Monday, May 8, 2006

1. Please Participate in the Science Olympiad Vote…
As was mentioned at our Division Meeting, a paper ballot has been placed in your box regarding future participation in SO. Please return it to Olivia ASAP. Feel free to elaborate on your position as much as you’d like.

2. The Dynamic Fund Letter is Available…
The last two Division Meetings have featured spirited discussions about the Dynamic Fund. Tom and Kent have produced a letter which is available from Olivia for your signature if you are in agreement with it.
More information is available at:

3. Division Budget Committee Plus Department Coordinators meeting Thursday at Noon…
We will have a brief meeting of the Division Budget Committee (watch your email) including the Department Coordinators this Thursday at Noon in 417.
We will consider our strategy for using our 2006-07 Division Budget (supplies and equipment), new funds for the Division that have been requested, and the new College process for allocating funds to the divisions.

4. Laboratory Clerk/Chemistry Position Open!
The Chemistry Department is searching for a replacement for Ben Nguyen who resigned in February to accept another position. The full-time position closes at 5 pm May 16.
Please alert any potentially interested individuals to this opportunity. You can learn more at:
5. Chemical Hygiene Meeting Date Changed to August 16…
From Debbie Valentine, NOCCCD RiskManagement:
“Due to the general consensus that June 8th was not a good time of the year to have the Chemical Hygiene Training, the training has been re-scheduled for August 16th from 10:00-12:00 - let me know what you all think about the day and time.”
Debbie is at:
6. New Chairs and Chalkboards to be installed in June…
Janet Portolan has informed us that she expects that the long-awaited chairs and blackboards for our classrooms will be delivered by the end of May. New chairs are targeted for 420, 422, 427, and 429. Blackboards are for 425, 427, and 422 (both white and blackboards). She will create an installation schedule for June.
7. Eisner’s New Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Website is Online…
Doug Eisner has published the first version of the FC SLO website. The url is Take a look and see what you think.He’s included all the information from program review that he had for the instructional areas only.

Notice that only a few of our programs are listed, including: Earth Sciences, Health Education, Horticulture, and Physics.

The following NS programs do not have SLO’s listed by Doug: Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Microbiology, Nutrition and Foods. Please email your SLO information - particularly SLOs for courses - directly to Doug and he'll add them to the site.
8. Science Club News…!
From Jo Wu:
“Science Club officer positions for the 2006-7 school year are available - Secretary, Programs Director, and Publicity Chair. All students interested in joining the Science Club or becoming an officer should email the club advisor Jo Wu at with their full name, FC student #, phone # and email.
Science Club was very active this past school year at school and community events. Students volunteered at Coastal Cleanup Day at NewportBay, assisted with Chemistry Week at Santa Ana Zoo, helped plant a native ButterflyGarden at NewportBay, Regional Science Olympiad, FC Health Professions Symposium and delivered donated books to Bridges of Asia. Club members also attended a tour of the OC Sheriff's Forensics Dept , hosted several information seminars (Transfer Info for Science Students, USCMedicalSchool, UC Berkeley

alumni) and participated in several FC Club Rushes, FC Night Life, and FC Club Council. Our biggest service project was collecting 33 boxes (about 500 textbooks) for the Bridges to Asia Project.”
9. Five Hundred For the Bridges to Asia Project!
From Jo Wu:
“A BIG Thank you to everyone who donated textbooks for the Bridges to Asia Project. Our division collected 33 boxes (about 500 textbooks)!!! If anyone still needs a "Thank you for your donation" letter directly from the Bridges of Asia for tax-purposes, please let Jo Wu know.”
10. Key Meetings This Week…
Tuesday: Dean’s Council, 9 am, PCR-A
Wednesday:PAC, 2 pm, 1018

PLEASE NOTE: The next Natural Sciences’ Weekly will next appear on Monday, May 15. Please send e-mail submissions anytime before 5 pm Thursday May 11.

ALSO REMEMBER: Current and all past issues of NSW are archived at:

AND…Information about Division Activities and Meetings is at: