Willard Intermediate School
Weekly Lesson Plans
Weekof: 2/8Grade: 7
Subject: STEMTeacher: Faust
Key Content Standards/Learning Objective:STEM labs are fully-integrated classroom programs custom-designed to meet our school’s unique academic objectives. STEM labs engage learners of all abilities through hands-on, minds-on projects in STEM, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics / Measurable Outcome/Assessment:
- Students will write the definition of academic STEM vocabulary words and be assessed on the mastery of the words.
-Students will demonstrate mastery of Mathematics through computer based enriched curriculum, ST Math.
- Computer assisted activity for concept development
Common Core/ELD Standard:
- Draw evidence from literacy texts to support analysis.
- Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. / Key Vocabulary/Academic Language:
See STEM Module for weekly vocabulary
Daily Focus:
Effective Instructional Strategies / Student Engagement / Checking for UnderstandingMonday / - Teacher will introduce students to a couple of expository text that relate to the modules that students are working on and/or will be working in the course of the year. / - Students will read the expository readings and site pieces of evidence from the reading into their literacy responses. / - As a class we will share out our answers and draw interferences from the stories in a large and/or small group setting.
- Student completion of computer activity.
Tuesday / - Teacher will introduce students to their modules and instruct on how to access their computers to start Day 4 on their module.
- Teacher will guide students through the module when guidance is needed. / - Students will work in groups of two on their individual modules.
- Computer assisted activities are provided to demonstrate what the students’ expectations are and what they will be working on in their module.
-Students will work together using the module manuals to complete Day 4 activities. / - Pair/share with their partner for completion of Day 4 on the module.
- Student completion of computer activity.
-Student completion of module activity
Wednesday / - Teacher presents new vocabulary words per module with working definitions for each word (5 words given per module).
- Teacher provides strategies to complete Word assessment. / - Students will turn in vocabulary cards from the previous week.
-Students may study with a partner prior to vocabulary assessment.
- Student independent creation and study of vocabulary cards. / - Independent formal assessment on vocabulary words.
-Independent formal assessment on Word (students may use computer as a reference tool).
Thursday / - Teacher will introduce students to their modules and instruct on how to access their computers to start Day 5 on their module.
- Teacher will guide students through the module when guidance is needed. / - Students will work in groups of two on their individual modules.
- Computer assisted activities are provided to demonstrate what the students’ expectations are and what they will be working on in their module.
-Students will work together using the module manuals to complete Day 5activities. / - Pair/share with their partner for completion of Day 5 on the module.
- Student completion of computer activity.
-Student completion of module activity