Rotary Re-Fire Program

Foothill Highlands Rotary Club

ReFire Team:

PE: Patrick Magnani

New member: Gene Long and Rich Ryan

Experienced member: Gordan Lipp and Bob Meyer

Strengths: Threats:

Fellowship Economy

Experience Lack of presence in the area

Contact with other Clubs Old white man’s club

Support Foundation Members houses spread out

Well Organized Perception of Rotary

Historical Wisdom Unemployment

Intra-Club Relations No “Movers-Shakers”

Work well with others Red tape. CYA

Growing Presence

Rotary Passion


Younger members


Communication with board members

Fund Raising

Membership increase

Weak Public Relations


Make Committees

Budget not consistent

Inconsistent attendance

Poor Rotary Training


Involve McClellan Park

Large Service Area

District Resources

Work more on area committees

Add Interact Clubs

Lunch Bunch

Expand Service Opportunities

Business Owners in club support

Public Relations

Public Relations New Generations

Better Exposure Interact club relationship

Corporate Sponsorship Career Day

Wear pins Dictionary project

Membership Vocational Services

Ten new members Better Relationships w/local HS

Diversify: age/gender UnSung award



Foundation Club Services

100% Paul Harris Share Fellowship w/other clubs

100% Benefactor More fellowship events

100% Sustaining members More fellowship

10 to attend FD dinner

International Community Service

Maintain Friendship exchange with UK Support who supports us

RYE host event Veterans engagement

Bring GSE team for lunch Serve people in need

3 Year Plan

·  Membership**

o  20% Growth each year for 3 years

o  Maintain the high quality programs and location

o  “Bring a Friend To Rotary Day” every other month

Goal: To create awareness in the McClellan business park. We will create a list of potential businesses, visit them in person, and then ask them to attend one of our weekly meetings. We will encourage our “Bring a friend to Rotary Day” be the same day we have a great program planned and have this done quarterly.

·  Public Relations**

o  Print: Use the local papers to continue to print our events for free

o  Online:

§  Use the SacBee web calendar to post our events.

§  Keep an updated Facebook profile with pictures and videos

§  Consistently update our webpage with what our club is doing

Goal: To increase awareness of the Foothill Highlands Rotary Club in the Sacramento area. We will focus on print and online services to make this happen. We will want to have this done for everything we are doing in the community, not just the big events.

·  Foundation

o  Increase our attendance at the foundation dinner by one member each year for the next 3 years. (5 attended in 2012)

Goal: Become a 100% benefactor club. Encourage the importance of becoming a Paul Harris fellow and create awareness about what the district is doing for the foundation. Have the foundation chair speak once a month on the Foundation and where we are in regards to the Polio Plus program, and our club contributions.

·  International

o  Maintain our friendship exchange with UK

Goal: Host a RYE student within our club in the next 3 years

·  New Generations

o  Keep in touch with the Antelope interact club and engage them with an ongoing vocational project each year.

Goal: Create an interact club at Center High school in the first year. Maintain both interact clubs and include a vocational project each year for both interact clubs.

·  Vocational

o  Reach out to 3 high schools for the speech contest: Rio Linda, Center and Antelope high school

Goal: Have our representation from all three schools for the speech contest. In our first year we should have at least 4 speakers. By the end of our 3rd year, we should have 6 speakers, two candidates from each high school.

·  Club Services

o  Have a fellowship event with Citrus Heights by the end of 2014 year

o  Increase fellowship events within our own club

Goal: Schedule a minimum of 3 outings for our club to increase our fellowship (one being the mystery bus trip) and add two other outings. (ie: BBQ or River Cats Game).

·  Community Services

o  Support organizations in the community and invite them to engage in Rotary.

o  Begin to support our veterans in the area. Example: Operation Easter

o  Continue the 5 Literacy projects each year again

Goal: Maximize the support from the organizations that we support to help us with our NATM project. Use the high schools in the area to help with one literacy project each year.