Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 7:01 P.M.

3110 RFD, LONG GROVE, ILLINOIS 60047-9613


At 7:01 P.M., Village President Underwood called the September 10, 2013 Village Board Meeting to Order.


Village President: Underwood

Trustees Present: Barry, Borys, Lyman, Marshall, Wachs, Yaeger

Trustees Absent: None

Village Manager: Lothspeich

Village Clerk: Locker-Scheer

Village Attorney: Filippini

Call To Order: Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance


Item: Homeowner Associations

Mardan Woods – Karen Schmidt

Item: Planning subdivision party on two driveways: Everyone welcome; bring a potluck dish.

Item: Potholes: Continuing issue.

Item: Old 53: Construction in the area down to one lane due to repaving. No construction flagger at the Mardan and Old 53 intersection. A resident turned with no visible traffic, not knowing that traffic had been given authorization to proceed in the oncoming direction. Driver encountered oncoming traffic and had a near head-on collision. Need flaggers at Mardan and other roads in between where the traffic is being directed to go one direction.


Item #1: Consideration Of An Ordinance Amending The Village Budget FY 2013-14 Increasing The General Fund Expenditures For Infrastructure Maintenance from $400,000 To $600,000 (Ord. 2013-O-12).

Resulting Infrastructure Funding Increased As Follows:

Current Budget: / Amended Budget:
Road Paving: / $600K ($400K General Fund + $200K MFT) / $750K ($550K General Fund + $200K MFT)
Street Signs: / $00 (Zero) / $50K (General Fund)
Total / $600K / $800K

Discussion: Trustee Wachs recommended putting monies into infrastructure fund. Ordinance is a proposed increase of $150K, with $50K for replacing road signs throughout the Village of Long Grove. Expect to get sign specifications complete and order in October.

Trustee Marshall moved to approve ordinance amending Village budget (Ord. 2013-O-12) increasing budget from $400,000 to $600,000; seconded by Trustee Wachs.


Trustee Yaeger – aye; Trustee Marshall – aye; Trustee Barry - aye; Trustee Wachs – aye; Trustee Lyman – aye; Trustee Borys – aye.

(Motion carried 6– 0).

Item #2: Village President Underwood.

Administration & Legislation

A.  Aptakisic Road Widening – Coordination Meeting - September 6, 2013 - Discussion: Village Manager Lothspeich gave a summary of the Aptakisic road widening. Main discussion revolved around the plan differences if it is widened to a three lane or five land road. If or when there are improvements to Route 83, this will be a five lane road. Current designs include a pathway on the north side of Aptakisic. The question is whether pathways should be on both sides of the road or one. The difference in price to Village would be the improvements in pathways; Federal versus State improvements change the cost percentages covered. Trustee Barry questioned whether there is a difference in pathways if you have the 3 or 5 lanes, and Village Manager Lothspeich said that it would increase the overall footprint width by 20 feet. Buffalo Grove has pathway on the north and sidewalk on the south. There would be a pedestrian-activated crosswalk at the intersection of Aptakisic Road and IL Route 83. Trustee Wachs wondered whether it would be beneficial to add a sidewalk while we are making improvements. Easement discussion moved to Executive Session. Request for a delay of the light for southbound 83 (e.g., period of double red), so that people are able to clear the intersection.

B.  IL Route 53 Extension - Update: Village President Underwood gave history that there was a “Blue Ribbon Committee” that did an assessment report on the IL Route 53 extension. At the time, past Village President Maria Rodriguez sat on the committee as a representative for the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission, not as Village President of Long Grove. In September 2012, there was a Long Grove Resolution supporting standards from the Blue Ribbon Report. Now, the Blue Ribbon Committee is being revived and Village President Underwood has been asked to sit on the Committee as the representative of Long Grove. Village President Underwood asked for the Board’s decision on her placement/position on the Committee. Village President Underwood feels that it is important to have representation on the Board if that is what the Board would like. In addition to participation, CMAP wants a letter of support from Long Grove. Trustee Marshall and Barry agree that it is very important to have representation on the committee. Trustee Barry felt that the Blue Ribbon Committee Report was the best that could be put together. Feels that all of the environmental recommendations will have to be enforced as they identify funding for each. Per Attorney Filippini, it is a nonbinding agreement. Trustee Borys referenced the Village's Comprehensive Plan and the mission statement opposing the extension Of IL Route 53 through Long Grove. Trustee Borys and Barry are in favor of participation but oppose signing of the letter. Trustee Lyman is OK with signing the letter. Trustee Wachs said that the letter supports a land use plan; was comfortable ratifying the resolution, but not signing the letter. Trustee Yaeger agreed that the Village should ratify the resolution. The Trustees came to agreement to ratify the resolution at the next meeting to support Village President Underwood sitting on the Committee.

C.  Upcoming Infrastructure Town Hall Meeting – October 8, 2013 - Update: Location has not been finalized, as response has not been received from Country Meadows Elementary /Woodlawn Middle School. Trustees reviewed the proposed presentation for the infrastructure referendum for a 10-year, sunsetted tax. Goal: To explain and express why there is a need for approval of the sunsetted tax. Plan: Have the Referendum on the April ballot. Discussion about communications and need to announce the meeting in the paper. Need to emphasize that the referendum tax will sunset at the end of ten years, as the Village reinvigoration would be complete and incoming sales taxes would be in place. Discussion on the issuance of bonds following referendum. Encourage residents to come on the 8th of October. Trustee Yaeger shared that Board has been struggling with this dilemma and this is felt to have the best value to make the necessary infrastructure repairs.

Item #3: Village Trustee Barry.

Finance & Pathways

A.  Treasurer’s Report for August 31, 2013 as reported on September 10, 2013 - Discussion: Report and bill packet included.
Trustee Marshall moved to approve the Treasurers report for August 31, 2013; seconded by Trustee Lyman.
Trustee Yaeger – aye; Trustee Marshall – aye; Trustee Barry - aye; Trustee Wachs – aye; Trustee Lyman – aye; Trustee Borys – aye.
(Motion carried 6– 0).

B.  Actual & Budget Comparisons for the Period ending August 31, 2013 - Discussion: Doing well on the income side lately, much resulting from building permits which are expected to drop off this winter. Notations and corresponding dollar amounts are in the spreadsheets regarding receipts from prior year. Lag from the time that we bill to receiving payment, which were accounted for in the accruals for the preceding year audit. Numbers appear ahead because a lot of the infrastructure funds are still in the account and have not been dispersed.

C.  Pathways Committee – Working on the purchase of an improved easement from the Long Grove Park District.

Item #4: Village Trustee Borys.

Environmental & Communications

No report.

Item #5: Village Trustee Lyman.

Economic Development

A.  Long Grove Business & Community Partners (LGBCP) Economic Development (ECODEVO) Committee - Report: Met on Monday, 9/9, focusing on enforcement of aesthetics of downtown (e.g., landscaping, upgrading of properties). Meeting on Wednesday, 9/11, regarding signage.

B.  Downtown Market Analysis & Permitted Uses.
Update and Village Board Workshop Date: Discussion about the possible meeting dates (November 12th or 19th) for consultant Bridget Lane of BDI Consultants work with the Village Board. The presentation is expected to last a couple hours and Business representatives will be invited. November 12: last night of the infrastructure referendum. November 19: this would be a special Board meeting, LGBCP has a meeting already scheduled for this date. The consensus of the Board was to have a Special Board Meeting on November 19 for the workshop and cancel the November 24 Board Meeting if possible.

Item #6: Village Trustee Marshall.

Building, Planning and Zoning

A.  Monthly Building Department Report – August 2013 - Discussion: Three new single family home permits issued and two new single family applications. This has been a good year for building permits, but not expected to be sustainable.

Item #7: Village Trustee Wachs.

Public Works

A.  Financing Options for the Funding of Roadway Maintenance and Improvements
Continued discussion: Topic covered in minutes for Item #1.

Item #8: Village Trustee Yaeger

Security and Sustainability

No report.

Item #9: Village Clerk Locker-Scheer

No report.

Item #10: Village Manager Lothspeich.

No report.

Item #11: Village Planner Hogue

Not present.

Item #12: Village Attorney Filippini.

No report.

Item #13: Approval of Board Meeting Minutes.

August 27, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes Village President Underwood – Item 3, Item 4 Brad Schneider’s Road Table. Trustee Lyman – August 20th attended by Village President Underwood. Item 8 – Trustee Borys and Trustee Marshall are both participating.
Item 1: Pathways – last sentence – delete the last sentence.

Trustee Marshall moved to approve the August 27 Board Minutes as amended; seconded by Trustee Barry.


All ayes, no nays (Motion carried 6-0).

Item: Executive Session.

At 8:02 P.M., Trustee Marshall moved to go into Executive Session to discuss (1) Executive Session Meeting Minutes; (2) Disposition of Property; (3) Investments; and (4) Litigation; seconded by Trustee Lyman.


Trustee Yaeger – aye; Trustee Marshall – aye; Trustee Barry - aye; Trustee Wachs – aye; Trustee Lyman – aye; Trustee Borys – aye.

(Motion carried 6– 0).

Item: Acquisition – Pathways.

Discussion: Trustee Barry shared that the Pathways Committee has two Board members from the Village of Long Grove and from the Long Grove Park District. The Long Grove Park District has approved the improved pathway easement agreement subject to attorney sign-off on the agreement. The contractor is waiting for approval to proceed, as they want to do the entire project at the same time. Long Grove has approved a leg of this to be worked on but the contractor wants to do all of the work at once. Village President Underwood to talk with Long Grove Park District President Jane Wittig.

Item: George Yaeger - Presentation.

Discussion: Discussed the importance of visual presentation with images and being presented by the appropriate individuals. Presentation by a unified board is the most important thing. This is a question to be put to the public. The Board has reviewed all options. Discussions about the presentation were the importance of visuals, e.g., pie charts. Recommendation to conduct dry run and time the presenters as if at the meeting and have the rest of the board critique.

Approve executive board Trustee Borys, Seconded by Marshall


All ayes, no nays (Motion carried 6-0).

Item: Adjournment.

At 9:14 P.M., Trustee Marshall moved to Adjourn; seconded by Trustee Barry.


All ayes, no nays (Motion carried 6-0).

Village Board Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2013 1