Bullying and Cyberbullying

Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may have bias.Check carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor.


TED Talks on Bullying Issues: and

It Gets Better Project - Project created by Dan Savage to inspire hope for young people facing harassment. A place where young people who are lesbian, gay, bi, or trans can see how love and happiness can be a reality in their future.


  1. Anti Bullying Network [ ] - Information for young people, parents and teachers on tackling bullying within schools.
  2. Bullies and Bullying [ ] - A look at what makes people bullies, how they pick their victims, and how to deal with them.
  3. Cope With Bullies [ ] - Weblog offers help for teens that are bullied at school. Learn how to cope with the effects.
  4. CyberMentors [ ] - A social networking place where you can find out about bullying and what you can do about it and also talk to mentors your own age.
  5. Dealing With Bullies [ ] - Find out why bullies act the way they do and how to stop them from picking on you.
  6. Equality Rules [ ] - Talks about respecting others whether male or female and standing up for those who are put down. English and French.
  7. Kids Against Bullying [ ] - Learn about how to respond to bullying by participating in games, viewing webisodes, and listening to real life stories.
  1. Let's Stop Bullying: Advice for Young People [ ] - Explains what to do if you or someone you know is being bullied, and how to get help.
  2. Stop Bullying Now! [ ] - US Department of Health and Human Services offers flash movies, games, and information about bullying and how to prevent it.
  3. Young People, Children and Bullying [ ] - Discusses who gets bullied, what to do, and who to tell.
  4. "Problem Solving to Prevent Bullying". 2010. Retrieved 2010-10-31. Discussion of typical psychological profiles of both bullies and their targets.
  5. "Bullying and Hazing: What Can We Do About These Problems?". 2010. Retrieved 2010-11-27. Attorney Fred Schultz discussion of hazing and hazing law
  6. "Safe schools: Breaking the cycle of violence". 2010. Retrieved 2010-11-27. Discussion of pro-active anti-bullying school plans by certified mediator, Meadow Clark.
  7. "Jay Banks NBC TV-10 "STAMP Out Bullying"". 2010. Retrieved 2010-10-31.Youtube video of NBC report on Jay Banks' anti-bullying program, advising targets to "project self-confidence".
  8. Whitted, K.S. (2005). Student reports of physical and psychological maltreatment in schools: An under-explored aspect of student victimization in schools. University of Tennessee.
  9. "The NSPCC working definition of Sexual Bullying". NSPCC. Retrieved 22 April 2010.
  10. Namie, Gary and Ruth Workplace Bullying Institute Definition
  11. Keashly L Faculty Experiences with Bullying in Higher Education Causes, Consequences, and Management - Administrative Theory & Praxis Volume 32, Number 1 March 2010
  12. Notelaers, Guy. "Exploring Risk Groups and Risk Factors for Workplace Bullying (Guy Notelaers) - Academia.edu". Unimaas.academia.edu. Retrieved 2012-03-20.


  1. "Dangers of Technology: Cyber-bullying, Stalking Can Have Damaging Effects | WHAS11.com | Consumer | WHAS11.com | News for Louisville, Kentucky." WHAS11 Louisville, Kentucky and Indiana News. 21 Nov. 2009. Web. 08 Apr. 2010.
  2. "CYBERBULLYING CRACKDOWN. (Cover Story)." Current Events 111.5 (2011): 4. Points of View Reference Center.
    Hayes, Susan. "Cyberbullies R 4 Real." Current Health 2 34.8 (2008): 16. Points of View Reference Center.
  3. Rosenbaum, Ron. "How To Trick An Online Scammer Into Carving A Computer Out Of Wood And Other Ingenious Acts Of Cyber-Vengeance." Atlantic Monthly (10727825) 299.5 (2007): 78. Points of View Reference Center.
  4. "Psychosocial Risk Factors Associated With Cyberbullying." Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter 26.10 (2010): 3. Points of View Reference Center.
  5. ZAY, SARAH. "What Sticks & Stones Can't Do, Facebook Will-And More!." USA Today Magazine 139.2790 (2011): 56. Points of View Reference Center.
  6. Rodriguez-Moore, Jennie. "Students get sobering lesson on cyberbullying." Record, The (Stockton, CA) 29 Sept. 2011: Points of View Reference Center.
  7. MELISSA, BLOCK. "The Rise InCyberbullying." All Things Considered (NPR) (n.d.): Points of View Reference Center.
  8. "Feedback." Teen Ink 23.1 (2011): 4. Points of View Reference Center.
  9. Orr, Becky. "Police: Cyberbullying victims need to get help from parents, teachers." Wyoming Tribune-Eagle (Cheyenne, WY) 02 Nov. 2010: Points of View Reference Center.
  10. Womer, Sarah. "Speakers: Cyberbullying can hurt even more than physical version." Sun, The (Yuma, AZ) 11 Aug. 2011: Points of View Reference Center.
  11. Sinco Kelleher, Jennifer. "Teen speaks out against cyberbullying at Congressional committee." Newsday, (Melville, NY) 24 June 2010: Points of View Reference Center.
  12. Ben, Bryant. "Sex, drugs and the rise of cyberbullying." Evening Standard 21 Dec. 2010: 20. Points of View Reference Center.
  13. Snakenborg, John, Richard Van Acker, and Robert A. Gable. "Cyberbullying: Prevention And Intervention To Protect Our Children And Youth." Preventing School Failure 55.2 (2011): 88-95. Academic Search Premier.
  14. Stewart, Daniel M., and Eric J. Fritsch. "School And Law Enforcement Efforts To Combat Cyberbullying." Preventing School Failure 55.2 (2011): 79-87. Academic Search Premier.
  15. Ang, Rebecca P., and Dion H. Goh. "CyberbullyingAmong Adolescents: The Role Of Affective And Cognitive Empathy, And Gender." Child Psychiatry & Human Development 41.4 (2010): 387-397. Academic Search Premier.
  16. Belnap, Allison. "Tinker At A Breaking Point: Why The Specter Of Cyberbullying Cannot Excuse Impermissible Public School Regulation Of Off-Campus Student Speech." Brigham Young University Law Review 2011.2 (2011): 501-533. Academic Search Premier.
  17. CadieComeaux, et al. "Comparing Children And Adolescents Engaged In Cyberbullying To Matched Peers." Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 13.2 (2010): 195-199. Academic Search Premier.
  18. ACCORDINO, DENISE B., and MICHAEL P. ACCORDINO. "An Exploratory Study Of Face-To-Face And Cyberbullying In Sixth Grade Students." American Secondary Education 40.1 (2011): 14-30. Academic Search Premier.
  19. Price, Megan, and John Dalgleish. "Cyberbullying Experiences, Impacts And Coping Strategies As Described By Australian Young People." Youth Studies Australia 29.2 (2010): 51-59. Academic Search Premier.
  20. SLONJE, ROBERT, and PETER K. SMITH. "Cyberbullying: Another Main Type Of Bullying?." Scandinavian Journal Of Psychology 49.2 (2008): 147-154. Academic Search Premier.
  21. Sbarbaro, Victor, and Theresa M. Enyeart Smith. "An Exploratory Study Of Bullying And Cyberbullying Behaviors Among Economically/Educationally Disadvantaged Middle School Students." American Journal Of Health Studies 26.3 (2011): 139-151. Academic Search Premier.
  22. Couvillon, Michael A., and VesselaIlieva. "Recommended Practices: A Review OfSchoolwide Preventative Programs And Strategies On Cyberbullying." Preventing School Failure 55.2 (2011): 96-101. Academic Search Premier.
  23. Cowie, Helen, and Pat Colliety. "Cyberbullying: Sanctions Or Sensitivity?." Pastoral Care In Education 28.4 (2010): 261-268. Academic Search Premier.
  24. Walrave, Michel, and WannesHeirman. "Cyberbullying: Predicting VictimisationAnd Perpetration." Children & Society 25.1 (2011): 59-72. Academic Search Premier.
  25. PATCHIN, JUSTIN W., and SAMEER HINDUJA. "CyberbullyingAnd Self-Esteem." Journal Of School Health 80.12 (2010): 614-621. Academic Search Premier.
  26. Reece, Tamekia. "Cyberbullying 411." Current Health Teens 38.5 (2012): 7-9. Academic Search Premier.
  27. Giulio E. Lancioni, et al. "CyberbullyingAmong Students With Intellectual And Developmental Disability In Special Education Settings." Developmental Neurorehabilitation 12.3 (2009): 146-151. Academic Search Premier.
  28. Neil Tippett, et al. "Cyberbullying: Its Nature And Impact In Secondary School Pupils." Journal Of Child Psychology & Psychiatry 49.4 (2008): 376-385. Academic Search Premier.
  29. Feinberg, Ted, and Nicole Robey. "Cyberbullying." Education Digest 74.7 (2009): 26-31. Academic Search Premier.
  30. HOLLADAY, JENNIFER. "Cyberbullying." Education Digest 76.5 (2011): 4-9. Academic Search Premier.
  31. Maher, Damian. "Cyberbullying." Youth Studies Australia 27.4 (2008): 50-57. Academic Search Premier.
  32. Vandebosch, Heidi, and Katrien Van Cleemput. "Defining Cyberbullying: A Qualitative Research Into The Perceptions Of Youngsters." Cyberpsychology & Behavior 11.4 (2008): 499-503. Academic Search Premier.
  33. Wong-Lo, Mickie, and Lyndal M. Bullock. "Digital Aggression: Cyberworld Meets School Bullies." Preventing School Failure 55.2 (2011): 64-70. Academic Search Premier.

JSTOR Articles

  1. Observations of Bullying in the Classroom, Rona S. Atlas, Debra J. Pepler, The Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 92, No. 2 (Nov. - Dec., 1998), pp. 86-99. (JSTOR login required)
  2. Interrupting the Cycle of Bullying and Victimization in the Elementary Classroom, Karen Siris, Karen Osterman, The Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 86, No. 4 (Dec., 2004), pp. 288-291. (JSTOR login required)
  3. Bullying, Harassment and Violence Among Students, Nan Stein, The Radical Teacher, No. 80, TEACHING BEYOND "TOLERANCE" (Winter 2007), pp. 30-35. (JSTOR login required)
  4. Bullying or Peer Abuse at School: Facts and Intervention, Dan Olweus, Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol. 4, No. 6 (Dec., 1995), pp. 196-200. (JSTOR login required)
  5. Bullying In Schools, VidyaRao, John Wright, Cameron Stark, BMJ: British Medical Journal, Vol. 310, No. 6986 (Apr. 22, 1995), pp. 1065-1066. (JSTOR login required)
  6. Bullying and the Politics of 'Telling', Christine Oliver, Mano Candappa, Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Feb., 2007), pp. 71-86. (JSTOR login required)
  7. Understanding and Preventing Bullying, David P. Farrington, Crime and Justice, Vol. 17 (1993), pp. 381-458. (JSTOR login required)
  8. Teachers' Understanding of Bullying, Faye Mishna, IolandaScarcello, Debra Pepler, Judith Wiener, Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2005), pp. 718-738. (JSTOR login required)

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