I am the State!

The Rise of Absolutism in Europe

Guiding Questions: Big and broad overview of unit themes

·  How do Absolutist governments emerge and how do these governments create states with “One Law, One King, One Faith”?

·  Why does an absolute government rise in some areas, while a strong Constitutional Government is successful in others?

·  Compare and contrast absolutism in Western and Eastern Europe – how do geographic and cultural differences impact style of government?

·  What are the social, political, and economic changes that come to Europe as a result of absolutism?

Date / Topic / Homework- Reading Questions
9/21-22 / Reformation MC and LEQ
Intro to Absolutism / PP 402-404 JUST READ
Read to understand the Reformation’s impact on women and marriage
420-422 JUST READ
As you read look to understand the causes and impact of the Witch Craze
9/23 / Women and Reformation: Add to Social History
Intro to DBQ: Extended Analysis / p. 464-469
1. Explain the problems and successes facing European states in the 17th century.
Think about why this would lead to absolute monarchy….
9/26 / Louis XIV: Model of Absolutism / PP 469-470 JUST READ
As you read these pages look for how the foundations for Absolutism in France were established with Henry IV and Cardinal Richelieu and how absolutism was challenged by The Fronde.
PP 470-476
2. Summarize the ways in which Louis XIV was able to establish control politically, economically and how his wars may have strengthened or weakened his power.
9/27 / Elizabeth I in England
How to DBQ: grouping and Extended Analysis / PP 476-478
3. Summarize the factors that led to the decline of the Spanish Empire
9/28-29 / England continued / PP. 489-496 TAKE NOTES ON THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS (bullet points OK)
A. What were the political conflicts between the King and Parliament?
B. What were the religious conflicts in England during this time?
C. What were the political & religious features of Cromwell’s Protectorate?
D. What is the lasting significance of the Glorious Revolution?
9/30 / Dutch Republic and Fall of Spain / See above
10/3 / Go over DBQ Rubric
Absolutism in Russia: Peter the Great / P. 496-497 JUST READ
Understand how the features of Dutch politics and society differed from other countries during the 17th century.
5. Explain the P/S/E policies of Peter the Great and explain why Russia might have needed Absolutism to advance
10/4 / Finish Peter
Start Austria Prussia / Just Read “How to DBQ” section in your textbook: xliii and xliv in the intro
Review DBQ Rubric
10/5-6 / DBQ
Finish up Austria Prussia after DBQ / p. 478-482
6. How did the leaders of Austria and Prussia transform their nations into powerful absolutist monarchies and what challenges did they face that were unique to their location and geography?
10/7 / Wrap-up/Review / Prepare for MC Test
10/10 / MC Test.
HW and Class work DUE / HW TBA
10/11 / Art and Society: The Baroque Period

Key Terms from book, lecture, class activities

France England SPAIN

Henry IV Constitutionalism Decline of Spain

Cardinal Richelieu Charles I Phillip III

Cardinal Mazarin Puritans

Louis XIV Power of the Purse PRUSSIA

Revocation of Edict of Nantes Book of Common Prayer Role of Nobles/Junkers

Bureacracy English Civil War Military Strength

Palace of Versailles Oliver Cromwell Religious Policies

Louis’ relations with Nobility Rump Parliament

Colbert Hobbes RUSSIA

Mercantilism Locke Tsars vs Nobles

Louis XIV’s Wars Puritan Protectorate Peter the Great P/S/E policies

Restoration of Monarchy Westernization of Russia


Economic Policies James II

Religious policies Glorious Revolution 1688/Bill of Rights

Political organization


Problems with unity

War with the Ottoman Empire

Relationship with nobility

Leopold I

Some Long Run themes in the AP Euro Course that relate to this unit:

New theories of government that attempt to provide an explanation for human behavior.

The rise of monarchs and centralization of power.

Balance of power as a cause for war.