Date Released: 10-02-09 / Issue: 1
Approved by: President / Revision No. O
Uncontrolled Copy / Rev Date: 10-02-09
- Purpose and Scope
This procedureensures documents required for the effective operation (4.2.1 d)of our quality management system and to control our processes (4.2.1 d) are complete, accurate,and distributed to the appropriate location under our control (4.2.3).
This procedureapplies to the preparation, approval, issue, revision, and recall of all such documents, including, but not limited to:
- Part programs (CAM);
- Work instructions;
- Inspection instructions and records;
- Material and process specifications issued by Advanced Machine & Fabrication, or its customers;
- Quality manuals, procedures and additional instructions.
Records are another type of document and are handled according to a referenced related procedure. (QP 4.2.3)
- Definitions
DocumentInformation and its supporting medium.
FAAThe final approval authority of a document or process.
- Procedures
3.1 Document Write or Revise Documents
Prepares a draft of new or revised documents and may circulate copies for comment and/or approval. A unique title is given to each document. Ensures the document is legible (4.2.3 e) and dated (including revision date). A document owner and a final approval authority are established for each document. A brief description of the document is provided during the creation process. When revisions occur, a summary of the changes is recorded and made available to those with access to the document. A review cycle and retention period is established for each document.
3.2 DocumentReview and Approval of New or Revised Documents
Draft documents are reviewed for adequacy (4.2.3 a) and submitted for approval to the designated final approval authority by a specific date. Reviewers may include:
Management Representative: for all documents on master document indexes.
Vice President: all documents describing manufacturing operations
Approving Manager: managers of all other departments issuing documents related to the quality system.
3.3 FAAFinal Approval and Release of Documents
After a disposition is provided by those on the route, the route is completed by the final approval authority. If the document is approved, it automatically supersedes the previous version in the document management system in which the documents are maintained. The master list of documents is updated upon release. (4.2.3 c)
3.4 Mgmt RepMaintains Master Document Index
Maintains a distribution index(ices) of paper distributions of the following:
Policy Manual (level I) (4.2.1 a, 4.2.1 b;4.2.2)
Procedures (level II) (4.2.1 c)
WorkInstructions (level III)
Records (level IV) (4.2.1 e)
3.5 Mgmt RepDistribution of Copies
Information maintained includes to whom the document was issued, issue number if used, number of copies issued and the location for which the distribution was provided. This facilitates the retrieval of superseded documents when the need arises.
3.6 Mgmt RepDocument Access and Identification
Documents access is provided on an as needed basis(4.2.3 d). Ensures documents are readily identifiable (4.2.3 e) and included in appropriate binders.
3.7 Mgmt RepDestroy or Mark Obsolete Copies
Retrieves and destroys superseded/obsolete documents. Marks obsolete copies retained for reference as “Superseded,” “Expired” or “Rescinded.” (4.2.3 g)
3.8 Mgmt RepMaintain Master Document Index
Ensures policy manual(s) is reviewed as stated in the manual and initiates reviews of all procedures and instructions annually to ensure their accuracy, completeness, and continued relevance. Documents are maintained in a document management system to ensure ready access to the documents. Maintains a paper master copy of each current document on the master list.
3.9 Dept MgrReview Documents Status
Reviews all departmental documents periodically based on established review cycle. (4.2.3 b)
- References
4.1Related Procedures
QP4.2.3-2 Document Control – External Documents
QP4.2.4 Control and Maintenance of Records
4.2Reference Documents
ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9000QMS - Fundamentals and vocabulary
ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001QMS - Requirements
ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9004QMS - Guidelines for performances improvements
SAE AS9100C –QMS Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations
- Records
Master document indexQR4.2.3 cRetain for 1 year
Record of Revisions
Revision Date / Description / Sections AffectedRecord of Approval
Task / Name/Signature* / Job Title / DateProcess
Owner / ElizabethBarr / / Management Rep / 10-02-09
Approved By / Mike Barr / / Vice President / 10-02-09
*signatures on Master Copy only - Copy # 1 issued to the President
Date Printed: 10/29/2018 Issued To:N/A