“Nature of the Presidency” Poster

The Presidency – Focus of Leadership (Woll, pages 279-284) 80 points DUE: Wed, 11/11

You will create a poster on the various roles an American president fulfills during his presidency. The reading describes eight different areas of leadership the president provides to: 1) executive branch, 2) forces of peace and war, 3) Congress, 4) political party, 5) public opinion, 6) the rituals of American democracy, 7) free nations, and 8) “free men.” Fold your poster into eight sections and label each section with an area of leadership discussed in the reading. For each area of leadership, you will complete the following:

1.  Draw a historic example of a president fulfilling this role. (Do not use the same president in an example more than twice. Your illustration may need an explanation or quotations.)

2.  Describe how the president provides leadership in this area.

3.  Describe why this is important to his presidency and legacy.

*It may be helpful to answer these questions first on a separate sheet of paper, and then transfer them onto your poster.

Presidential Paradoxes (Woll, pages 287-290) 20 points

On the back of the poster, answer the following questions:

1.  What is a paradox?

2.  In what way did the Founding Fathers set the tone in the Constitution for the role of the president to be paradoxical and why?

3.  In what ways is the job of a president “paradoxical”?

“Nature of the Presidency” Poster

The Presidency – Focus of Leadership (Woll, pages 279-284) 80 points DUE: Wed, 11/11

You will create a poster on the various roles an American president fulfills during his presidency. The reading describes eight different areas of leadership the president provides to: 1) executive branch, 2) forces of peace and war, 3) Congress, 4) political party, 5) public opinion, 6) the rituals of American democracy, 7) free nations, and 8) “free men.” Fold your poster into eight sections and label each section with an area of leadership discussed in the reading. For each area of leadership, you will complete the following:

1.  Draw a historic example of a president fulfilling this role. (Do not use the same president in an example more than twice. Your illustration may need an explanation or quotations.)

2.  Describe how the president provides leadership in this area.

3.  Describe why this is important to his presidency and legacy.

*It may be helpful to answer these questions first on a separate sheet of paper, and then transfer them onto your poster.

Presidential Paradoxes (Woll, pages 287-290) 20 points

On the back of the poster, answer the following questions:

1.  What is a paradox?

2.  In what way did the Founding Fathers set the tone in the Constitution for the role of the president to be paradoxical and why?

3.  In what ways is the job of a president “paradoxical”?