Bremerton Figure Skating Club Test Application
See back for rules governing tests and mailing instructions!
Test Date:
Name: USFS #:
Phone: Home Club*:
Email: Pro’s Email:
Professional: Pro’s Phone:
*Non-BFSC members must have a letter of permission from their home club prior to testing, even if Associate members of BFSC (TR 3.08 of the US Figure Skating rulebook). Email permissions are acceptable. Please send email to
Moves in the Field: MITF Due
¨ Pre-Preliminary ($65) ¨ Juvenile ($70) ¨ Junior ($85) ¨ Adult Bronze ($75)
¨ Preliminary ($65) ¨ Intermediate ($90) ¨ Senior ($85) ¨ Adult Silver ($85)
¨ Pre-Juvenile ($75) ¨ Novice ($90) ¨ Adult Pre-Bronze ($65) ¨ Adult Gold ($90)
Freeskate: Freestyle Due
¨ Pre-Preliminary ($35) ¨ Juvenile ($45) ¨ Junior ($50) ¨ Adult Bronze ($40)
¨ Preliminary ($35) ¨ Intermediate ($45) ¨ Senior ($50) ¨ Adult Silver ($45)
¨ Pre-Juvenile ($40) ¨ Novice ($50) ¨ Adult Pre-Bronze ($40) ¨ Adult Gold ($45)
Pairs: Pairs Due
¨ Pre-Juvenile ($50) ¨ Novice ($55) ¨ Adult Bronze ($50)
¨ Juvenile ($50) ¨ Junior ($55) ¨ Adult Silver ($55)
¨ Intermediate ($55) ¨ Senior ($60) ¨ Adult Gold ($60)
Free Dance: Free Dance Due
¨ Juvenile ($30) ¨ Intermediate ($35) ¨ Novice ($40) ¨ Junior ($45) ¨ Senior ($50)
Pattern Dance:
¨ Standard ¨ Adult ¨ Masters ¨ Solo
Preliminary: ¨ Dutch Waltz ¨ Canasta Tango ¨ Rhythm Blues $25 each
Pre-Bronze: ¨ Swing Dance ¨ Cha Cha ¨ Fiesta Tango $25 each
Bronze: ¨ Hickory Hoedown ¨ Willow Waltz ¨ Ten Fox $30 each
Pre-Silver: ¨ Fourteenstep ¨ European Waltz ¨ Foxtrot $30 each
Silver: ¨ American Waltz ¨ Tango ¨ Rocker Foxtrot $30 each
Pre-Gold: ¨ Killian ¨ Blues ¨ Paso Doble $40 each
¨ Starlight Waltz
Gold: ¨ Viennese Waltz ¨ Westminster Waltz ¨ Quickstep $40 each
¨ Argentine Tango
International: ¨ Austrian Waltz ¨ Cha Cha Congelado ¨ Finnstep $50 each
¨ Golden Waltz ¨ Midnight Blues ¨ Ravensburger Waltz
¨ Rhumba ¨ Silver Samba ¨ Yankee Polka ¨ Tango Romantica
$25 Late Fee / Non-Member fee*: $
Total Amount Due: $
(Make checks payable to BFSC)
In the event of injury or illness, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Bremerton (or Lakewood) Skating Club (officers, directors, employees), the Lakewood Skating Foundation (officers directors), and Sprinker Recreation Center/Bremerton Ice Center (agents employees), from any and all costs which might arise from such injury or illness. Further, I give my permission for the professional staff to seek emergency medical aid, if it is deemed necessary. I understand I am responsible for all costs incurred.
Revised Feb/2016
1. Make checks payable to the club hosting the test session you are registering for (i.e. if the test is being held at Bremerton Ice Center make the check payable to BFSC. If it is being held at Sprinker Recreation Center, make your check payable to LWC). Non-BFSC members* add $25. A $25 fee will be charged on all checks returned for NSF.
2. Non-BFSC members must have a permission letter from their home club to test. A permission email from the home club test chair is acceptable. First priority will be given to BFSC members, second priority to BFSC associate members*, non-club members will be accommodated as space is available.
3. Skater must be a USFS member to participate in testing.
4. Test fees are non-refundable if test applied for is not taken, except for documented cases of illness/injury. In such cases of illness or injury, a doctor’s written excuse may be required for a refund.
5. Test fees will not be carried over to the next test date if skater is unable to advance due to test mark of – “Retry”. This applies to all dependent tests.
6. Only Pros may schedule tests. Pros must sign up their skaters at least 10 days prior to the test when registration closes. Pros are responsible for giving their skaters the test applications.
7. It is the responsibility of the skater and/or parent to fill out the form completely and turn it in or mail it with the appropriate fees. Skaters will be scheduled to test as the applications are received. Skaters will not be put on the formal test schedule until the application and fees are received by the test chair. ALL FEES DUE 10 DAYS PRIOR TO TEST DATE – after that deadline the $25 late fee is applied. Should the test session fill, all other test applications will be held and given first priority at the next scheduled test session.
8. Test applications with the appropriate fees must be received at least 10 days prior to testing.
9. Applications will not be accepted in the 10-day period prior to the test date unless a $25 late fee accompanies the application. Pros are responsible to check with their skater and/or skater’s parents to verify that test applications have been turned in.
10. Application must be signed by your Pro and the skater or parent. All information, including the USFS # must be on the form.
11. All participants must bring a food item(s) for the judges and the skater’s hospitality table. These items must be available at the beginning of the test session. If you do not bring hospitality items, please bring $5 to cover your obligation.
12. The skating order and test schedule will be emailed to skaters testing and coaches, posted on the club website and posted on the BFSC bulletin board prior to the test. Please check the bulletin board for your scheduled time. Please arrive at least 1 hour ahead of your scheduled time – first group can arrive ½ hour before start. It is your responsibility to know when you are testing.
*Bremerton Figure Skating Club and Lakewood Winter club will be partnering to host test sessions. All LWC members will be subject to rules and fees as a BFSC club member when sessions are hosted by BFSC.
Submit completed applications & fees to:
Aura Morrey, Test Chair
Leave in the BFSC mailbox in the Bremerton Ice Center Office
– OR –
Mail to: 8393 Raven Creek CT NW
Bremerton, WA 98311