CHM 111-03L

Exp 1


Your Name

Lab : 8/31/2009

Due : 9/7/2009

Turned-in : ______


Instrumental Uncertainties

{List the instruments that you used in the experiment which have measurement error. Here are 2 examples.}

1. Centigram Balance +/- 0.001 g

2. Analytical Balance +/- 0.0001 g

and so on...

Indeterminate Errors

{You need at least 3 indeterminate errors. You can give more. Each item should be one to two sentences. One sentence is usually enough. They MUST be complete sentences.}





{You need at least 3 sentences. You can write more. What were the goals of the lab and how well did you meet them. Example. For the density lab you could report that your density of unknown liquid was within 0.8% of ethanol and density of unknown solid was within 1.96% of zinc and so you conclude that these are what your unknowns are.}


CHEM 111

q Lab reports are due one week after the experiment is performed unless otherwise instructed.

q Lab reports are worth 15 points each, which includes 2 points for the Advance Study Assignment.

q One point will be deducted for each college day a lab report is late.

q The title page and discussion page must be word processed or typed.

Lab Report Rubric

_____ Advance Study Assignment: (Hand in before the start of lab.)


_____ Report Format:

0-1 Sections in order

Sections labeled

Used word processor

Used front pages only


_____ Title Page:

0-1 Course and section #s

Experiment number and title

Name and dates

_____ Data:

0-2 Blue/black ink

Neat corrections

Significant figures


Data page initialed

_____ Quality of results: (Are your results close to what is expected?)


_____ Calculations:

0-2 No math errors

Units included

Correct significant figures used

_____ Discussion:

0-3 (1) Instrumental uncertainties (Use the uncertainties handout)

(2) Indeterminate errors (At least 3 are required - one to two sentences each.)

(3) Conclusion Do you know the significance of the lab performed?

Content organized & reflective (Did you take enough time to do a good job?)

Good mechanics (You should spell correctly and use proper grammar.)

_____ Lab Work:

0-3 Worked safely

Cleaned up lab area