/ The Society for the Study of Labour History
Registered Charity no.288599
The SSLH Postgraduate Research Bursary is designed to support archive and library research that will contribute to original postgraduatelevel-research on a labour history topic. The scheme also applies to independent researchers and post-doctoral researchers not currently employed. All applicants must be a member of the SSLH at the time of application.
Name of Applicant
Total amount requested
Date of Research (please indicate here the dates when the supported research would occur)
Title of thesis, name of institution, year of study, and names of supervisors
Summary of Project (please give a brief summary of the nature of the project in no more than 250 words)
Summary of Research Trip/s (please explain the research that will be carried out, and its significance for the overall project)
Previous Applications to the Society (both successful and unsuccessful – please specify exact award amounts if successful). As no more than £1000 from the general fund can be awarded in any 12 months period, applications that are economically costed may stand more chance of success.
Please specify other funding sources approached (we encourage such approaches and your supervisor should also confirm in writing that no other funding source from the University or grant-awarding body is available.
Please suggest two referees whom the Society may approach for an evaluation of the proposal. (The Society may also approach referees other than those nominated.)
Payment arrangements (if successful, to whom should a cheque be payable)
Requirements for bursary holders
You are requested to acknowledge support of the SSLH in your PhD thesis and/or related publications
On presentation of final receipts you will be expected to provide the Society with a 300 word report on the activities supported by this bursary and how it will contribute to your research. This report will be published on the Society’s website. Full payment of the bursary will not be made until this short report has been submitted
BUDGET / Amount (£) / Explanation
Other (please specify)

In exceptional cases, if repeat trips are made, it may be possible to pay the bursary in instalments.


Please email your completed application form to DrDavid Lyddon

Bursary applications will be considered 4 times per year

The first round of applications will be considered at the end of March 2013 and thereafter at the end of June, September and December

The SSLH will reply to all requests, irrespective of whether they have been successful. Unless further information is needed, you can expect to be notified within three weeks of the closing date.

Please note – the maximum amount offered to applicants is £500