Muraski PTA General Meeting
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Muraski Elementary School | Room 7

Welcome & Call to Order: President Carrie Dewes called the meeting to order at 9:30am. The following officers were present: Carrie Dewes- President, Stacie Hershkovitz – 1st Vice President, Vicki Maloney – Treasurer, Christine Bianco – Corresponding Secretary, Michelle Fabrizi – Council Delegate, Renae Reinhart – Council Delegate Alternate. Julee Welchko (Recording Secretary) – absent due to Santa Shop.

Attendance: Stacie Hershkovitz, Renae Reinhart, Carrie Dewes, Christine Bianco, Laura Housum, Amy Cassel, Melinda Lottig, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Tedeschi, Lisa Krenz (Total: 10)

Reading of the Minutes: November 12, 2014 general meeting minutes were approved by general consensus.

Treasurer’s Report: (Vicki Maloney)

·  Current bank accounts: Checking: $8,403.99 (as of 11/30/14), Savings $1,000.19 (as of 9/30/14), Total: $9,404.18

·  Netted $320 from Kalahari fundraiser.

·  Don’t forget to sign reimbursement forms prior to submitting.

Principal’s Report: (Mrs. Peters)

·  Todd Waites (positive behavior) assembly is today for 1st – 6th graders.

·  Aimsweb testing scheduled for 2nd week in January.

President’s Report: (Carrie Dewes)

·  Thank you to those who donated a fleece blanket for the Food Bank. Muraski collected 33 blankets!

·  Thank you to Cindy Andrzejczak for moving the Market Day pick up to a new location on a moment’s notice due to the power outage on 11/25.

·  The Muraski PTA webpage has been updated with current forms, minutes, board/committee chair list, etc. Reflections, DARE and RATR included.

·  Today’s assembly speaker, Todd Waites, has t-shirts available for purchase. 10% of sales go back to PTA, plus free shipping to the school. Visit

·  Michelle Mercuri is stepping away from her PTA duties due to health reasons. Crissy Macejko will co-chair Book Fair with Stacie.

·  I’d like to wish you & your family a wonderful holiday season.

Vice President’s Report: (Stacie Hershkovitz)

·  Nothing to report

Corresponding Secretary’s Report: (Christine Bianco):

·  Thank you letter from Marie McManus/DARE for our Bob Evans gift card donation (HS role models).

Council Delegate: (Michelle Fabrizi & Renae Reinhart)

·  Reflections entries are due 1/5/2015.

·  Another Chromebook/Google Drive workshop will be scheduled in January or February.

·  Founders Day is February 5th at 9:30am at the Rec Center. This year’s Muraski recipient is Vicki Maloney.

Standing Committee Reports:

A Room Parents/Parties (Michelle Fabrizi) Holiday parties are 12/18 from 2:30-3pm.

B Grants (Vicki Maloney) Vicki presented the list of grant requests. Of the 5 requests, 1 had already been fulfilled via Council Grant money. Another request was excluded as it was deemed a district responsibility. Vicki Maloney made a motion to approve the remaining 3 grant requests as presented. Motion was seconded. Vote was held with motion passing.

C Artsonia (Amy Cassel) Amy is need of help with taking pictures of students’ artwork. Will send out JBF and post to Facebook asking for volunteers. Mrs. Khavaran is still interested in Spring Art Show. More info to follow.

D Artsonia (Carrie Dewes for Marissa McNabb)

·  Entries are due 1/5/2015. Entry form and rules can be found in the office or at Ohio PTA’s website (Reflections tab).

E 5th Grade Girls Program (Lisa Krenz)

·  First meeting went well with 5 girls attending. Invitations went out to increase participation. Next meeting sometime in mid-January.

F Ways and Means

·  Fruit Fundraiser (Lisa Krenz): Asked for feedback on why participation was low.

·  Blue Sky/Green Fields (Lisa Krenz): Will check what our profits are.

·  Marco’s (Laura Housum): Tonight is pizza night. We’ve profited $408 in 3 months so far.

·  Malley’s Candy Sale (Laura Housum): Will contact Malley’s to start sale.

·  Potential for Wing Ding event in the spring.

Unfinished Business: none

New Business: Family Fun Night committee would like to hold movie night in February, possibly coincide it with another food drive. More info to follow.

Announcements: none

Dates to Remember


9th-11th – Santa Shop (Set Up 5th & 8th, Tear Down 12th)

10th – Todd Waites Positive Behavior Assembly, 1pm & 2pm | Marco’s Pizza Night
12th – Winter Concert, 10am

18th – Holiday Sing Along @ 10am | Holiday Classroom Parties, 2:30-3pm | End of 1st Semester

19th-Jan. 4th – Winter Break

5th – School Resumes | Reflections Entries Due

6th – Market Day Pick Up, 5:30-6:30pm in MP Room

8th – Council PTA Meeting, 9:30am @ Strongsville Library, rooms A & B

9th – Report cards go home
14th – General PTA Meeting, 9:30am, room 4 | 5th Grade Field Trip to SHS Planetarium (through Jan. 16th)

19th – No School, MLK Jr. Day

23rd – Rockin’ at the Rec, 6:30-9:30pm

Adjournment: December 10, 2014 at 10:15am