Teacher: Bethany Kenyon
Whether you believe you can do a thing or you believe you can’t, you are right.
-Henry Ford
Chemistry is the study of the components of matter and how these components behave and interact with one another. This challenging course moves at a fast pace and builds on knowledge and skills students obtained in previous science and math classes.Students are expected to study on a nightly basis.
General ChemistryPhysical Science
Algebra 2 (or co requisite)
Honors Chemistry 93 in Biology/85 in Honors Biology
85 in Algebra 2
Physical Science recommended
Textbook: Davis, R.E. et al. (2005). Modern Chemistry. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, USA.
Materials:1. Three-ring binder
2. Loose paper or notebook
3. Black or blue pens
4. Pencils
5. A scientific calculator (needs to perform log functions and scientific notation, these can be purchased at Wal-Mart for under $10or at some dollar stores).
6. Optional helpful materials: note cards, highlighter, three-hole punch
ClassroomRules: Classroom rules are posted in the classroom; students must follow these rules in addition to all school rules.
Come Prepared
Be Respectful
Follow Directions
ClassroomConsequences: When rules are not followed there will be consequences. Students may receive one of the following consequences for breaking the rules:
1. Warning
2. Phone call home
3. Parent/Guardian conference
4. Detention
5. Referral
Procedures: Several classroom procedures, including how to enter the classroom, where to turn in homework, and others will be addressed in the first week of classes. If at any time a student is unclear on a procedure, he or she should speak to Mrs. Kenyon and clarify what to do.
Plagiarism/Cheating: Plagiarism is a serious academic offense. The following excerpt from contains excellent examples of what plagiarism is.
All of the following are considered plagiarism:
- turning in someone else's work as your own
- copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
- failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
- giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
- changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
- copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not1
The first time a student plagiarizes they will receive half credit and they will be counseled on how to avoid future instances of plagiarism. The parent or guardian will be notified as well.
If a student cheats on a testthey will receive a zero for that test and the parent or guardian will be notified.
1“What is Plagiarism?” Accessed June 8, 2011. <
Notebook: All students will be required to keep a notebook (binder) for chemistry. The notebook should be organized as follows:
Item 1: Syllabus
Item 2: Reference Tables
Item 3: Lab Packet
The rest of the notebook should include notes, warm-ups, handouts, study guides and laboratories. Neatness, order and completeness are also part of the grade. There will be periodic notebook checks, some announced, some unannounced.
Grades: Grades will be based on tests, quizzes, notebooks, homework, in-class activities, laboratories, and projects. Tests and lab reports will be weighted more heavily than homework and activities.
Labs: Laboratories are a big part of chemistry education. Students will learn how to properly handle and use lab equipment and chemicals. For each lab, students will write a lab report. When a group report is required, all members contribute to one report. When an individual report is required, each student writes his or her own conclusions and answers to questions.While a report will always be required, sometimes students will take a lab quiz and be permitted to use their report rather than turning in the report itself.
Safety: Safety in the laboratory is the number one priority. All students must take and pass a safety quiz that will be kept on file. Safety rules ALWAYS apply. Laboratories are an important part of chemistry, but they are a privilege. Students who do not take them seriously will not participate, will lose points, and will have to write a report from their lab partners’ data. Students who repeatedly do not follow safety rules will be removed from the classroom and referred to an administrator.
LabPartners: Students will be assigned a lab partner and a lab group that they will be expected to work with during labs and other assignments.
Homework: Homework is a necessary part of learning chemistry. Chemistry is heavily math-based, and this class requires frequent independent practice and review. Students are expected to complete their homework on time in order to keep up with the class. Homework is due at the beginning of class.
Late work: Late homework will be accepted the next day for half credit. Larger assignments, lab reports, etc., will be accepted late with a penalty of 10% per day they are late.
Absences/Make-up work: Attendance is essential to succeed in school. Students who are absent are responsible for getting notes from peers. Work assigned before an absence is due the day a student returns. Work assigned while a student is absent is due within 5 days of return. If the absence was school related, the work is due within 2 days. Students who have larger assignments and extended absences will work out a schedule with Mrs. Kenyon for making up missed work.
A student who was made aware of a test and given ample review will take the test the day he or she returns to school from an absence or absences. A student who misses the day of the exam will take a make-up test in a different format from the original exam. No make up work will be accepted after the test on that unit has been taken.
Tardy: Students who are not in their seat when the bell stops ringing will be marked tardy. The first time a student is tardy they will receive a warning. A student who is tardy a 2nd, 3rd and 4th time is responsible for getting sentences from the tardy folder and copying these sentences. This is NOT to be done during class time. The sentences will be due at the beginning of class the next day. The 5th and all subsequent tardies will be referred to an administrator.
Success: Students who need extra help are encouraged to come in for Success. I make myself available to students who need help in the morning and in the afternoon. Set up a time to come in by speaking to me after class or through email.
Miscellaneous: Here are some things to remember
Food and drinks are not allowed. You may have water at your desk only.
Only positive comments about those in the classroom or outside of it are permitted
Cell phones and iPods will be confiscated and taken to the office.
Topics of Study:
- Scientific Method
- Measurement
- Significant Digits
- Atomic Theory
- Formulas/Equations
- Stoichiometry
- Quantum mechanics
- The Periodic Table
- Bonding
- Gas Laws
- Solutions
- Acids and Bases
- Redox
- Electrochemistry
- Reactions Rates
- Nuclear Chemistry
Signed Syllabus
I/we have read the above Chemistry Syllabus. I/we will do our part in helping make this year a productive learning year.
I understand this syllabus as we discussed it on the first day of class. I understand that if I have any problems, I will address them with Mrs. Kenyon promptly. I also understand that consequences will result if I do not choose to abide by the requirements for this class, both in grades and behavior.
*Please sign and date. Return by Wednesday, August 31st. Syllabus must also be signed and dated by a guardian. This copy will be kept on file for the 2011-2012 school year.
Mrs. Kenyon reserves the right to change or edit this syllabus as needed. (August 2011)