Yorkshire Street Medical Centre
Minutesof thePatient Participation Group (PPG)
Held onWednesday 14th November2012
Present:G Howley / Title:
Patient representative -Chair
J Westmoreland / Patient representative
R Aslin / Patient representative
M Beck / Patient representative
G Fort / Patient representative
Dr M R Walton / GP
J Doult / Medicines Manager
M Hartley / Practice Manager
K Thompson / Administrator
Dr P C Hartley / GP
Dr N J Hemsley / GP
L Nelson / Patient representative
E Green / Patient representative
D Lane / Patient representative
M Phelan / Medical Secretary
J Hartley / Practice Nurse
DR A D Sibson / GP
Dr H A Begum / GP
Agenda Item: / Summary of Discussion: / Action: / Timescale:
1 / Welcome, apologies & Introductions
Mr G Howley Chaired the meeting
Apologies as above.
2 / Minutes of previous meeting 27th June 2012
Minutes agreed as accurate record
Expert Patient Programme – Michelle has been unable to make contact with the course co-ordinator, however they agreed that the Practice should make one last attempt to see if a pilot group could be arranged for the programme. (following meeting another email was sent and returned ‘unsent’ – Michelle asked the PCT if the co-ordinator is no longer in post)
GF stressed the importance of East Lancashire offering the best Diabetes Care.
Back Pain Clinic – Dr Hartley has spoken to the Back pain Service to discuss capacity. At the present time, they appear to be managing demand very well; however they are looking at developing the service to include cervical spine/neck pain.
Dr Hartley to keep the group informed of these developments.
Music Event – Townley Music Event should offer a good opportunity for Dr Hemsley to offer Family Planning/Sexual Health Advice to the younger population.
Website has now been updated with the latest minutes and patient links.
The idea of a suggestion box had been considered, however the Practice felt that rather than have further expenditure it should promote the use of the other methods for giving feedback to the practice.
- Currently patients could complete a ‘satisfaction leaflet’ which are located in each waiting room.
- Practice email
- Complaints procedure
- All staff are accessible and approachable and patient can always feedback comments.
Magazines – the practice is always happy to receive recent edition magazines for the waiting room.
Future meetings agreed to be 3 monthly from 2013. /
GH / Next meeting
Next meeting
When info becomes available
3 / Commissioning
Commissioning Consortia Group for East Lancashire have now been assessed by the Department of Health and this has been very successful. The Primary Care Trust is now being run by GPs (CCG) and a large percentage of the original management and staffing have been reduced. / PCH
7 / PPNG – Next meeting will be 5th December at CVSBuilding Yorkshire St, Burnley, 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm– 4 new members.
Dr Hartley informed the group that the success of the PPG/PPNG was used as evidence in the East Lancashire Commissioning Consortia authorisation process.
Medicines Managers – RA told the group how he felt that the Medicines Manager was an important and essential role and that he felt each practice should have a Med Manager in post.
PCH said that the comments had been used to support the decision to offer other practices the opportunity of having a Med Manager. Our own Med Manager Jean Doult informed the group of the work she did to help offer support and assistance to patients on medication. This help is for ordering, compliance and help to reduce the waste of medicines. In East Lancashire it is thought that millions of pounds of medications are ordered but not used each year.
New Telephone Number – Michelle informed the group that the decision to change telephone systems was to improve the quality of communications both internally and externally, as well as offering a more cost efficient option. The new numbers will change on 10th December 2012 :
Telephone: 01282 731361
Fax: 01282 731360
The old number will have a message giving details of the new contacts for a period of 6months.
Any other business:
Again Dr Hartley encouraged patients to put forward issues to be discussed. These ideas could then be taken to the PPNG for further discussion. / GH
Date:Wednesday 6th February2013
Yorkshire StreetMedical Centre
12 noon – 1pm