5th Grade Fall Program

Hello! My name is Miss Ramey. I am so excited to be teaching music to the students of Burris & Hatfield Elementary. Every year I look forward to seeing and hearing the students perform. In order for students to experience the music they are learning completely, they need to participate in a performance. I love seeing students show their talents on stage and how their confidence increases as a result. We are going to be learning all of the music in the classroom. (Students have the choice to practice the songs on my website: rameytmusic.com or with the Practice CD.) I expect every student to participate in their grade level performance, if at all possible. This is their time to show off everything they have been learning in the classroom. Each student will get a grade for participating in the show, during the school day. They will receive bonus points for the evening performance. If a student misses both the day and the night concert they will have to videotape themselves with their chrome book performing the songs with the music playing, so that I can give them a grade for performing.

This year the theme for Grade 5 is Shootin’ For The Stars. Their concert will be on Thursday, November 16, 2017, at 6:00p.m. in the Burris Gymnasium. Save the date! Students should meet in their classroom at 5:40p.m. Everyone is invited.

Students are to dress in their best. Our theme colors are black, white, gold & silver. I don’t expect anyone to go out and buy anything, but I would like at least one or two of these colors represented in their outfit.

Parents if you would like to help decorate for the concert the dates are Tuesday, Nov. 14 & Wednesday Nov. 15, from 3:30-5:30p.m., to set up in the gym. The more people that come, the less time it takes. Dads are welcome too. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you!

Miss Ramey

Detach and return the bottom portion to Miss Ramey by Friday, October 6, 2017.

I am aware that ______is in the 5th Grade program this year and that the concert

Son/Daughter’s Name

is scheduled for Thursday, November 16, 2017, at 6:00p.m. Also, that he/she is to be in his/her classroom, at 5:40p.m. for attendance and to line-up in their riser order for the show. (If your child will not have a ride, due to you having to work, please check with their classmates parents. I am sure there are people willing to carpool. Some children are very upset when they do not get to perform and are not in the DVD. We will only be recording the evening performance, unless I have a volunteer to record the day performance also. )

If you have interest in helping, check one or more. I could not do this without you. Thank you!

Decorate Tues. Nov. 14_____ Decorate Wed. Nov. 15____ Take Pictures______Video the concert______

If you volunteered to help, please provide your phone number, so we can text a reminder of the date and time you signed up to help. Thank you for volunteering your time. ______

Parent Signature______Home Room Teacher______