Dear Friends,

Regretfully I have to inform you that I will shortly be leaving Arnside Medical


For a long time I have been hoping to pursue a career in Palliative Medicine and an opportunity has arisen for me to work at St Mary’s Hospice in Ulverston.

This has not been an easy decision, not least of all because of the way in which I have been accepted into the Arnside and Silverdale communities and have been given the opportunity of getting to know so many wonderful people. I feel it has been a privilege to be your Doctor for these past few years and I will miss so many of you when I move on.

Dr Kew is in the process of finding a new partner and I have no doubt that Arnside Medical Practice will go from strength to strength and continue to

provide outstanding care with its team of excellent staff and terrific support from the community.

I shall most likely finish at the end of November, but I will keep you informed should this date change.

With my very best wishes,

Sarah Woudenberg

Committee for 2010/11

Chair: Sheena Stewart (tel. 761620)

Vice Chair: David Robinson (tel.762420)

Treasurer: Barbara Henneberry (tel 761881)

Secretary: Irene Bramwell (tel. 762505)

Practice Manager: Gill Collingwood


Maureen Barnes, Phil Carey, Hazel Derrick,

Daphne Jarvis, Elizabeth Matchett,

Derek Thompson, Pam Thompson, Mildred Vause, Valerie Vreede

The Friends have received the attached letter from Dr Woudenberg and whilst we are

extremely sorry to see her go, we wish her all the best for the future in her new post.

Once again we had a very successful Coffee

Morning in May and the sum of £556 was raised.

The Arnside Coffee Morning will be held on

Thursday the 24th November 9.45 am in the

WI Hall.

We would like to take this opportunity to

welcome our two new members Phil and

Valerie, who were voted on to the committee at the last AGM.

Sheena and Irene have been in their respective posts for the past 9 years and are now looking towards retirement! So, their places will have to be filled and volunteers are very welcome to get in touch with Sheena.

Future events are being planned and we hope to

announce these round the village.