Baseline Information Questionnaire
We would like to start by asking you about how you generally are in most situations:
In general: / Yes / No1 / Do you have difficulty making and keeping friends?
2 / Would you normally describe yourself as a loner?
3 / In general, do you have difficulties trusting other people?
4 / Do you normally lose your temper easily?
5 / Are you normally an impulsive sort of person?
6 / Are you normally a worrier?
7 / In general are you a perfectionist?
8 / In general, do you depend on others a lot?
9 / Do you think there is anything about your personality, that is to say the way you generally are, that needs to be changed?
We would now like to ask your use of other services in the past 6 months – if this is hard to remember, perhaps you could guess!
In the past 6 months: / No / Once / 2 or 3 times / More than 3 times1 / Did you make a routine (non-emergency) appointment to see your GP?
2 / Did you make an emergency appointment to see your GP?
3 / Did you attend an Accident and Emergency Department?
4 / Did you have an admission to hospital?
5 / Have you see a social worker, benefits or housing worker?
6 / Did you have contact with the Police?
7 / Were you arrested?
8 / Were you charged with an offence?
1 / Not at all unwell
2 / Very mildly unwell
3 / Mildly unwell
4 / Moderately unwell
5 / Markedly unwell
6 / Severely unwell
7 / Among the most extremely unwell
How mentally unwell do you think you are at this time?
(Please put a tick in the box beside the item which you think describes you best at this time)
On a scale from 1 to 100, how would you rate your current quality of life (where 100 represents best possible quality of life and 1 represents worst possible quality of life)?
I would rate my current quality of life as ...... out of 100
1 / Extremely unhopeful2 / Very unhopeful
3 / Unhopeful
4 / Neither hopeful nor unhopeful
5 / Hopeful
6 / Very hopeful
7 / Extremely hopeful
How hopeful are you that things will improve?
(Please put a tick in the box beside the item which you think describes you best at this time)
Please consider the statements below and for each one, please circle the response which best fits your experience during the last six months?
1 / I complete my tasks at work and home satisfactorily (please circle the most appropriate):Most of the time / Quite often / Sometimes / Not at all
2 / I find my tasks at work and at home very stressful (please circle the most appropriate):
Not at all / Sometimes / Quite often / Most of the time
3 / I have no money problems (please circle the most appropriate):
No problems at all / Slight worries only / Definite problems / Very severe problems
4 / I have difficulties in getting and keeping close relationships (please circle the most appropriate):
No problems at all / Occasional problems / Some problems / Severe difficulties
5 / I have problems in my sex life (please circle the most appropriate):
No problems at all / Occasional problems / Moderate problems / Severe difficulties
6 / I get on well with my family and other relatives (please circle the most appropriate):
Yes definitely / Yes usually / No, some problems / No, severe problems
7 / I feel lonely and isolated from other people (please circle the most appropriate):
Not at all / Not usually / Much of the time / Almost all the time
8 / I enjoy my spare time (please circle the most appropriate):
Very much / Sometimes / Not often / Not at all
9 / I generally have difficulties getting on with people (please circle the most appropriate):
Not at all / Not often / Sometimes / Very much
1 / Very much worse
2 / Much worse
3 / Slightly worse
4 / About the same
5 / Slightly better
6 / Much better
7 / Very much better
Compared with how you were when you started treatment, how would you describe yourself now?
(Please put a tick in the box beside the item which you think describes you best at this time)
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