1820 Investment Group, LLC

Quarterly Investment Meeting – Meeting Minutes

Saturday, October 25, 2014 12:00 PM

Location: Lucid Agency,

51 W 3rd St Ste. E101

Tempe AZ


Dan Corey (X) / (President)
Justen Leicht (X) / (Vice President) / Kenneth Bonham (X)
Jesse Moreng / (Secretary) / Nick Jensen
Mike McDonald (X) / (Treasurer) / Jim Blakely
Chuck Coolidge (X) / (Sergeant at Arms) / Mike Vargas
Scott Kaufmann / (Tech Officer) / Mike Barber (X)
Tom Wahl / (Portfolio Manager) / Bill Plona
Mitch Anderson / Ike Wilson


Kenneth Bonham

Michael Barber

Chuck Coolidge

Dan Corey

Mike McDonald

Justen Leicht

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 PM.

New Business

Status of Portfolio from Tom Wahl

Organizational Matters

·  Administrative presentation is presented.

·  No sales to portfolio

Stock Recommendations

Due to absentees only 2 stocks were presented by scheduled presenter. Other members discussed both PG and APPL.

Time / Presenter / Name / Ticker
12:45 – 1:00 / Scott Kaufmann / Cree Inc. / CREE
1:05 – 1:20 / Tom Wahl / ADP, LLC / ADP

Quarterly Stock Selection

o  – CREE – Winner

§  10/27/2014

Michael Vargas motioned to discuss item involving attendance, busy schedules and possible solutions. The initial suggestion was to possibly cut quarterly meetings down. Much of group discussed but no vote was taken. Suggestions ranging from having less enforcement of attendance rules to decreasing meetings to increasing other meeting activities.

Vote was taken to move the annual meeting from summer to earlier in year for 2015.

Discussion moved into increasing membership and many ideas were brought to the table:

More members wanted, possibly move meeting location to ASU building, new member fees, acceptable hazing.

Next meeting

January 15th 2014

Future Business

·  Educational Presentation will be given by the following member during the next quarterly meeting:

o  Shane Thompson

·  Stock Recommendations will be given by following members during the next quarterly meeting:

Stock Pick / Jim Blakely
Stock Pick / Chuck Coolidge
Stock Pick / Jesse Moreng
Stock Pick / Ken Bonham
Edu. Presentation / Dan Corey

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 PM.

1820 Investment Group, LLC – Quarterly Investment Meeting, October 12, 2013 – Meeting Minutes 2