MS. TAVAKOLI 2012/2013 Research Paper
This is the list of topics that students will be researching. Attached also is the rubric and the time line that you will follow. * You may also choose your own topic with my approval.
You must use the library website. go to your student portal, click on apps, then on virtual library on left side. If you use the school computers you will not need to login, but if you access from home use:
username: miamidade password: miamidade
Drug Addiction
High School Drop Out Rate
Universal Healthcare
Legalization of Marijuana
Domestic Violence
Teen Violence
High Stakes Testing
Hate Crimes
Homosexual Adoption
Homosexual Marriage
Teen Pregnancy
Gun Control
Human Rights Violations
The Environment
LA.A.2.3.5 Locates, organizes, and interprets written information for a variety of purposes including classroom research, collaborative decision making and performing a school or real task and self improvement.
LA.A.2.3.6 Uses a variety of reference material including indexes, magazines, newspapers, and journals and tools, including card catalogues and computer catalogues, to gather information for research topics.
LA.A. 2.4.6 Selects and uses appropriate study and research skills and tools according to the type of information being gathered or organized, including almanacs, government publications, microfiche, new sources and information services.
Topic Defined
Characteristics of the topic - Give three descriptive examples of topic
Who? What? When? Where was the topic introduced to the world
State the cause Give three reasons - Why?
Effects What happens as a result of people being
Treatment Help for the Problem Three different treatment
Who does it affects?
Demographics of population it effects
New technology, medicine, trends that will assist in finding a cure or preventives measures
What can be done to Facilitate Awareness and/or stop the spread preventive
Does this problem effect your community Personal Do you have any friends, relatives with this problem
Current Events related to the problem People in the News with this problem - 3 examples
Five different sources all must come from the Media Center websites the login and password is miamidade- Two sources must come from books or journals
Give examples of people being for or against your topic Who support or hinder your topic
What is your position regarding this topic Your Opinion, call to action, solutions
- Are you for or against this topic Why?/Why Not?
The Research Project Rubric Project Points (100 Total)
A+ (100) / ~ Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are perfect or nearly flawless. There are very errors, and errors made are inconsequential.~ It is clear that the writer put forth a high level of effort, used several sources, and critically thought about each source.
~ The writer demonstrates an excellent understanding of proper MLA format and bibliography formation.
~ the writing flows well, writer truly has audience in mind. The style is easy to read and consistent.
Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure are nearly flawless or perfect. ~All technical directions are followed perfectly. / OVERALL STRUCTURE AND FLOW 25 Points___
Appropriate voice/audience
Essay stays on-topic
Essay is organized and easy-to read
Research is overall SUFFICIENT
A (99-90) / ~ Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are nearly flawless; few errors are made in total.
~ The writer put forth effort and used several research sources that were appropriate.
~The writer demonstrates a good understanding of MLA format and Works Cited (bibliographic formation)
~The writing flows well and the paper is easy to read. The writer took the appropriate audience into account.
~Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure are generally good with some errors. ~All technical directions are followed nearly perfectly. / TITLE AND COVER PAGE
5 Points (pts) ____
Title is appropriate
Cover page is completed according to requirements
10 Pts _____
Grammar and sentence structure is correct
Capitalization/Spelling/Punctuation is correct clear. Student Proofread work.
B (89-80) / ~There may be some errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but they do not detract from paper generally.
~ The writer did ample research and used the required amount of resources, but the effort was not outstanding.
~ The writing generally understands MLA format and the proper bibliographic format, but did not display a particularly high level of understanding of format.
~ The writing flows with few errors. The writer may not have considered the appropriate audience.
~Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure have very few errors.
~All technical directions are followed consistently. / INTRODUCTION
10 Pts _____
Introduction is a roadmap for essay
Thesis is within Introduction
Introduction is a good overview of subject matter
C (79-70) / ~There are errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling that may detract from the paper.
~ The writer put forth a barely ample effort in research and gathering resources.
~ the writer barely grasps the MLA format and proper bibliographic formation.
~ The writing flows but has marked errors. The writer may not have considered the appropriate audience.
~Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure are average and contain errors. ~Technical directions are followed for the most part. / BODY 20 Pts ____
The body is well- researched
The body is well- organized
The writer separates subtopics and different subject matter
Transitions are seamless
D (69- 60) / ~There are significant errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling that detract from the overall paper.
~The writer put forth almost no effort in doing the proper research and consulting the appropriate resources.
The writer clearly has no understanding of the MLA format and Works Cited.
~The writing flows but has marked errors. The writer did not consider the appropriate audience.
~Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure are below average and there are many errors. ~Technical directions are generally not followed. / CONCLUSION 10 Pts ____
The conclusion wraps the essay up effectively
Is well organized
Thesis is restated within conclusion
WORKS CITED 10 pts _____
Proper MLA format used
Used ample sources (4 to 6)
Sources are arranged in alphabetical order
F(59-below) / ~There are very significant errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling that detract from the paper.
~The writer put forth virtually no effort in doing the proper research
~The writer clearly has no understanding of the MLA format and Works Cited.
~The writing does not flow at all, no style is evident, and there is no evidence that the writer considered an appropriate audience.
~Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure are non-existent.
~Technical directions are generally not followed.