February 10, 2005


1.  Meeting Called to Order at 7:03 p.m.

2.  Roll Call

Chapman, Ed / X
Diediker, Nona / X
Lavey, George (Chairman) / X
Panisko, Peggy / X
Ramsdell, Van / X
Seiler, Scott / X
Bostrum, Randy (EDB) / X

3.  Approval of the Agenda – Changes to the agenda were approved.

4.  Approval of the Minutes – Upon motion by Commissioner Ramsdell, seconded by Commissioner Bostrum, the Commission unanimously approved the January 13, 2005 minutes of the regular meeting.

5.  Announcements, Reports and Comments –

Randy Bostrum – Joint meeting with the EDB in for the 2nd meeting in March.

6.  Citizen Public Comments – none.

7.  Presentations/Public Hearings/Open Record Hearings -

B. Open Record Hearing - Change to the West Richland Municipal Code to include: House Banked Card Rooms as a primary permitted use in C-1 and C-G Commercial Districts – Pete Squires presented the staff report and a brief background to the agenda item; George Lavey opened the meeting for citizen comments at 7:24 pm with a three-minute time limit established.

Stephen Cossalter, 2211 W. Canal Drive, Kennewick - represents Matt Monopli (owner of the Neighborhood Market) stated that benefits to the community include tax revenue with money for the police department and other city funds.

Mark Wasemiller, 1308 Maple Lane – opposed to the change in the Municipal Code. If the Planning Commission or City Council makes a decision on revenue decision alone, the report states the impact to the economy, social impact, crime, addiction. In addition, the location is not inviting for those people who are driving into West Richland.

Merle Johnson, 4625 Blue Heron – resident for 9 years. Don’t have a lot of amenities in West Richland, but we do have a quality of life and great neighborhood, great traffic.

Kristi Gagnon, 3961 Ironton Dr. – lived in West Richland since 1990, born and raised in Richland, fought gambling in Hawaii. Sees improvements in this community and does not want to see a Las Vegas type setting; not necessary for the type of revenue

Chuck Harris, 4810 Collins – move here to West Richland because of the atmosphere of the community. Crime is not an issue, more police calls with the high schools than the casino. The security within the facility provide for themselves. Traffic may become an issue, possibly drunk driving. Lights might be an issue, and concerned what is zoned next to Flattop Park, because that area adjacent is commercial as well

Wallace Ruff, 4236 King Dr. – built home here in 1965. Most of the time the additions have been peacefu,l residential areas. Drove though Montana with casinos and mini-casinos - which brings different type of loiterers, gaudy signs, and advertisements that ruin the scenery.

Stephen Cossalter, 2211 W Canal Dr., Kennewick – hears the biggest concern is how the casino affects the community. Been involved with the gaming industry for the last 6 years, has seen good and bad.. There are ways to overcome and control. This won’t turn into another Las Vegas. We’re trying to bring better income to the City, attract other businesses to the area and would like to hear specifics not just opinions..

Rob Anderson, 2014 Hawk Ct.– been in West Richland for 12 years and supports the comments from the staff and is opposed to gambling.

AJ.Palombi, 4236 Ironton Dr. – been in West Richland for 23 years. Opposed to any gambling facility. Revenue is the problem, so reduce the size of the government

Cindy Bostrum, 4566 Ironton Dr. –heard that casinos will bring business to the area, but what type of business and would it be positive? No they would not. Would not be proud to have a casino in the area. Wants to know how the citizens are going to be informed of the decision.

Ben Jenkins, 5605 Aspen Dr. – only here for 6 months and picked this area for the atmosphere and little (few) business - is very appealing. Opposed to the change in zoning.

Perry Meyer, 5905 Collins Rd. – lived here 10.5 years. This small group is very eager to express their feelings and can assure you the community is against this.

Paul Jeppson, 4502 Desert Cove – there is no dollar amount you can put on children or the community and would not want a loved one to fall into this trap.

Brent Pulsipher, 5403 Fern Loop –cited a study by the U of Illinois regarding crime and pathological gamblers. Has lived in West Richland for 22 years and is proud of the community, sports complex, library, middle school. Casinos and bars would detract from that community pride. Highly values the library, but would rather lose the library, police or potholes.

Yuri Hovanski, 2134 Blue Jay – this is a business matter. Needs a revenue solution. Residents pay higher taxes to pay for capital expenditures. Is against casinos and card tables coming to the community.

Kent Rasmussen, 1600 Maplewood Ave – lived in Las Vegas 10 years ago. Moved to West Richland for the quiet atmosphere and would like to oppose the gaming facilities.

Gael Nield, 4016 Laurel Dr. – lived here for 18 years, there is no other place he would rather be. Is proud of the community, and casino woud be a cancer.

Ruth Stromswold, 4409 Melinda Dr. – has faith in this community- wonderful community, no more needs to be said.

Public Comment closed

Van Ramsdell feels we owe it to the applicant to make a full consideration of his request before coming to a conclusion. Upon motion by Commissioner Seiler and seconded by Commissioner Ramsdell, the Commission unanimously recommended to move this discussion to a workshop on February 24th..

A.  Open Record Hearing – Rezone of Lots 217, 234, and 235, Section 6, from Suburban Residential, Low Density (RL-40) to Commercial General (C-G);

Ian Horlacher presented the staff report; Pete Squires explained the developer/applicant purchased the property because it was planned for commercial in the Comprehensive Plan, and under State and City laws they can request the zone be changed to match the Comp Plan, bringing the two into compliance. Peggy Panisko doesn’t agree that the zoning has priority over the Comprehenisve Plan.

George Lavey opened the hearing to the public at 8:23 p.m.

Merle Johnson, 4625 Blue Heron – feels like this is a done deal and taken aback that this just popped up. Concerned with the environmental impact, public safety, increased traffic and having commercial in between two churches and a school. Not against economic development but need to consider location.

Chuck Harris, 4810 Collins – would like to keep it residential. Would be nice to have small shopping mart, concerned that students wouldn’t be closely supervised or controlled from going to those establishments.

John Brockman – new middle school has taken away view of rattlesnake mountain and traffic is getting worse on Paradise. Has called police department to request patrols. Fears impact of kids walking to school.

Dan Ryan – appearance of a ‘done deal’, and the City has not been forthright. Thinks City is overly anxious to increase revenue. Feels architectural review committee needed – don’t need a cheap steel building. Also feels noise and light pollution are concerns.

Craig Nelson – looked at property to build and was intrigued by land across from school zoned RL-40. Was unaware that the Comprehensive Plan would trump the current zoning. Keene Road corridor may be a better fit because of traffic flow out of the City.

Rob Anderson, 2014 Hawk Ct. – question is whether this is really where we want commercial, so is the Comprehensive Plan what we want?

Pete Squires (staff) explained that under State Law, the application was received in current conditions and the current rules and regulations have to apply.

George Lavey closed the public hearing at 8:50 p.m.

Randy Bostrum asked how safety concerns would be addressed? Pete Squires said State standards would be met for school zone, including crosswalks, signals, etc. and construction zone would be fenced.

Determination Criteria/Findings of Fact:

1.  It has been zoned residential since it was annexed in 1976 and has not been brought into compliance with the Comprehensive Plan.

2.  none

3.  to the south is RM-10, and the property to the east is C-1

4.  none

5.  none

6.  none

7.  none

Upon motion by Commissioner Ramsdell, seconded by Commissioner Diediker, the Commission recommends the City Council approve Lots 217, 234, and 235, Section 6, be rezoned from Suburban Residential, Low Density (RL-40) to Commercial General (C-G); Motion was seconded by Nona Diediker. A roll call vote was taken.

Ed Chapman – Absent

Nona Diediker – Yes

Peggy Panisko – No

Van Rramsdell – Yes

Scott Seiler – No

Randy Bostrum – No

George Lavey – No

Motion fails.

Upon motion by Commissioner Seiler, seconded by Commissioner Bostrum, the Commission recommends the City Council approve to bring Lots 217, 234, and 235 Section 6 into compliance with State law regarding the zoning of these properties. A roll vote was taken.

Ed Chapman – Absent

Nona Diediker - Yes

Peggy Panisko – No

Van Ramsdell – No

Scott Seiler – Yes

Randy Bostrum - Yes

George Lavey - Yes

Motion Passes.

8. New Business

A. Review of Easement Vacation for Lot 81, Section 8, (Fitzsimmons);

Upon motion by Commissioner Bostrum, seconded by Commissioner Ramsdell, the Commission unanimously recommended the City Council to approve the easement vacation for Lot 81, Section 8.

B.  Selection of Chair and Vice-Chair;

Upon motion by Commissioner Bostrum, seconded by Commissioner Diediker, the Commission unanimously approved the selection of Scott Seiler as Chairman and Van Ramsdell as Vice Chairman. Motion was seconded by Nona Diediker.

9. Staff Reports

Pete – none

Mary – talked about visioning process. A public workshop will be held on Saturday, Feb 26th, at Wiley Elementary School from 10:00 am to noon. Would like the Planning Commission to attend as volunteers to work with the discussion groups, recording answers, etc.

Ian – Desert Dove/Harvest Meadows subdivision map given with corrected street names. North Desert Dove is now Oleander Street, and South Desert Dove and Desert Dove Loop is now Desert Dove Drive. We have had some citizens unhappy, but also some that said they were glad it’s finally being corrected.

10. Adjournment – at 9:54 p.m.

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