Northrepps PC

03 December 2013 378

Minutes of the Meeting of Northrepps Parish Council

held on 03 December 2013 at 7.00 pm at Northrepps Village Hall


Chairman Cllr. A Mackay, Vice Chairman Cllr. L. Fish,

Cllr. C. Callaghan, Cllr. H. Claxton, Cllr. B. Hannant, Cllr. K. Laws,

Cllr. J. Miles, Cllr. S. Penlington

Clerk Mrs J. Warner

District Cllr. A Fitch Tillett (to item 6 incl)

2 members of the public

1. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 22 October 2013

It was AGREED that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on

22 October 2013 be APPROVED as a true record. The minutes were signed by the Chairman.

2. Apologies for absence

Apologies were accepted from Cllr. Youngman. Apologies were also noted from County Cllr. Northam and PCSO Holmes.

3. Declarations of Interest & Dispensations in respect of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

The Chairman declared an interest in planning application PF/13/1320.

4. It was resolved that the meeting be closed for public participation

No members of the public wished to speak.

The meeting re-opened.

5. Police Matters

The Clerk circulated the report from PCSO Holmes (refer attached).

6. District Council and County Council

6.1 County Council

There was no report.

6.2 District Council

Cllr. Fitch Tillett reported on her work for NNDC. She advised that NNDC are still working on their budget and the aim is to not increase council tax. It was noted that there is to be some restructuring within NNDC. A copy of the Annual Report for 2012/13 was left with the Clerk.

Cllr. Fitch Tillett left the meeting

7. Planning

7.1 Planning Applications for consideration

The Chairman left the meeting for this item and the Vice Chairman took the chair.

PF/13/1320 Continued use of former grain store for storage of aircraft at Northrepps Aerodrome. It was AGREED to raise no objections to this application.

The Chairman rejoined the meeting and took the chair.

Planning Decisions from NNDC/NCC:

NMA1/12/0816 Non material amendment request to permit variations to solar photovoltaic generating facility at Manor Farm, Crossdale Street, Northrepps - Approve

PF/13/0864 Conversion of redundant dwellings to residential dwelling and formation of vehicular access at 23/24/ Church Street, Northrepps – Permit

PF/13/0964 Formation of vehicular access and driveway to serve airfield, 1-3 Winspurs Cottages and residential barn conversion units at Winspurs Harm, North Walsham Road, Northrepps – Permit

PF/13/0972 Installation of CCTV system at Manor Farm, Crossdale Street, Northrepps – Permit

AN/13/1037 Display of non-illuminated advertisement at 2 Old Station Yard, Norwich Road, Northrepps – Consent

PF/13/1047 Erection of single-storey rear extension at Holmwood, Norwich Road, Northrepps - Permit

7.2 Other Planning Matters (for information only)

There were no other planning matters to report.

8. Highways & Transportation

8.1 30mph & VAS on Norwich Road

It was noted that a pole has been installed which is thought to be for the VAS. The 30mph signs are yet to be relocated.

8.2 Road Surface Norwich Road

The Clerk was instructed to continue to pursue this.

8.3 Public Rights of Way

The Clerk advised that she has written to the landowner in respect of the PRoW at the back of Fox Hills.

It was noted that the works to clear the PRoW opposite the business park will be carried out in January.

8.4 Signage

It was noted that County Cllr. Northam and NCC Highways Engineer Steve White met with the resident at Hall Road/New Road. There is a limited amount which can be done but NCC Highways have agreed to ‘tweak’ the signposts.

It was noted that NNDC are to move the Bulls Row street name sign in order to make it more visible to drivers.

Members were in receipt of proposed street name signage for Christopher’s Close and The Avenue which was noted.

8.5 Footpaths

It was noted that the Clerk has written to the landowner concerned in respect of the overgrown footpath next to the highway at the top of New Road.

The Clerk was instructed to continue to pursue NCC Highways in respect of the footpath between Pine Tree Farm and The Avenue.

8.6 Parish Partnership Funding

It was noted that the LED Lights have been installed.

It was noted that locations for the SAM2 VAS have been agreed with NCC Highways. A date will be set for training.

8.7 Other Highway Matters (for information only)

Traffic Orders

Temporary Road Closures of New Road were noted.

Highway Rangers

The following matters were put forward for attention by the Highway Rangers:

New Road Railway Bridge – Clean drains and gullies.

Highway Sign on New Road – Remove from hedge and reinstate.

Grit Bins

The Chairman advised that the new grit bins are yet to be installed. The Clerk was instructed to pursue this with NCC Highways.

Craft Lane Ditches

The Clerk reported that a resident is liaising with NCC Highways in respect of blocked drains and gullies on Craft Lane.

Pond at Pit Row

The Clerk was instructed to contact Mr Reynolds to ask that action is taken to prevent the pond from flooding the road.

9. Financial Matters

9.1 Payments and Receipts & Financial Statement

The financial matters were APPROVED and the finance sheet signed by the Chairman and the Clerk as Responsible Finance Officer (refer attached).

9.2 Actuals Against Budget to date - Circulated and noted (refer attached).

9.3 Recycling Credits

The Clerk was in receipt of a quotation for recycling banks and credits via NCC. It was AGREED to take out a contract for one mixed glass bank initially for one year. It was noted that members of the public need to be encouraged to continue to use the glass bank.

9.4 Budget 2014/15

Members were in receipt of a letter from NNDC stressing the possibility of the future capping of precepts and reduction or stopping of any grants towards the precept. The Clerk advised that without the grant, there would be an increase of 12% to retain the same overall precept amount. It was AGREED to stand by the earlier decision to accept the grant from NNDC.

9.5 Inspection of Parish Council Owned Assets

The Clerk advised that she had carried out the inspection of council owned assets (refer attached). All issues identified in the inspection are being dealt with.

9.6 Financial Control

It was noted that Cllr. Callaghan had carried out the finance checks for the quarter ended 30 September 2013 (refer attached). There were no matters of concern to report.

9.7 Norfolk Coast Partnership

It was AGREED to appoint Cllr. Penlington as the representative for the Norfolk Coast Partnership.

9.8 Other Financial Matters (for information only)

The Clerk advised that she had received several requests for grants. These will be considered in the new year.

10. Playing Field & Allotments

10.1 Projects – There was no update.

10.2 Maintenance Works

Cllr. Youngman will measure the area under the play equipment in order that a quotation can be obtained for fibrefill.

10.3 School

The Chairman advised that the head teacher is making enquiries to see if NCC have a standard contract for the use of playing fields.

10.4 Tree Inspection

Mr Hannant advised that he report will be with the Clerk within the next week.

10.5 Allotments

The Clerk advised that she had followed up the email with a letter to the owner of the Craft Lane allotment land to ask that the track across the site be repaired where trucks to the sewerage works have churned up the surface.

10.6 Other matters (for information only)

Football Pitches - Cllr. Laws advised that CYFC will be carrying out additional seeding of the pitches.

11. Other works & projects

11.1 Bus Shelter, Crossdale Street

Members were pleased with the designs for the mural however it was noted that the artist was concerned that the mural may be vandalised. The Clerk was instructed to contact Alison Harvey to ask whether a perspex screen could be placed over the mural. It was noted that the school have raised concern in respect of the risk assessment. The Chairman will discuss this with the head teacher.

11.2 Firework Display

Members were pleased to note that the raffle raised £142.05 towards this successful event and £119.73 was collected in the buckets. The Clerk read a letter from the Village Hall Committee, the contents of which were noted.

12. Correspondence

12.1 Correspondence received since 22 October 2013 (list circulated)

DCLG Community Rights – Carry forward to next meeting

Norfolk ALC Weekly updates

Norfolk PCC Newsletter

NCC Norfolk Matters

CGM Landscapes Mailshot

NNCCG NN CCG Partnership News

Momentum Youth Club information

Coast Partnership Coasthopper Bus Service – public meetings

War Memorials Trust Newsletter

NNDC Parish Council Engagement – Standards -

The Clerk and Cllr. Claxton will attend

Various other leaflets and brochures

12.2 Correspondence received since 25 November 2013

NCC Pre-application advice

Norfolk ALC Weekly update & enclosures

NNDC Standards Training

NNDC Draft Licensing Policy for Sex Establishments

NNDC North Norfolk Big Society Fund

NALC Council Tax Support Grant

Norfolk CCG Wellbeing Service Consultation

All the above correspondence was noted and no comment made unless stated otherwise.

13. To receive items to be included on the next agenda and to consider any other business (for information only)

Northrepps Film Club – Grant request to be considered at next meeting.

Summer Event – To be added to agenda for next meeting for consideration.

14. To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 07 January 2014


It was AGREED that in view of the nature of the matters to be discussed that the public and press be excluded from the meeting.

The members of the public left the meeting.

16. Street Lighting Contract

Members were in receipt of the draft tender document which was APPROVED. It was AGREED to advertise the contract with a deadline of 31 January 2014 for receipt of tenders.

17. Grounds Maintenance Contract

Members were in receipt of the draft tender document which was amended and APPROVED. It was AGREED to advertise the contract with a deadline of 31 January 2014 for receipt of tenders.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting.

Signed ……………………………… Dated ……………………………………