1.  Dates: Wednesday March 11 – Wednesday March 25

2.  General overview of things to do in Ecuador (see attachment #1)):

  1. Trips to various places near Quito:

i.  Pichincha: Quito, Mitad del Mundo, Mindo

  1. Imbabura: Ibarra, Otavalo, Cotacachi, Cuicocha
  2. Tungurahua: Ambato, Quisapincha

3.  How do we prepare our students for this trip?

  1. Ecuador Elective: meets during Winter, 2009 (see attachment #2)

4.  Money: costs are approximations

  1. Flight $1,100 approximately (paid to travel agency)
  2. Travel insurance (see for a variety of travel insurance plans, or talk to the travel agency), or purchase with agency when purchasing ticket for $70 (paid to travel agency)
  3. Spending money $300 (suggested)
  4. Visit to the Travel Nurse
  5. Airport departure tax $40.80 (to Barb Spurlin)
  6. Gift to school in Ecuador $20 per student (to Barb Spurlin)
  7. Cost of chaperone’s trip and other expenses will be divided among the participants and will be paid first week of February to Barb Spurlin

5.  Fundraising: managed by parents of those students going on the trip. Participation in fundraising is optional. Contact Diane Flynn for more information.

6.  Statement of Student Expectations and Trip Policies (see attachment #3)

7.  Checklist of things to accomplish before trip (see attachment #4)

8.  Please contact me at with any questions regarding the trip, or at home at 318-0391. Cell phone 469-6859

9.  Website with information about Ecuador:


Attachment # 1: Sample Calendar of Activities in Ecuador

Date / Time / Activities
Tursday April 2nd / 8:00 p.m. / Arrival in Quito. Families meet students at the airport and take them to their homes.
Friday April 3rd / 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. / School. Welcoming assembly. Normal school classes. Hot lunch is provided every day to exchange students at school. Snack bar is open during lunch and recess and students can purchase sodas, chips, etc.
Saturday April 4th / 10:00 a.m. / Students, host siblings, and chaperones take the school bus to a province north of Quito, Imbabura. They visit a traditional open market, a lake, and city known for its leather products. They have lunch in a nice restaurant located in a traditional “hacienda”. Typical music and dancers during lunch.
Sunday April 5th / Activities organized by host families
Monday April 6th / Vacation. Carnaval (holiday where young people play with water)
Activities organized by host families.
Tuesday April 7th / Vacation. Carnaval.
Activities organized by host families.
Wedn. April 8th / 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m / Regular school day until 4:00 p.m.
Thursday April 9th / 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m
4:00 to 7:00 p.m / Regular school day.
Tour of Colonial Quito. Admire its unique architecture. Visit Panecillo and the Museum of the City.
Friday April 10th / 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m / Regular school day. Presentation by MCDS students.
April 11th / 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 pm. / Trip to Nanegalito and Mindo. Visit a cloud forest and observe its unique ecosystem. See an incredible variety of butterflies and orchids.
Sunday April 12th / Palm Sunday (Students can observe many cultural traditions that mix the Christian and the indigenous beliefs).
Activities organized by host families.
Monday April 13 / 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m
4:00 to 6:00 p.m. / Regular school day.
Visit Park Vulcano and ride in the cable-car in the afternoon. See the view of the city, its valleys, and the Andes, from Mountain Pichincha. There is also a small amusement park and some restaurants where students will eat. Very cold and windy due to high altitude. Wear warm clothes.
Tuesday April 14 / 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m / Regular school day.
Wedn. April 15 / 7:45 a.m
7:00 pm. / Trip to province of Tungurahua. Visit Ambato and Quisapincha.
April 16 / 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m / Regular school day. Farewell assembly.
Friday April 17 / 7:00 a.m. / Return to Madison.

Attachment # 2: Ecuador Elective – Contents Covered

  1. Geography and general history of Ecuador
  2. General information regarding the trip: documents needed, money management tips, health tips
  3. Packing list
  4. Food
  5. Additional cultural information: greetings, Carnaval, etc.
  6. Grading rubric for the trip
  7. Journal of their trip (included in their grade)
  8. Information about their chaperone
  9. Interesting websites to learn more about Ecuador
  10. Situations: in order to prepare students for challenging moments during their trip, they will read, discuss, and role-play a variety of situations. They will be encouraged to share these situations at home.
  11. Preparation of their presentation in Ecuador.

Attachment #3: Statement of Student Expectations and Trip Policies

The trip to Ecuador is, first and foremost, an opportunity for you to put into practice what you have learned in class. You will demonstrate a mastery of the language skills covered in class, as well as an understanding of and ability to work within Ecuadorian social practices.

You will demonstrate enthusiasm and dedication by eagerly participating in class and by showing effort on assignments.

You will demonstrate ability to function as a member of a group by working willingly with peers in class and in trip-related activities.

You are expected to attend all meetings and the Ecuador Elective (Winter 2008-2009). No-shows without prior consent may result in your removal from the trip. If necessary, after school meetings will be arranged for practicing presentations.

You are required to turn in all paperwork and payments by their deadlines. Failure to do so may result in your removal from the trip.

Participation in fundraising projects is optional; you will not be asked to participate against your will. Profits from each fundraising project will be divided only among those students who participated in the project.

You can choose to use your individual fundraising profits at any time. General funds will be used to pay for smaller expenses when appropriate. In the event that general funds remain after all expenses have been paid, they will be divided among trip participants just before the trip. Individual accounts that remain will also be dispersed at that time.

In the event that you voluntarily or involuntarily withdraw from the trip, all payments made until your withdrawal will be forfeited to the general fund. Profits from fundraising will also be relegated to the general fund.

Chaperones, the foreign language department, and/or the school administration reserve the right to excuse any student from participation in the trip if he/she does not show sufficient language/cultural skills, fails to put forth effort in class, demonstrates a lack of responsibility or maturity, shows an inability to function as part of a group, or if his/her participation in the trip would put the success of the trip in jeopardy.

Every effort will be made to incorporate suggestions from the students; however, final decisions will be at the discretion of the chaperone, the foreign language department, and/or the school administration.

I have read and agree to abide by the above.

Student signature: Parent signature:

Attachment #4

Checklist of things to accomplish before trip

Ecuador – April 2009

____ Appointment at travel clinic (call clinic 4 to 5 months before trip and

set up an appointment). Bring list of provinces that student will visit (Pichincha, Imbabura, Tungurahua, and maybe the Coast), in order for nurse to decide which shots they suggest your child should get.

Call in December or January and schedule your visit 6 weeks before the trip. They like to do a follow up for the shots or medication needed. No vaccine is required to enter Ecuador but we recommend: Hep A and B, Typhoid, yellow fever (outside urban areas), as needed booster doses for tetanus-diphtheria and measles. Here are some places you can go depending on your insurance:

a) Internal Medicine at University Station, 2880 University Avenue

Phone: 263-7500

b) Travel Clinic at 20 South Park St. Phone: 287-2435

c) Dean Travel Clinic at 1313 Fish Hatchery Rd. Phone: 252-8000

d) Group Health Cooperative at 675 West Washington Av.

Phone: 257-9700

____ Obtain a passport valid for at least 6 months (from date of the trip). I

suggest doing it during the Summer.

____ Make 3 copies of your passport (leave one with your parents and give

2 copies to Profesora Banomera).

____ Travel insurance (should be purchased within 15 days of purchasing

ticket to have complete coverage). Purchase is optional. Please, keep the travel insurance certificate number in a safe place in case you need to use it, and leave a copy with Ana Banomera. See variety of plans at

____ 2 copies of proof of travel insurance (Give one to Profesora Banomera)

____ 2 Copies of proof of medical insurance (Give one to Profesora


____ Buy international phone card.

____ Contact host family (upon receiving host family information)

____ Travel authorization letter notarized by Barb Spurlin or another notary.

____ Purchase plain ticket at travel agency when notified by Ana Banomera.

____ Sign student/parent/teacher Contract for Ecuador Trip before going.

All necessary documents must be handed in to Profesora Banomera by the last week of January, 2009 (you have one year to complete this).

The last 4 items will be completed when information is provided by Ana Banomera.

Note: Name in passport and on plain ticket must be identical

Foreign Travel Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement

I, ______, do desire and intend to participate in exchange program with ______.

I understand that there are certain dangers, hazards, and risks inherent in international travel and the activities included in the program, and I agree to assume all risks and responsibilities related thereto. I hereby waive and release all claims against Madison Country Day School , its Trustees, officers, agents, and employees from any and all obligations to me, my heirs, executors and assigns for any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay or expense resulting from my participation in the Program, including, but not limited to, that which may result from the use of any vehicle, strikes, war, weather, sickness, quarantine, or government restrictions or regulations.

I do further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Madison Country Day School, its Trustees, officers, agents, and employees, with regard to any financial obligations or liabilities that I may personally incur or any damage or injury to my person or property or to the person or property of others that may occur while participating in the Partnership including attorney's fees and court costs. Furthermore, I understand that Madison Country Day School, it’s Trustees, officers, agents and employees cannot assure that U.S. standards of due process apply in overseas legal proceedings or provide or pay for legal representation.

I understand that Madison Country Day School, it’s Program, officers, agents and employees cannot monitor or control all of the daily personal decisions, choices and activities of individual participants including the prevention of participants from engaging in illegal, dangerous or unwise activities.

I understand that Madison Country Day School, its Program, officers, agents and employees are not responsible for any injury or loss whatsoever suffered by me during periods of independent travel, and the Program has full authority to take whatever action it may consider to be warranted under the circumstances regarding my health and safety, and I fully release each of them from any liability for such decisions or actions as may be taken in connection therewith. In the event that the Madison Country Day School or its agents advance or loan any monies to me or incur special expense on my behalf while I am abroad, I agree to make immediate repayment upon my return.

I understand that Madison Country Day School, its Program, officers, agents and employees cannot assume responsibility for the actions of persons not employed or otherwise engaged by MCDS, for events that are not part of the program, or that are beyond the control of MCDS, or subcontractors, or for situations that may arise due to the failure of a participant to disclose pertinent information.

I understand that Madison Country Day School, its Program, officers, agents and employees cannot assure that home-country cultural values and norms will apply in the host country.

I hereby assure Madison Country Day School that I have consulted with a medical doctor with regard to my personal medical needs such that I can and do further state that there are no health-related reasons or problems which preclude my participation in the Program.

I understand that I am responsible for and that I am required to maintain adequate health, life, accident and repatriation insurance coverage while I am traveling as a participant in the Partnership.

I understand that Madison Country Day School, it’s Trustees, officers, agents and employees reserve the right to cancel the trip, and to make alterations in trip and itineraries as may be required. I further understand that Madison Country Day School, it’s Trustees, officers, agents and employees are not responsible for changes or alterations to or cancellation of the program by the host institution.

In signing this Release, I acknowledge and represent that I have become fully informed of the content of this waiver of liability and hold harmless agreement by reading it before signing it, and by signing this document as my own free act and deed confirm that no oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart from the foregoing written statement have been made.


Signature of Participant Signature of Parent/Guardian

Printed Name Relationship to Participant

______Date of Signature Date of Signature


Signature of Parent/Guardian

Relationship to Participant

______Date of Signature


It is required that you have adequate health insurance coverage while traveling abroad. Failure to carry insurance can result in the delay or denial of treatment. Adequate health insurance provides coverage for:

1) Treatment and medications administered abroad;

2) Emergency evacuation should you need to be rushed to a hospital abroad or back to the US; and

3) Repatriation of your remains in the event of your death.

Please check to see if your current health insurance provides adequate coverage while you are abroad.