Aim: Welcoming the new class of Spanish students.

Introducing basic phrases and vocabulary


Do now:

Students will copy in their notebooks the tools and materials they need to do well in class.

Students will also copy in their notebooks the rules for the class.


Let’s welcome everybody into the Spanish class. Let’s introduce ourselves.


The students will be able to greet others in Spanish, express how they feel etc. Also they’ll be able to answer appropriately. ( Estoy bien, estoy mal, estoy asi asi, etc)


The teacher will welcome the students in a polite manner and he/she will say” Bienvenidos a la clase de espanol”.

They’ll see the slide presentation and they’ll be referred to the slides for the do now. They’ll copy that and then they’ll begin interacting with the teacher.

The first part will be a series of informal questions based on the slides in oder to elicit responses from the students.

Once the students are introduced to each other by saying: Buenos dias, como te llamas? Como estas? And each student can answer me llamo……so and so. Estoy bien, Estoy mal, etc. Then a full dialogue can be presented to them and they can practice it in pairs and also with the whole class.

Another mini dialogue can be constructed using the phrases: tengo hambre y tu? I am hungry, are you? Make sure that everybody understands and is able to answer correctly. Point out to the slide and review some appropriate vocabulary in addition to the slides.

In addition to the slides, the teacher has prepared pictures of food with the vocabulary word underneath

Good morning / afternoon / evening./night. Buenos dias, tardes, noches

Hello (name), how are you? Hola……..
Good day Sir / Madam –formal

Good morning, teacher. / Mr. Martinez Buenos dias professor, profesora, Senor, senora, etc.

Hi / Hello
How are you?
What's up? -informal
How are you doing? informal

Fine / Great (informal) Estoy bien, mal, muy mal, asi asi, Como esta usted?/ tu?

Short responses: I’m fine thanks and you? Yo estoy bien gracias y tu? Formal Greetings: Departing Good morning / afternoon / evening. Buenos dias,buenas tardes, buenas noches , hasta manana.
It was a pleasure seeing you. Es un placer conocerte, conocerlo, conocerla( formal)
Goodbye. Hasta luego, adios.

Good night/ good bye/bye/see you later/see you tomorrow Feliz noche, hasta pronto…