoe
c. Kansas Day: January 26th, 2017 8:30am-10:30am at Patton Jr High for Bradley 3,4,5 grades. We NEED VOLUNTEERS. They will fill you in once you arrive where they need help. Bradley takes a trip there for the students to walk around and learn all about Kansas.
d. Spring Pictures: February 2nd, 2017. Volunteers needed for class pictures, new students and spring pictures. The sign-up genius will be resent via email.
e. Bradley Yearbook: What is the cut off date to order yearbooks for this year?
5. Programs- Joni Starling
a. Skateboard Science: February 16th, 2017 at 9am (but will double check the time). It has great reviews and the laser and science guys said they enjoyed it too.
b. Reading Day: March 3rd, 2017. Celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday. Bring in people from the community- Lamp, Fire Department, Dentist, Youth Sports and more to read to the students. Readers introduce themselves, tell the kids about their job and explain why they like reading. Then they read to the children. Great way to see the professionals in a new light. If you know anyone interested, please get them in touch with the VP Joni Starling.
6. Box Tops- Andi Janoe
a. Box Top Count: Two mailings (November/ December) and waited to get ONE check. $26.91 to mail in both boxes. We had a total of 2253 boxtops = $225.30.
i. Emily Bhatta - motion to reimburse money for mailing in boxes, Amanda Nguyen second, all in favor.
b. Next Boxtops Collection: January 25th at 12pm in the teacher lounge. Come help and count!
c. Next Popcorn Party: January 17th. The estimated total for supplies until the end of the year is around $200.
i. Kathryn Luka motioned for $200 budget, Joni Starling second, all in favor.
d. Pizza Party: TODAY! January 9th. The estimated total around $100.
i. Amanda Nguyen motioned for the $100 budget, Emily Bhatta second, all in favor.
e. (Register for bonus box top contests and coupons).
7. Bradley Spirit Wear- Carey-Leigh Cross
a. Do we want to open the shop again February/ March? Dr. Culkin said we have around 20 new students.
8. Teacher Appreciation- Emily Bhatta
a. December Cookie Exchange: Thank you to those who baked and brought in cookies for the teachers and staff before Winter Break! Thank you Joni and Amanda for helping too!
b. Teacher/ Staff Soup Lunch: Tuesday, January 24th, 2017. The school is amazing and the sign up is almost full.
c. January: Collect different $5.00 certificates to hand out to Bradley staff.
d. Teacher appreciation week: Teachers have been really helpful filling out information sheets on what they would like so we help students/parents with ideas.
9. Alibis:
a. Save the Dates:
i. March 2nd, 2017 from 5-7pm Family Math Night at Bradley.
ii. April 13th, 2017 doors open at 6pm/movies starts 6:30pm for Family Movie Night
iii. August 21st, 2017 is the Total Solar Eclipse at 1:15pm.
10. Next meeting Monday, Feb. 13th at 9am, Bradley Elementary School Cafeteria
12. Motion to adjourn meeting- Kathryn Luka
a. Seconded by Emily Bhatta.
b. Meeting adjourned at 9:40am.
c. All in favor.