ABC Christian School
Evaluation of Instruction Plan & Procedure
The purpose of evaluation of instruction at ABC Christian School is to continually evaluate and improve the skill and instructional quality of each teacher. Principals, with the assistance of department heads and other designated administrators, have the responsibility to evaluate and promote the growth and development of each teacher in their charge (Hebrews 13:17). They are to carry out their responsibilities in a gentle manner, not ‘lording it over’ their teachers (1 Peter 5:1, 2). Professional development is at the heart of formative instructional evaluation as we endeavor to develop long-term master teachers.
Annual Evaluation Schedule
During the first month of each new school year, each teacher will establish professional and personal goals and submit them to their principal for approval (Appendix A). These goals shall include professional development and personal growth plans and will be used by the principal throughout the year as a component of the summative evaluation process.
Throughout the school year, principals, along with department heads and designated administrators, will conduct formal (Appendix B) and informal (Appendix C) classroom observations formatively to evaluate instructional effectiveness. By mid-year, each teacher will have received a minimum of one formal observation. When necessary, a teacher may be placed on probationary status at this time until deficiencies are corrected (Appendix E). Contracts may be issued or withheld based upon the mid-year evaluation.
Formative Evaluation
The primary goal of formative evaluation is improved classroom instruction that produces a quality education experience for each student. Formative evaluation is designed to encourage professional growth for the teacher and to promote teamwork among the teacher, his/her principal, and the department head. Informal and formal observations in the classroom are critical for the formative evaluation process.
Principals, with the assistance of department heads and other designated administrators, are tasked with the responsibility to observe classroom instruction. Informal observations are conducted at will and verbal and/or written feedback is encouraged (Appendix C). Formal observations are scheduled in advance and begin with a pre-observation conference (Appendix D) to review the lesson plan, curriculum guide, syllabus, instructional strategies, assessment methodologies, etc. The formal observation itself is generally designed to be an affirmation that the teacher is able to implement the teaching plan successfully. During the formal observation, the observer completes the Formative Performance Report (see Appendix B). He/she then schedules a follow-up conference with the observed teacher to discuss and review the observation experience. Copies of the completed form are provided to the teacher, and are placed in the teacher’s professional development file.
Unscheduled, informal observations will occur throughout the year, giving administrators an ongoing sense of what is happening in the classroom and as an encouragement to the teacher. These unplanned visits will give the students and teachers a sense of accountability and will serve as part of the formative and summative process.
Summative Evaluation
The goal of the summative evaluation process is to appraise each teacher’s professional performance and instructional effectiveness through a broad variety of criteria. This evaluation assesses the teacher’s performance according to the Teacher Job Description (Appendix G). All formative evaluations (informal and formal) are considered in the total summative evaluation process. The Summative Performance Report (Appendix F) is completed, reviewed with the teacher, and placed by the principal in the teacher’s professional development file at the end of each school year.
Evaluation of Instruction Plan and Procedure
Appendix A
Goal Check
Before an employee’s performance can be evaluated, there must be specific performance standards in place. The purpose of the goal check is simply to provide an avenue to encourage continued growth and to discuss areas of weakness based on the goals that have been given.
Goals are set by the beginning of the school year. By mid-January, managers are to schedule a meeting with each employee to review the goals that were previously submitted. By mid-May, the end of the year results and an explanation should be completed. The final goal check should be copied and placed in the employee’s personnel file.
Employee’s Name: ______Date of mid-year check ______Date of end of year check______
Goals / Mid Year Check(State to what extent goals have been accomplished) / Projected Completion Date / End of Year Results Achieved
(State to what extent goals were accomplished, how well, etc.) / Explanation
(State if goals were fully achieved according to schedule and if not, why)
I have met with the above employee and discussed the goals (listed above) that were previously set. It was determined that the following steps of action will be put in place:
Supervisor signature Employee Signature
Copy distribution: __ Personnel File __ Employee __ Supervisor
Evaluation of Instruction Plan and Procedure
Appendix B
ABC Christian School
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Formative Performance Report
Evaluations use this form to maintain a record of evidence documented for each teacher performance standard. Evidence can be drawn from formal observations, informal observations, and other appropriate sources. This report is shared at a meeting with the teacher held prior to the Christmas break.
- Knowledge of Curriculum, Subject Content, and Developmental Needs
● Appropriate curriculum standards● Accurate knowledge
● Key concepts are integrated● High expectation
● Higher order thinking skills● Knowledge of developmental needs
● Relationship to past/future
□Evident□Needs Improvement
- Instructional Planning
● Clear, logical, integrated plans ● Curriculum materials
● Content alignment ● Differentiates instruction
● Coherent instructional plans ● Biblical integration
□Evident□Needs Improvement
-Page 1 of 5-
- Instructional Delivery
● Varied strategies ● Student involvement
●Variety of resources ● Relevance of instruction
●Appropriate pacing ● Biblical integration
□Evident□Needs Improvement
- Assessment
● Pre/post assessment ● Student ownership
● Timely feedback ● Re-teaches/accelerates
● Teacher records
□Evident□Needs Improvement
- Learning Environment
● Climate of trust and respect ● Classroom rules/routines
● Diversity appreciation ● Active listening, caring, fair
● Continuous improvement ● Safe and attractive area
● Exhibits the fruit of the Spirit
□Evident□Needs Improvement
-Page 3 of 5-
- Communication
● Correct language usage ● Staff communication
● Clear directions and explanations ● Work relationships maintained
● Parent/family communication
□Evident□Needs Improvement
- Professionalism
● Appearance and demeanor ● Contributions to the school
● Confidentiality is maintained ● Contributions to the profession
● Professional growth activities
□Evident□Needs Improvement
- Student Achievement
● Student achievement goals ● Instructional modification
● Data collection ● Evidence of goal attainment
● Formative assessment ● Collaboration with others
□Evident□Needs Improvement
-Page 4 of 5-
- Spiritual
● Unquestionable testimony● Role model
● Follows Matthew 18 principle● Daily Bible reading and prayer
● Personal holiness ● Called by God to serve at SCS
□Evident□Needs Improvement
- Personal
● Cooperates with the school administration● Emotionally stable
● Good public relations● Excellent attendance
● Submits respectfully to authority● Complies with school policies
□Evident□Needs Improvement
- Page 5 of 5 -
Areas of Improvement
Comments (Teacher)
Evaluator SignatureDate Teacher SignatureDate
Appendix C
ABC Christian School
Informal Classroom Observation Form
Teacher Observed______Department______
Date: ______Time: ______
- Appropriate curriculum standards
- Key concepts are integrated
- Higher order thinking skills
- Relationship to past/future
- Accurate knowledge
- High expectation
- Knowledge of development
- Clear, logical, integrated plans
- Content alignment
- Coherent instructional plans
- Curriculum materials
- Differentiates instruction
- Biblical integration
- Varied strategies
- Variety of resources
- Appropriate pacing
- Student involvement
- Relevance of instruction
- Biblical integration
- Pre/post assessment
- Timely feedback
- Teacher records
- Student ownership
- Re-teaches/accelerates
- Climate of trust and respect
- Diversity appreciation
- Continuous improvement
- Classroom rules/routines
- Active listening, caring, fair
- Safe and attractive area
- Exhibits the fruit of the Spirit
- Correct language usage
- Clear directions and explanations
- Parent/family communication
- Staff communication
- Work relationships maintained
- Appearance and demeanor
- Confidentiality is maintained
- Professional growth activities
- Contributions to the school
- Contributions to the profession
- Student achievement goals
- Data collection
- Formative assessment
- Instructional modification
- Evidence of goal attainment
- Collaboration with others
Observer’s Signature: ______Teacher’s Signature______
Appendix D
ABC Christian School
Pre-observation Discussion and Concerns
Date: ______Time: ______
- Appropriate curriculum standards
- Key concepts are integrated
- Higher order thinking skills
- Relationship to past/future
- Accurate knowledge
- High expectation
- Knowledge of development
- Clear, logical, integrated plans
- Content alignment
- Coherent instructional plans
- Curriculum materials
- Differentiates instruction
- Biblical integration
- Varied strategies
- Variety of resources
- Appropriate pacing
- Student involvement
- Relevance of instruction
- Biblical integration
- Pre/post assessment
- Timely feedback
- Teacher records
- Student ownership
- Re-teaches/accelerates
- Climate of trust and respect
- Diversity appreciation
- Continuous improvement
- Classroom rules/routines
- Active listening, caring, fair
- Safe and attractive area
- Exhibits the fruit of the Spirit
- Correct language usage
- Clear directions and explanations
- Parent/family communication
- Staff communication
- Work relationships maintained
- Appearance and demeanor
- Confidentiality is maintained
- Professional growth activities
- Contributions to the school
- Contributions to the profession
- Student achievement goals
- Data collection
- Formative assessment
- Instructional modification
- Evidence of goal attainment
- Collaboration with others
ABC Christian School
Observation Cycle
Teacher: ______
Pre-observation conference date: ______
Date of observation: ______
Lesson to be taught: ______
Type of lesson (direct teaching or cooperative learning): ______
Direct Teaching / Cooperative LearningLesson Element / Plans / Lesson Element / Plans
Anticipatory set / Explanation of academic and social objectives
Statement of objective/purpose / Teaching of necessary social skills
Input / Face-to-face interaction
Modeling / Positive interdependence
Guided practice / Individual accountability
Independent practice / Group processing
Pre-observation discussion and concerns: List on Pre-observation Discussion and Concerns form in appropriate section
Post-observation conference date: ______
Post-observation conference time: ______
Signature of teacher: ______
Signature of observer: ______
Date: ______
Appendix E
ABC Christian School
Faculty Probation Status
Teacher’s Name: ______Date: ______
Area(s) of deficiency:
Steps for improvement
Review Date: ______
Results of review:
Principal’s signature
Other participant’s signature
Teacher’s signature
Appendix F
ABC Christian School
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Teacher Summative Performance Report
Grade/Subject______School Year______
Evaluators use this form to provide the teacher with an assessment of performance. The teacher should be given a copy of the form at the end of each evaluation cycle.
- Knowledge of Curriculum, Subject Content, and Developmental Needs Rating
The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, and□ Proficient
the developmental needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences.□ Needs Improvement
● Appropriate curriculum standards● Accurate knowledge□ Unsatisfactory
● Key concepts are integrated● High expectation
● Relationship to past/future ● Knowledge of developmental needs
- Instructional Planning Rating
The teacher’s collaborative planning uses appropriate curricula, instructional □ Proficient
strategies, and resources to address the needs of all student and includes biblical □ Needs Improvement
Integration □ Unsatisfactory
● Clear, logical, integrated plans● Curriculum materials
● Content alignment● Differentiates instruction
● Coherent instructional plans● Biblical integration
-Page 2 of 5 -
- Instructional Delivery Rating
The teacher promotes student learning by addressing individual learning □ Proficient
differences and by using effective instructional strategies. Biblical integration □ Needs Improvement
is evident . □ Unsatisfactory
● Varied strategies ● Student involvement
● Variety of resources● Relevance of instruction
● Appropriate pacing● Biblical integration
- Assessment Rating
The teacher systematically gathers, analyzes, and uses data to measure student □ Proficient
progress, guide instruction, and provide timely feedback.□ Needs Improvement
●Pre/post assessment● Student ownership □ Unsatisfactory
● Timely feedback● Re-teaches/accelerates
● Teacher records
- Learning Environment Rating
The teacher provides a well-managed, safe, Christ-centered environment that is □ Proficient
academically challenging and respectful. □ Needs Improvement
● Climate of trust and respect ● Classroom rules/routines □ Unsatisfactory
● Diversity appreciation● Active listening, caring, fair
● Continuous improvement● Safe and attractive area
● Exhibits the fruit of the Spirit
-Page 3 of 5 -
- Communication Rating
The teacher communicates effectively with students, school personnel, families, and □ Proficient
the community. □ Needs Improvement
● Correct language usage● Staff communication □ Unsatisfactory
● Clear directions and explanations● Work relationships maintained
● Parent/family communication
- Professionalism Rating
The teacher maintains a professional demeanor, participates in professional □ Proficient
growth opportunities, and contributes to the profession. □ Needs Improvement
● Appearance and demeanor● Contributes to the school □ Unsatisfactory
● Confidentiality is maintained● Contributes to the profession
● Professional growth activities
- Student Achievement Rating
The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable individual □ Proficient
student progress, based on established standards.□ Needs Improvement
□ Unsatisfactory
● Student achievement goals● Instructional modification
● Data collection● Evidence of goal attainment
● Formative assessment● Collaboration with others
- Page 4 of 5 -
- Spiritual Rating
The teacher leads a separated Christian life that is exemplary in conduct and makes □ Proficient
a vital spiritual contribution to the life and work of the school. □ Needs Improvement
● Unquestionable testimony● Role model
● Follows Matthew 18 principle● Daily Bible reading and prayer
● Personal holiness ● Called by God to serve at SCS
- Personal Rating
The teacher must have regular attendance at school; must comply with all school □ Proficient
philosophies, policies, procedures, and rules; and must fulfill all responsibilities □ Needs Improvement
required by the school. □ Unsatisfactory
● Cooperates with the school administration● Emotionally stable
● Good public relations● Excellent attendance
● Submits respectfully to authority● Complies with school policies
- Page 5 of 5 -
Knowledge of Curriculum,
Subject Content, and
Developmental NeedsExemplaryProficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Instructional PlanningExemplaryProficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Instructional DeliveryExemplaryProficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
AssessmentExemplaryProficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Learning EnvironmentExemplaryProficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
CommunicationExemplaryProficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
ProfessionalismExemplaryProficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Student AchievementExemplaryProficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
SpiritualExemplaryProficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
PersonalExemplaryProficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Areas of Improvement
Evaluator SignatureDate Teacher SignatureDate
Superintendent SignatureDate
Appendix G
ABC Christian School
Teacher Job Description
Position Title: Christian schoolteacher
General Description: The Christian schoolteacher’s roll is to help students learn Christian concepts in all areas of curriculum matter and to help them internalize the subject matter, skills, and attitudes that will prepare them for Christian leadership.
Qualifications: The Christian schoolteacher must be one who has received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and shall be a member in good standing in a church of like faith and practice. The teacher shall be a person with spiritual, academic, and leadership abilities. The teacher shall reflect the purpose of the school to honor Christ in every class and activity.
The Christian schoolteacher shall be a college graduate, certified by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), evaluated by the administration to be capable of giving effective instruction to students at the assigned grade and subject level and called of God to the Christian school teaching profession.
Reports to: the principal
Supervises: students, student teachers, teacher aides, and volunteers
Performance Standards: The expectations for teacher performance are defined using a two-tiered approach.
Performance Standards