Present:Richard Moore (Chair)
Lizzie Clapham (Treasurer)
Jackie Kennedy Jan Fordyce (Committee member)
Mike Palfreyman Margaret Stenhouse
Margaret Tiplady John Stenhouse
Mark Bonney (Web master) Mark Breeze (Holmesterne)
Rachel Brace Donna Thompson
Rab Hastie (Sec) Syd Fordyce
  1. Apologies - Were received from: Paul Edworthy. Paul & Barbara Craggs by e-mail after the meeting.
  1. Welcome –Richard welcomed allfor attendingand apologised that due to the conservatory being used the meeting would be held in the bar area.
  1. Declaration of Interest / Conflict: - Nil
  1. Minutes – Richard read the minutes and asked that all confirm that the previous minutes were a true and accurate record of the previous meeting:
Proposed - Jackie Kennedy
Seconded - Syd Fordyce
  1. Matters Arising / Report from the Chair –
a. Letter of Thanks -Rab confirmed a letter of thanks had been sent to Castlevale and would also write a letter to Wensleydale and Holmesterne. Janconfirmed a letter of thanks had been sent to business’sthat made a donation to the Easter Hunt.
b. Volunteers for Railway and Association events - Richard reiterated the need for volunteers for both the railway and association events. To date uptake had been poor and therefore how should we proceed, it was thought we should appeal to individual strengths by asking appropriate persons.
c. Renovation project (carriages) - Richard thought that this issue had been resolved. Jackie said she would check to confirm.
d. Community Carriage - Richard outlined the principles behind the idea, no was update available due to Paul’s enforced absence.
e. LBRA/PC Update - Richard referred to the last minutes and confirmed the issues raised had been largely resolved. PC has confirmed a regular item on their agenda. Any major issues would be dealt with by the PC providing we inform the clerk at least 2 weeks prior to their meeting. All felt this was a big step forward and conveyed thanks to the PC.
f. Printing & Distribution of Flyers/Questionnaire - Richard thanked Syd and Jan for their hard work in distributing the flyers and questionnaire.
g. Members not attending meetings etc - Richard expressed concern at not receiving apologies for non attendance at meetings. It was however felt that there were still sufficient members attending. Those not attending will be asked to express a commitment to the association by individual contact through Richard or Rab. It was accepted not all would wish to attend meetings and this of course is fine.
h. Funding Bid -Richard said this was on going and Nicky Smith and Lizzie were liaising, no update was available. (Lizzie had to leave the meeting)
6. Easter Hunt – Richard informed the meeting that the Easter hunt had been a big success, although the hunt was free the tombola and raffle raised £184.40 which would be split between LBRA and Wensledale Railway after expenses. Clarification was sought regarding the donation to the railway. Would this happen for every event, answer no this was a one off thanks for the railway’s support. New members who attended the meeting and attended the hunt suggested we could have charged for entry to the hunt and that they would have been willing to pay.Markproposed a vote of thanks seconded by Richard, all were in favour.
7. Planting at Railway Car Park - Richard mentioned an e-mail conversation about the untidy state of flower bed outside the railway station.He has subsequently been in touch with Braithwaites who had givena commitment to supply plants free of charge. Syd agreed to coordinate the acquisition and planting with Braithwaites.Richard said he would Liaise with Nigel regarding the removal of gravel. Discussion took place to identify a potential date and it was hoped the opening could be a joint public relations exercise with the PC. (No date identified until a clearer indication when plants will be available)
8. Leeming Bar Litter Collection – As with item 7 it was decided a litter pick would be good for the image of the village, Rab had followed up regarding acquisitionof the necessary equipment. Equipment is available providing we give sufficient warning. Dates were discussed and it was agreed Sun 12 or 19 May depending on equipment availability.Again the PC was invited to participate.
9. Secretary’s Report - Rab reiterated the need for members not attending to tender an apology. Perhaps a letter / e-mail to discuss their future intentions is required. Rab also stated the Highways Agency had confirmed receipt of our application to erect NHW signs. Rab expects a response from them very soon.
10. Treasurer’s Report - Mark on Lizzie’s behalf reported on the finances, £65 in membership subscriptions, money out £216, balanceof £24.03. Donation income from Holmesterne £75, other business’s £60. Richard confirmed repayment of £120.20 to Mark for the money he had spent on arranging the website hosting etc.
11. Website and advertising – Mark reported on the visitor stats for the website, yet again we have seen new visitors in the period since last meeting, overall visits 98, new visitors 27. Overall views of the site 342, average visit duration 4 minutes and 46 seconds. Most visits are direct via then referrals from Google searches, FaceBook, Bedale-OnLine and British Towns Web-Site referrals. We have been visited from Kuwait and Trinidad & Tobago as our most distant guests.
Twitter we are following 38, and have 28 followers;tweets from the police and other such agencies are re-tweeted and appear on the FaceBook Group for LBRA, this group has 9 members, Jackie and Mark are administrators for the group. Quite clearly from the web-site hit rate we are reaching out to the wider world, we need to engage with the nearer community.
  1. Questionnaire– Richard stated the response to date was poor, of those received one had been placed in his front garden saying rubbish on it, another had been type written anonymously citing many activities in Leeming Bar but many take place outwith the village. One positive response had been received from a new member present at the meeting.
  1. AOB–Nil
Next LBRA Meeting: - Monday 13th May, 7pmat The White Rose Hotel.
Parish Council: - Thursday 24 April at Aiskew Leeming Bar School at 7pm.
Bedale and Villages Communities Forum - Thursday 23 May 7.30pm at
Bedale Hall
LBRA (Sec) / Actions
Richard/ Syd

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