May 4, 2015 Borough Council Meeting

The regular monthly meeting of the Stewartstown Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Bill Gemmill, Roy Burkins, Gordon Wisnom, Jerry Writer, Kenton Kurtz and Michael Ellinger. Also in attendance were: Attorney Craig Sharnetzka, Stacy Myers, Dennis Sarpen and Ira Walker. Polly Kreiss and Mayor Smith were absent.


Mr. Gemmill made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 6, 2015 Council meeting. Mr. Kurtz seconded and the motion was carried.

Mr. Burkins made a motion to approve the general fund financial statements, including checks dated April 2 through April 16, 2015 totaling $15,197.19, seconded by Mr. Ellinger and the motion was carried. Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the checks dated April 17 through May 1, 2015 totaling $109,471.44 seconded by Mr. Writer and the motion was carried.

Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the sewer fund financial statement, including checks dated April 2 through April 16, 2015 totaling $66,966.51 seconded by Mr. Burkins and the motion was carried with Mr. Gemmill abstaining. Mr. Burkins made a motion to approve the checks dated April 17 through May 1, 2015 totaling $21,685.00 seconded by Mr. Writer and the motion was carried with Mr. Gemmill abstaining.

Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the water fund financial statement, including checks dated April 2 through April 16, 2015 totaling $28,592.89 seconded by Mr. Burkins and the motion was carried. Mr. Burkins made a motion to approve the checks dated April 17 through May 1, 2015 totaling $12,154.69 seconded by Mr. Writer and the motion passed unanimously.


Council recognized Bob Herzberger. Mr. Herzberger discussed his desire to merge his subdivided property into one. He stated the house is considered lot 1 and part of his barn is considered 1A. Lot 1 is considered in the Borough, where 1A is considered township. He would like to have all of the barn and house as part of the Borough. Mr. Gemmill made a motion to accept Lot 1A into the borough. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried. He will also have to get a new deed and Mrs. Myers will send a letter from the Borough to the Township.


Attorney Sharnetzka stated he is still working on the storm water maintenance agreement. He is waiting for the judge to make a decision on the Shenk complaint.

It was the consensus of Council to allow Attorney Sharnetzka to review and amend the Realty Transfer Ordinance so it will be in line with the Realty Tax Ordinance at the State level.

Attorney Sharnetzka stated that he has reviewed the Workers Comp as it relates to the non-emergency events, specifically those servicing events outside of the jurisdiction. A letter needs to be written to the Fire Police Captain from the entity requesting services. The Fire Police Captain needs to bring the letter to Council for approval. Council needs to verify their insurance coverage is in place for this type of issue. Also, letters should be sent outlining the procedure to anyone that requests services.


Mr. Sarpen was recognized by Council. Mr. Gemmill made a motion to accept a waiver for the scale of the land development plan for Well house #4. Mr. Kurtz seconded and the motion was carried. Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the Land Development Plan for Well House #4 pending Mr. Hook’s signature of notification of ownership. Mr. Gemmill seconded and the motion was carried.

Mr. Sarpen reported that the proposals for Hill Street repair were received. Mr. Burkins made a motion to award the job to W. Craig Adams, Inc. for a cost of $31,059.24. Mr. Gemmill seconded and the motion was carried. Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the bid from York Materials Group LLC to furnish and deliver 9.5 mm Superpave to various locations within the Borough for a cost of $29,842.00. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried.

Mr. Sarpen reported that the poly patch repair for Chantilear Court will cost approximately $2,500. He suggests waiting for another job in the area and using the same products for perhaps a lesser cost. He has not received an estimate for Icehouse Lane. Mr. Burkins made a motion to obtain quotes for Hickory Alley. Mr. Gemmill seconded and the motion was carried.

The fence at Poplar Springs has been completed. The bill of $3,145 will be sent to the Homeowners’ Association. Attorney Sharnetzka will handle.


Mr. Walker presented his report for Council.

Mr. Gemmill made a motion to approve the cost of repair of the bad card for the controller that operates the York Water valve for under $500 to Control Systems 21. Mr. Writer seconded and the motion was carried.

Mr. Kurtz made a motion to update the annual software maintenance for the SCADA system for a cost of $500 with Control Systems 21. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried. The current agreement ends in June 2015.

Mr. Ellinger made a motion to approve the expense of up to $2,100 for the parts and $700 for the torque wrench to extend some fire hydrants. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried.

Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the replacement of a bad source meter for the well from L&B Water. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried.


Council recognized Mrs. Myers. Mrs. Myers is suggesting that the Borough discontinue the newsletter mailings and instead post a PDF to the website. This will result in a $2,400 savings per year. The suggestion will be posted in the next newsletter and feedback from residents will be requested.

Apartment D (above Borough Office) will be occupied as of May 8th by Tabatha Ring and 2 dependents. The monthly rent will be $675. The apartments are to be cleaned by Hopewell Cleaning and the carpets shampooed by Markeys. Mr. Burkins evaluated the old police office and believes it could rent for $650 per month.

The printer for the utility bills is 20 years old and parts cannot be purchased for that model. Mr. Gemmill made a motion to approve the purchase of a new printer from Quality for a cost not to exceed $6,000 (which will be split between sewer, water and trash). Mr. Kurtz seconded and the motion was carried.

The Fairground enhancement project will receive DCED Grant money. The Borough needs to make the first payment, then send a copy of the check and supporting documents to DCED for reimbursement of the grant funds. DCED will release the entire check for $24,834.90. It was the consensus of Council to wait until the June meeting so there is a copy of the actual bill.


Mr. Gemmill made a motion to accept the resignation from Bonner Smith, Mayor. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried. Applications will be accepted between now and June meeting. The appointment will run until the end of December 2015.

The 2015 Monthly Police Report has been received.

Mr. Kurtz made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2015-1 amending the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried.

Mr. Gemmill made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2015-2 amending the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried.

There being no further business, Mr. Ellinger made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Burkins and the Stewartstown Borough Council meeting adjourned at 8:36 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cindy McCartin

Minute Taker/Transcriber