Subject: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from LSG Seminar Room
Donald Taylor 2:Welcome to this Learning and Skills Group webinar. I'm Donald H Taylor, your host, chairman of the Learning and Skills Group.
Donald Taylor 2:We'll be starting at 13:00 UK Time
Donald Taylor 2:Recording, slides, web chat available afterwards at:
Donald Taylor 2:To tweet about this event, the hashtag is #LSGWebinar
Donald Taylor 2:Our speaker today is: David Wentworth of the Brandon Hall Group
Donald Taylor 2:And I'm your host, Don Taylor of the LSG,
Donald Taylor 2:and on Twitter:
Ian:hi don - please can you promote me to co presenter. thx. Ian
David Wentworth:just dialing in
Donald Taylor:great
Sarah Talbot-Greaves:Hello
Leah Strecher:Hello everyone!
Nick Emmett:Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening :)
Richard Semmens:Hi from chilly London!
Andy Johnson:Hiya everyone, i'm Andy Johnson - Learning Communities Manager at Bromford. You can reach me on twitter here: forward to this webinar
AndrewJacobsLD:What is the conference pin number?
Donald Taylor:The sound will play through your computer speakers / headset. If you prefer you can dial in:
Donald Taylor:UK: +44 20 8934 7640Pin: 2746920#
Donald Taylor:For global phone numbers:
Olaf Raetzel (City of Bristol College):hi all from a sunny Brizzle
AndrewJacobsLD:Thanks Don
Richard:Hello from Nottinghamshire.
Chris Bond:Hello from Chtahm
Leah Strecher:I am here from St Francis, WI (USA)
Chris Bond:Chatham
Chris Bond:Sorry
Rich:Hi from Brighton
Rafe Ball:Hi from Staines-Upon-Thames
Craig Mackie:sunny swindon!
Kate Nicholroy:Still not raining in Battersea!
Carol:Bright and sunny in Lincoln
David Wentworth:Presenting from St Petersburg, FL (USA) hot and sunny
Gareth Gibbon:Leeds, cold and clear(ish)
Leah:Hi from Warwick. It's cold, but sunny
ivone:Hello from France, North side but with some sun
Rich:Pretty grey and chilly here
Richard Semmens:You are sounding like Test Match Special!
AndrewJacobsLD:London here too. Will have to duck out early
Sarah Talbot-Greaves:Sunshine and showers in Halifax - was snowing overnight but fortunately it didn't stick!
Claire:sunny and cold in Sheffield, England
Richard:Grey Ten tenths clouds
Tricia Berrett:Overcast in Atlanta
Leah Strecher:cold, cloudy - here in wisconsin
Nick Emmett:Hey Gareth Gibbon, Leeds here also :)
Anna:Stockholm, rainy clouds
David dos Santos:Warm and and 80F in South Florida, Good morning everyone
Audrey Doyle:Hi from Dublin - It is Grey & Cold
Sarah Talbot-Greaves:Often send virtual cake via email, but the real stuff is mine!!
Neil:sunny and windy in South Wales UK
Cavignaux:cold in Paris
Vaughan:Vaughan in Pershore UK. Can't see the sky due to an enormous bush blocking the light outside the office window. But its not raining which is great for Britain
Rachel Baiden:Hi Rachel in Leeds cold with blue skies
Donald Taylor:Recording, slides, web chat available afterwards at:
Nick Emmett:Leeds representing today, 3 of us so far identified, Hi Rachel :)
Brenda Poller:Hello from sunny York!
Tracy Gravesande:Tracy Gravesande: Cool in London
Urszula:Hi Urszula in a bright and sunny Hampton in Arden
Donald Taylor:The sound will play through your computer speakers / headset. If you prefer you can dial in:
Donald Taylor:UK: +44 20 8934 7640Pin: 2746920#
Moritz:Berlin, overcast skies, cold and chilly, just above freezing
Donald Taylor:For global phone numbers:
Moritz:you bet
Michelle Parry-Slater:Hi to all from Santa Fe Group, London
Sameer:Sameer from Dubai, UAE
Kitty:Grey and cold in Toronto Canada
Katey Burrows (LV=):Hello all from Bournemouth, Dorset!
Abhishek Shukla:Hi! from India
Preeti:Hi, from India!
David dos Santos:Good morning David Wentworth
Donald Taylor:Great to see everyone joining us from all over the world
@CedricBorzee:Hi all ! Sunny london
Gillian:Are you sure the UK number is correct, that is going through to a company called JC Francis
Donald Taylor:Gillian - will check now
linda:do not have sound yet
Katey Burrows (LV=):@Gillian, it worked for me
Donald Taylor:@DavidMWentworth on Twitter
Richard Semmens:Sound OK with me.
damian:hi from newcastle
Donald Taylor:Gillian - try re-dialling. The number is working ok for me
Donald Taylor:Linda - if you're having trouble with sound, please try dialling in
Donald Taylor:UK: +44 20 8934 7640Pin: 2746920#
Donald Taylor:For global phone numbers:
Jarold:Hello from Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA
Urszula:Hi the sound keeps coming and going
Jason Peterson:I guess I better say "hey" too; from Frankfurt, Germany ;-)
Shaz:HI I am not getting any sound - anyone else having similar problems?
Sarah Talbot-Greaves:Its not really - NHS
Nick Emmett:Staff ideas forum via Yammer,
Richard Semmens:LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, learning platform (hopefully)
Tracy Gravesande:We use the Yammer ESN
AndrewJacobsLD:Forums, chat, peer to peer, webinars, action learning sets, wikis, team blogs
Ollie Hogg:It's not got started yet....
Janice Carulli:We have google + and yammer but both are new
Michelle Parry-Slater:learning platform with social collobaration built in to learning
Nick Emmett:Collaborating on projects
Katey Burrows (LV=):In-house built question/answer site
Craig Mackie:mainly youtube to host bite sized learning modules, and contribute to discussions on linkedin
damian:interactions across european op co's
Martin Dury:YouTube for how-to videos
Shobhit Bajaj:peer-to-peer networking
Kate Nicholroy:We having online discussion forums using Moodle
Kitty:wikis, blogs, LMS, IM
Leah:keeping people in touch with changes and training offerings on yammer
Barry:H&S awareness
Clare:It's not internally, although twitter and social networks for external PR
Michael McGillen:The Intranet is likened to Facebook.
Moritz:we use Yammer and Lync...
Olaf Raetzel (City of Bristol College):by requiring that posts to our official twitter account are handed in a week in advance...
Elaine:We use Chatter, Yammer and CSOD'd Connect on our Academy
Katey Burrows (LV=):LMS
Clare Spiers - iForce:mainly PR & Marketing - twitter, fb etc - want to enhance usage for L&D
Richard:Only simple social group tweets and e-learning platform.
Kate Nicholroy:use wikis and blogs too
Jonathan:internal "facebook" type platform
Leah Strecher:Chat, forums, peer-to-peer, network groups
Rich:I work for an elearning company - we have a socially integrated LMS on the market called Tessello. We also use Yammer for internal purposes.
Jenni:wikis and blogs
Michelle Parry-Slater:regular thought leadership blogs
Olaf Raetzel (City of Bristol College):we use lync a lot in our team
Cassandra:Yammer, YouTube and Twitter in our company. Looking for ways to increase this.
Brenda Poller:Twitter, Intranet on SharePoint, Lync
Moritz:have plenty of communities and groups of interests to share knowhow
Nick Emmett:Project collab, expert location, Working Out Loud
Richard Semmens:Getting learners to share knowledge.
Martin Dury:point of need learning - YouTube
Alan Brown:collaborating across global footprint
Michael McGillen:We use MS Lync a lot
ivone:nothing in EU. but exists a managers communicties in the US
Cavignaux:Google +
AndrewJacobsLD:Removal of all courses - driving people to peer to peer learning
Janice Carulli:General org forum for collaboration
Elaine:Learning focussed as part of blended learning solution
Rachel Baiden:Yammer, SharePoint, project work
Tracy Gravesande:Twitter backchannels, Facebook pages to share information about the organisation LI groups to connect with customers and share info
Dave Bramley:Yammer to break down internal silos
Kitty:collaboration, learning, gen communication, mentoring
Leah:as a public sector organisation we're changing a lot. We need to make sure people know what has changed and where to find training and help relating to that
Michelle Parry-Slater:Internal learning focus, sharing best practise, implementation of new clients, point of need support.
Kate Nicholroy:our forums are focussed on critical issues for our organisation - to raise challenges and identify solutions
Katey Burrows (LV=):empowering people to be able to provide answers to questions (not just relying on senior managers)
Claire:PebblePad for a range of reasons including personal development, placement support
linda:what is the pin?
Clare Spiers - iForce:at the moment focussed on connecting with clients, low level employee connection at the moment - want to get better and more involved
Richard:Attempting to use Sharepoint as e-learning platform
Kris Swanson:We have an internal videocast sharing site called SME Central which has over 400 eXperts and has given over 20k hours of consumed training in the past year
Rich:yammer - best practice and sharing inspiration/design ideas
Janice Carulli:We want to use for learning but have not formally moved into that
Jarold:Using SM as a chat room during live sessions / blended learning
Vaughan:We are now using Google Docs for staff and students plus Google Hangouts. Cloud computing allowing us to 'save' money but also make it easier for students to collaborate.
Suman:Used blogs to promote discussions for New Recruits under going induction.
Moritz:encouraging all staff, not just SMEs, to participate in knowledge exchange... peer generated content
Dave Bramley:Moodle for online learning
Michelle Parry-Slater:@Richard is sharepoint felxibile enough to be used as an LMS? How is that working for you?
Richard:Not very well!
Kate Nicholroy:identifying and sharing thought leadership within the organisation
Sue Rennoldson:Our Pathway LMS has a discussion forum and we build discussion topics into our programmes inviting learners from different organisations to share case studies and best practice. Clients also use Yammer for engagement.
Tracy Gravesande:Asana for Project Management; Box for document sharing
Evan:Using internal sector forums (NHS Networks) for discussion linked to learning programmes and youtube for resources.
Michelle Parry-Slater:@Richard, I thought as much. Good luck.
Urszula:We are also using Sharepoint
Donald Taylor:Thanks for all these thougths, guys, very interesting
David Morley:wasn't the 19th century industrial??
AndrewJacobsLD:People may be connecting but the education model is still based on teaching centred.
Richard Semmens:@AndrewJacobsLD: Totally agree
Donald Taylor:Andrwe - true
Donald Taylor:I like this slide because it shows how the L&D role has been widening
Richard Semmens:People using social channels to learn, even if more traditional channels available. eg. school children using youtube/wikipedia.
Michelle Parry-Slater:Yes Donald, and how quickly recently
Kris Swanson:isn't mobile much broader than relationship - iet's more of an access channel like desktop or classroom than focus on relationship
Richard:I like that it shows that teaching modes are reinforcing, not separate
Nick Emmett:A great TED tealk from Salman Khan had a great example of turning that around via Khan Academy, some really inspiring thoughts
AndrewJacobsLD:@Kris Not necessarily, mobile is very complex but will, in many cases, be relationship based. Remember mobile includes phone calls and SMS.
Donald Taylor:Hi Kris - yes
Kris Swanson:@andrew - so does classroom, virtual classroom
Tracy Gravesande:Learning should be perceived as occurring all of the time. We now have the tools that allow us to share and connect with others to deepen what we're learning. Also, we now have the ability to be rather specific about our interests instead of being required to stick with general knowledge - one size for all
AndrewJacobsLD:@Kris Agreed
Richard:This describes my current organisation!
Jason Peterson:Wirearchy, love it! ;-)
Will Kennedy-Long:The world of working isn't changing it HAS changed
Chris Bond:Mine too
Suman:Totally agree... it's about culturel.
Sharad Qazi:Did we get this presentation
Donald Taylor:For wirearchy, see Jon Husband
Donald Taylor:Recording, slides, web chat available afterwards at:
Suman:100 tools/tech wouldn't motivate a learner to go through the best of learning content.
Tracy Gravesande:@NickEmmet - there's a live twitterchat with the Khan Academy today at11.amEST
Donald Taylor:Recording, slides, web chat available afterwards at:
Kate Nicholroy:Thanks, Donald
Sharad Qazi:thanks, Donald
Nick Emmett:tech doesn't make a revolution - people do
laura:Suman: v true!
Barry:Thanks Donald
Nick Emmett:Cool @Tracey, I'll look out for that, I love those guys
Suman:@Tracy Gravesande: Send us the link to khan academy twitterchat.
Donald Taylor:For Sisyphus rolling a rock uphill for eternity, see
AndrewJacobsLD:Excellent description of tipping point and innovation in Christensen's Disrupting Class.
Jason Peterson:Thanks Donald!
Suman:True! I think soon we wouldn't say mobile learning or CBT separately. Everything will be available anywhere and we just call it on-the-go
Michael McGillen:If I want to access this presentation after the seminar where can I find it?
Michelle Parry-Slater:@Suman learning 'on-th-go'; nice.
Donald Taylor:
Suman:Does'nt matter where learners go through the learning content/take assessments .... could be sitting on the desktop/laptop or cellphones / tab
Donald Taylor:Recording, slides, web chat available afterwards at:
AndrewJacobsLD:Thanks Donald.
Michael McGillen:Thank you...
Cavignaux:on which learning and HRD theories are based your assumptions ?
Richard:This all assumes an intrinsc learner knowledge of technology -what about the digital divide?
@CedricBorzee:new drivers - where are the obstacles ?
Evan:@suman i agree, it about multi channel access and also curation / signposting "learning content"
Donald Taylor:Richard - great question, let's raise with David at the end
Tracy Gravesande:@Suman - FastCompany is hosting the twitter chat
Donald Taylor:Thx Tracy
AndrewJacobsLD:Divide needs to include can/can't, will/won't have/haven't should/shouldn't
Tracy Gravesande:You're welcome, Donald
David Morley:Now does that compare with non RCL orgs - ie the 80%
David Morley:How
Donald Taylor:Cavignaux: - could you expand on your question about learning theories?
Cavignaux:yes but i am on human learning side as regards new devices
Shobhit Bajaj:Anyone facing the dilemma of too much technology and not enough personality in social learning?
Suman:Yes! @Shobit
Donald Taylor:Shobhit - that's an interesting question!
Richard:Good point from Cavignaux - what learning theories can be seen as underpinning these ideas/
AndrewJacobsLD:Pinterest? Fastest growing SoMe platform.
Kate Nicholroy:Facebook is falling out of popularity with younger users
Richard Semmens:"Fastest-growing" doesn't mean the biggest or most important
AndrewJacobsLD:@Richard - Most relevant would be a useful factor
Clare Spiers - iForce:it is suggesting the digital divide is reducing
Michelle Parry-Slater:@Kate - the kids dont want to share a platform with their parents :)
Kate Nicholroy:Do people expect to use facebook for work purposes?
Donald Taylor:Good point - let's explore with David at the end
Kate Nicholroy:Michelle - exactly!
Richard Semmens:Fastest-Growing also depends on the base audience size. If it was only 1 before, then another 1 user is a 100% increase!
Donald Taylor:Kate - yes, they do!
Suman:Thanks Tracy!
Tracy Gravesande:Welcome, Suman
Cavignaux:do you base your assumptions on any results from connectivist theories or any new results from social psychology
Katey Burrows:@Kate - yes, for recruitment
Richard:Do people want to separate their social from work environment?
Donald Taylor:Thanks Cavignaux. I'm not sure what the answer is on this. I'll raise with David at the end
Katey Burrows:@Richard - the line is being blurred
Donald Taylor:Richard/Ketey - important question. Will raise at the end
Tracy Gravesande:Social technologies should be about integrating into existing processes rather than as a bolt-on. Public platforms do not suppport integration which private / enterprise platforms were developed to support
Richard Semmens:Katey: which line?
Kate Nicholroy:Richard - I think some people do, although it is getting harder.
Evan:@Richard I guess it depends on attitude to work?
Suman:@Richard, yes, manydo feel that ways.
Richard:@Cavignaux Lave and Wenger and Communities of Practice have a strong relevance
@CedricBorzee:Yes Evan !
Katey Burrows:@Richard seperating social from work
AndrewJacobsLD:Social Learning or Social Media Tools Learning? Social Learning is ubiquitous i everything a non-sole trader org works.
Nick Emmett:Probably depends on the industry too to an extent, i.e. financial/high regulated industries have the "risk factor"
Cavignaux:@Richard : thanks
Richard:@ Katey Some studies have show a reluctance in mobile learning for indiviudals to use their own mobile platform for work related activity.