Library Leadership Team (LLT) Meeting – Thursday, June 16, 2016; 8:30am-10:00am
Present: Suzanne Schilf, Maggie Farrell, Michelle Voyles, Peggy Tyler, Brenda Burk, and Kristy Snider
Guests: Melissa O’Neill and Andy Wesolek
- Announcements
- A new Development Officer, Beth Benzing, has been hired to assist the Libraries and Honors and her start date is July 5, 2016
- Maggie met with Facilities and Food Services on 6/15 regarding Starbucks
- Going out to bid end of week – we will know the final costs and schedule once bids are provided and a final contractor is selected
- The proposed timetable is for construction to start in August and conclude by Thanksgiving (or must stop until after exams)
- There is some overlap of construction and Starbucks costs that hopefully will reduce the total cost
- Brown Room classes will be relocated to other Cooper classrooms during construction since the construction noise will be disruptive
- Cooper Lobby had a section of the carpet removed and terrazzo tile refinished
- A concern of slipperiness is being addressed
- New Cooper lobby furniture is on order (from endowment funds)
- Rooms 109 and 110 have been dry-walled over the cinder block walls and painted
- CCIT is replacing computer furniture on the 5th floor
- Library will be replacing carpet on east and west side since the furniture will be pulled out but the entire floor will be not be carpeted until the Starbucks remodel is complete so likely summer 2017
- 1st floor study rooms will be painted
- Blue wall at back of 4th floor will have glass boards installed
- Professional Development Follow-Up Proposal
- Planning Committee (Andy Wesolek, Melissa O’Neill, Kristy Snider) presented
- Proposal : To share Chuck Knepfle’s compiled notes with all Library faculty and staff
- Insert take-aways so each individual is tasked with own responsibility to act upon customer service training
- Unit Heads to appoint interested faculty and staff to define/compact a service statement of purpose using ideas shared at the 5/5 PD Day, then request approval from entire Library
- Final product to be posted on StaffWeb
- Decision: Maggie to send a message to share “what’s next” since our 5/5 Professional Development Day
- Maggie’s message was sent the evening of 6/16
- LLT will continue working on Libraries Forward plan as part of process
- Small teams will review Library’s mission, vision, and philosophy statements to incorporate comments and statements from the PD day into this process.
- Anticipated draft to be ready in the fall for a broader discussion via a possible forum