Dual Realities of the Believer

By Mark Hendrickson - 2013

Disclaimer: My views may change over time

Question: How can we transition into the next move / emphasis of God?

If we’re going to transition from one age to the next we must be able to see it and be able to recognize the new emerging dynamics which will empower us to embrace the next age. So let’s start at the beginning…

Adam and Eve – What was the Big Sin

What ‘cardinal’ sins – murder, immorality, lie

They were trying to be like God
We preach this from our pulpits… “Try to be more like God”

They were made in the image of God

Devil sowed doubt – “Has God said…?” – Gen 3:1

He diminishes our image of God AND our image of ourselves in our own eyes

God could be a liar, secret agenda,

The curse resulted until Jesus came… He made a way for us to be like God

Renewing of our minds - Re-New - do the new again

The first ‘new’ was in the Garden

God wants to take us back to God

So that we would see ourselves as in the same image as God

We are as He is in this world - I Jn 4:17

If we chewed on this for the next 10 years we’d not likely exhaust the revelation in this verse

Jesus gave us His righteousness… We are DECLARED righteous

Not just 3 tablespoons of righteousness exhausted after about 3 sins… then need to get righteous again

NO! The Word of God says, “We ARE the righteousness of God in Christ” - II Cor 5:21; Rms 3:22

But what about our self-talk?

Even though our religion says we are righteous… our self-talk contradicts us

When we sin, we run away from God, stand aloof from God, beat ourselves up for a while,

We dare not ask for anything until the ‘heat’ lets up, etc.

Get fully righteous when I die

In a very uncomfortable way, this makes death our savior

Most of us see ourselves as existing on earth and then someday going to Heaven

Two distinctly different ‘worlds’ for different time periods of our existence

We expect one set of rules for this earthly period and another set of rules for ‘Heaven’

Let’s ask, “Where do Christians go when they die?” “Heaven.”

“When do we go to Heaven?” “When we die.”

“So when do we die?”

We died when we passed through the cross with Jesus

Scripture says, “If we be buried with Christ shall you not also be raised with Christ?” – Col 2:12

So let’s establish our ‘dual reality”

This is not just a ‘legal’ dual reality… not just a theology restricted to printed pages of scripture
This is a reality available for us, now… if we can believe it

Unfortunately the devil has always tried to diminish the Gospel to just irrelevant theology

“No one has ascended to Heaven but He who came down from Heaven; that is the Son of Man who is in Heaven.” - John 3:17

Talking to Nicodemus and disciples… on terra firma AND in Heaven at the same time

Most of us agree that Heaven is not a gazillion miles away on some distant galaxy

Hopefully we’ve discovered that Heaven is right here among us

Most of us though, have not discovered the capacity to move in both realms… like Jesus did

Jesus said, (paraphrased) “I learned how to live in both realms… in Heaven and earth… and it’s vital to me that I can do nothing on the earthly realm until I’ve experienced the Heavenly realm with my Father and heard what His heart is.”
Jesus had learned to move in and out of the Heavens… He went there to get His ‘marching orders’

I only do what I see my Father do… I only say what I hear my Father say. – Jn 5:19

I can nothing apart from my Father… - Jn 8:12

We’ve been taught a diminished power, a coping, existing gospel

Try to get by until you get past the grave

Lifetime under your own brain power and best intentions and then you get the rest in Heaven

Jesus modeled this Dual Realm for us… He was our example

John 3:17 was before the cross… before being glorified… before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Not only did He live in both realms, but on the Mt of Transfiguration He “transfigured”

That means he was changed into another form… changed into another state… metamorphous

His disciples recognized Him but He was very different

He did this ‘as fully man’… He set the bar for what was possible for us, as men and women

He was and is our forerunner… modeling a greater reality for us

Then He said, “Greater works than these shall you do…” Jn 14:12
“What! You mean we get to surpass Jesus!?” That’s right.

If we strictly limit ourselves to what’s in the Bible, we’ll have problems with Jesus’ declaration

How will you ever be able to do the greater things?

Of course, He will not take us into anything that violates the larger text of the Scripture

Evidently there are and will be things that we’re to do that are not mentioned in Scripture

If you’re like me, that’s exciting

Jn 3:17 is Jesus’ permission to live in both realms… until we are more aware of Heaven than earth.

How does that affect the way we live, think, speak and pray?

Our feet walk around on terra firma… that is where our circumstances occur

But our greater reality is seated in Heaven… with Jesus… and right next to Father
The Scriptural foundation for where Jesus is:
Christ was raised and seated at the right hand of God - Rms 8:34

Who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame,
and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God - Heb 12:2

Far above all power, rule and authority – Eph 1:21 … above 2nd heavens… mind battle ground

Sat down at the right hand of majesty on high – Heb 1:3

The Scriptural foundation for where we are:

If we are buried with Him shall we not also be raised with Him – Col 2:12; Rms 6:4

Seated with Christ in Heavenly places – Eph 2:6

We are hidden with Christ in God – Col 3:3 … can’t think of a better place in all the universe

We have the mind of Christ – I Cor 2:16 … our minds are being RE-newed

Anointing teaches you all things – I Jn 2:27 … the advantages of hanging out with Jesus

If we only live on terra firma, we’re going to limit ourselves from all these realities

We are kings and priests unto our God – Rev 5:10

We are a royal priesthood and a holy nation – I Pet 2:9

We have the power to release life and death with our tongue – Prov 18:21

These are our Heavenly realities and privileges

Gave us authority OVER all the power of the enemy – Lk 10:19

Over… Did you catch that? ABOVE the second heavens

OT… the heaven are locked in silence… as brass

Pre-Jesus we didn’t have easy access… Jesus hadn’t made a way yet

We hadn’t received our 'passport' to the throne and seated with Christ yet
So (now) set your affections on things above – Col 3:2

In the past we’ve prayed for an open Heaven… but that isn’t appropriate anymore

Bill Johnson - “Anywhere I go there is an open Heaven”…

Why? Because we live IN the Heavenlies

Asking whether there is an open Heavens or not is not even relevant or appropriate

Whatever you loose shall HAVE been loosed in Heaven – Matt 18:18

We thought that if we loosed it on earth then God would loose it in Heaven

But since we’re in Heaven, if it gets loosed on earth, it is because we loosed it in Heaven

This changes how we do EVERYTHING!!!!

This whole posture requires us to mature… must get dependent upon knowing God’s heart
We can’t go off half-cocked and try to wield our authority haphazardly…

We’ll must learn what Jesus learned… “We can do nothing apart from our Father”

As beggars, we didn’t have to be responsible… we just lobbed a prayer to God

We pray it and let God figure it out… if you don’t like it, God, You don’t have to answer it.

At this level we don’t have to grow up… we can always be an immature ask-er

But if we live in the Heavens… then we have to think, live, speak as an emissary of God

A mouth-piece of God… re-presenting & proclaiming His desires and heart

We must do as Jesus… I can’t do anything apart from my Father

We’ve got to grow up… we must get His mind and heart… we must mature

This only happens by doing the 1st commandment well

Love the Lord our God will all our heart, soul, mind and strength – Lk 10:27

Not as a duty, but now as the joy of a liberated and beloved son… just like Jesus

We enter into the rest that whatever is true of Jesus is true of me

We must learn how kings pray… how would a king pray the heart and mind of God
How would Jesus pray this prayer?

No asking prayers… UNLESS I don’t know the mind of God – if any man lack wisdom…

Otherwise, I must release, declare, decree, prophesy, proclaim, command, charge…

We are heirs of God and co-heirs of Christ – Rms 8:17

“Co” means that everything that Christ has is what you have…

Whatever is true of Jesus is true of you!

Try this: Jesus is what God believes about you!

I will grant to sit on the throne with me – Rev 3:21

We shall reign on (over) the earth – Rev 5:10

To him I will give authority even over all the nations – Rev 2:26

The kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heavens shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. This is the end of the matter - Dan 7:26-28
End of the matter… (I don’t want to hear anything more about it!)

Our heritage and our inheritance is so RICH

If we’re co-heirs, then we are co-reigners with Christ… whatever’s true of Jesus is true of me.

God doesn’t keep a gap between royalty and peasants

NO!!!! Everything that I am, I give to you

You and I have been EXALTED from sinner status to sainthood… to be seated with Christ

We’re going back to the Beginning (RE-newing our minds) when we saw ourselves in the image of God

As we get this, it will never again be appropriate to pray beggar prayers

Kings are not allowed to pray beggar prayers

As we hang out with God and get His mind, we must then begin to assume our role as kings

Saints exercising dominion and kingly rule over the earth.

Devil diminished God’s image as untrustworthy & who kept the good stuff till after the grave

Devil diminished our image as a powerless & barely saved man, who’re hoping for the grave

This keeps us powerless and ineffective in this life and on the earth

If you were the devil wouldn’t that be what you’d want?

The only way that you and I can get from beggar status to kingly status is by revelation

Not by just memorizing Scripture… It in itself cannot liberate us

We must have the illumination of the Holy Spirit… REVELATION…
We need the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation - Eph 1:17

A KEY REVELATION – The Gospel of Grace… the message of Grace

I believe this is a vital key that will unlock the Kingdom Age for us

Most of us concur with what we’ve been talking about, but say, “I just can’t get there…”

I’ve tried to do it harder… I already tried that… I just can’t get good enough to get there

You’re absolutely right… not one of us can get good enough… or righteous enough… to get there.

There is only one way… through the death and work of Jesus on the cross.

This is completely apart from your works!
It’s not be works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy…” – Tit 3:5

“By grace are you saved and not of works… lest any should boast.” – Eph 2:8

It’s Jesus plus nothing!

Making Grace understandable
Consider two categories… sinner and saint

Can an unrighteous person become righteous by doing righteous deeds?
Can a righteous person become unrighteous by doing unrighteous deeds?

NO!!! Your spiritual DNA is what determines who and what you are… it’s not your actions

Consider two categories… monkeys and humans

Let’s say a monkey tries some human things… wear a tux, ride a tricycle, walk around

Does this make the monkey a human?

No! It’s the DNA that establishes identity, not the actions

Let’s say that a human does some ‘monkey business’… says something dumb, makes a mess

Does this make the human a monkey?

NO! Why? It’s the DNA that establishes identity, not the actions

This is HUGE… if we get this, it will help us fight our battle ground nearly every day of our lives

When and how did our DNA change? When did we change from sinner to saint?

At the cross… the Bible says at conversion we became a new creature / creation / new spirit

At this point my DNA was miraculously changed!!!!

God’s ‘gavel’ came down on the ‘bench’ of Heaven and God the Father DECLARED me righteous

Declare is a whole lot better than working for it… (BTW, it’s impossible to earn it)

Declare is an edict from Heaven – Rms 2:13; 3:20; 5:20

Do I do ‘monkey business’ once in a while? Yes Does that make me a monkey? No

Why? Because I was DECLARED righteous NOT based upon my works

If I do ‘monkey stuff’ does that mean it’s OK? NO

I just take that issue back to the cross… my ‘DNA’ was never compromised!