Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
EDAD 5399.003Capstone Administrative Internship /

Instructor Information:

Instructor: Ernest Johnson,Ed.D. Phone: (817) 272-2531

Office: 103J Trimble Hall Fax: (817) 272-2530

E-Mail: Mailbox: 19575 Arlington, TX 76019

Office Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 1:00-4:00

Instructor Web Site:

Course Information:

Course Title: Capstone Administrative Internship

Course Number: EDAD 5399.003

Semester: Spring 2011

Course location and time: UCD Room 305 Selected Tuesdays 5:00 – 7:50

Catalog Description

Successful completion of the Capstone Internship will fulfill the comprehensive examination requirements for the graduate degree and/or certification. Requirements of ELPS 5399 will include, but not be limited to, those collaboratively established by University faculty and school administrative personnel
Course Prerequisites: Students should have completed 5389 before enrolling in EDAD 5399

Textbook(s) and Materials: Required:

Beginning Spring 2010, all students must purchase access to Tk20, a data management system to which theywill have access for seven years. The College website for Tk20 is:

University Mission:

The mission of The University of Texas at Arlington is to pursue knowledge, truth and excellence in a student-centered academic community characterized by shared values, unity of purpose, diversity of opinion, mutual respect and social responsibility. The University is committed to lifelong learning through its academic and continuing education programs, to discovering new knowledge through research and to enhancing its position as a comprehensive educational institution with bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and non-degree continuing education programs.

College Mission:

To develop and deliver an educational program that ensures highest teacher, administrator and allied health science preparation and performance and to be a recognized contributor in the field of educational and allied health science research and practice through effective teaching, quality research and meaningful service.

Core Values and Professional Dispositions:

Demonstrate excellence

• Meet stated expectations of student performance.

• Keep timelines. Arrive on time for class and other activities.

• Produce significant artifacts of practitioner evidence.

• Possess a willingness to set goals.

• Attend all classes/trainings and practicum experiences.

• Complete activities as assigned.

• Maintain appropriate personal appearance and/or hygiene for professional setting.

Participate in a learner centered environment and show respect for self and others

• Use appropriate and professional language and conduct.

• Support a "high quality” learning environment.

• Show respect and consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others.

Research-based pedagogy

• Have an awareness of and willingness to accept research-based concepts.

• Identify important trends in education.

• Demonstrate interests in learning new ideas and strategies.

• Relate class discussions and issues to current events in education.

Participate in on-going collaboration with peers and professionals

• Demonstrate kindness, fairness, patience, dignity and respect in working with peers, staff and instructors.

• Work effectively with others.

• Assist others in the university classroom or practicum setting.

• Demonstrateopenness to assistance from others.

• Receive feedback in a positive manner and makes necessary adjustment.

Exhibit stewardship of diversity

• Show appropriate stewardship and tolerance to diverse people, environments, and situations.

Advocate use of technology

• Use and apply existing technologies sufficiently in work.

• Show a willingness to use and apply emerging technologies in work.

Show interest in the learner and the learning-process

• Demonstrate significant learning improvement over time.

• Show interest in the learning process and demonstrate the necessary amount of time, energy, and enthusiasm for becoming better learners, teachers, and practitioners.

National Educational Leadership Constituency Council (ELCC) 2009 Standards:

Standard 1.0: An education leader promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by all stakeholders.
Standard 2.0: An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
Standard 3.0: An education leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.
Standard 4.0: An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
Standard 5.0: An education leader promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.
Standard 6.0: An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Standard 7.0: Internship experiences are field based, standards based, sustained over time with a qualified on-site mentor and for credit.
Texas State Domains and Competencies:
TX-TEXES-COMP.1 / DOMAIN: I) SCHOOL COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP* (*School Community includes students, staff, parents/caregivers, and community members.)
COMPETENCY: 001) The principal knows how to shape campus culture by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.
COMPETENCY: 002) The principal knows how to communicate and collaborate with all members of the school community, respond to diverse interests and needs, and mobilize resources to promote student success
COMPETENCY: 003) The principal knows how to act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical and legal manner.
COMPETENCY: 004) The principal knows how to facilitate the design and implementation of curricula and strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning: ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction, resources, and assessment: and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance.
COMPETENCY: 005) The principal knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program and a campus culture that are conductive to student learning and staff professional growth.
COMPETENCY: 006) The principal knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development to improve the performance of all staff members, select and implement appropriate models for supervision and staff development, and apply the legal requirements for personnel management.
COMPETENCY: 007) The principal knows how to apply organization decision-making, and problem-solving skills to ensure an effective learning environment.
TX-TEXAS-Comp. 3 / COMPETENCY: 008) The principal knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to campus budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management, and technology use.
COMPETENCY: 009) The principal knows how to apply principles of leadership and management to the campus physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.

Learning Outcomes:.

Course Learning Goals/Objectives: To successfully complete a field based administrative experience in accordance with the requirements and regulations of the Texas Education Agency, to develop an individualized professional growth self-study, to work directly under a campus based certified administrator in consolation with the university supervisor, to participate in on going professional self-assessment and reflection, and to develop a portfolio of job related experiences related to the Texas Domains and Competencies for the Principal Certificate.
Course objectives: This course is intended to help students;
  1. Collaboratively develop and implement a shared vision and mission
  2. Collect and use data to identify goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and promote organizational learning
  3. Model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior
  4. Safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity
  5. Assess, analyze, and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies.
  6. Exhibit and develop professional dispositions
Probationary Certification.
If a school district offers a student an administrative position after the completion of EDAD 5389, the student must fill out the proper forms and request approval to obtain a Probationary Principal Certificate. These probationary certificates are for one year and can be renewed annually two times. While on the probationary certificate, enrollment in the certification program must be maintained.
TExES Principal Exam (068)
After students complete (grades posted) 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384, and 5330, or if they are enrolled in 5399, and have scored 80 on the practice test or have the approval of an ELPS department faculty member, they may request approval to start taking the TExES Principal Exam. The form is located on the College website at Students must start taking the TExES Principal Exam within six months of finishing all courses. Delaying longer than six months will require you to retake all the principal certification only program courses.
Texas Principal Certificate:
After students complete all courses, pass the TExES Principal Exam, and have their school district mail the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs their teaching service record showing at least two years of acceptable classroom teaching experience, they may go to the State Board of Educator Certification web site and apply for the Texas Principal Certificate.
Attendance and Drop Policy:
Class Attendance
Students will attend all class meetings, be on time and not leave early without approval from the professor. Class attendance is required and roll will be taken. If you must be absent or tardy, let the instructor know in advance if at all possible. Students are expected to arrive on time and stay for the entire class period. These requirements are in line with the professional attitudes expected in the field of education in both the university and school setting. Late arrivals to class are a disruption to your peers and to the instructor.
Adds and Drops
Adds and drops may be made during late registration. After registration closes drops go through your advisor. Students are responsible for adhering to the following regulations concerning adds and drops. These rules apply to regular semesters and to equivalent time limits in summer sessions as noted on the summer session calendar. A student may not add a course after the end of late registration.No grade is given if a student drops a course before the Census Date of that semester. A student may drop a course with a grade of W during the first six weeks of class. From the seventh week of class through the 12th week of class, a student may drop a course with a grade of W if passing or a grade of F if failing. A student may not drop a course after the 12th week of class.The dean of the college or school in which the student is majoring may require a student to drop a course at any time upon the recommendation of the instructor and the concurrence of the department chair.Students wanting to drop all courses for which they are enrolled must withdraw from the University.
Class meeting dates—Jan. 25, Feb. 8, March 22, April 12, May 3
Assignments and Course Requirements:
  1. Candidates are expected to be present and on time to all classes.
  2. You took the Principal TExES Practice Test while enrolled in EDAD 5389. If you scored 80% or above, you do not need to take the test again. If you scored less than 80%, you will need to take the test again. You must score 80% or better or take the practice test 3 times to receive credit for EDAD 5399 and be approved to take the certification test.
  3. Purchase access to Tk20, submit all required documents, and complete all tasks associated with data collection and management dictated by the College and Department.
  4. Review the ELCC standards and sub-standards provided to you by the instructor. Prepare a written report ranking standards 1-6 in order of importance to you as a future building level administrator. Be sure to justify your ranking. Also indicate 5 sub-standards that you consider your strengths and 5 sub-standards you would consider as weaknesses or which you need to gain more experience. The report should also discuss the skills required in the assignment and how these skills are important to administrators.
  5. Develop an Action Research Power Point Presentation on a project conducted during your internship. The power point will consist of 12-15 slides. In these slides, you will identify your topic/problem/issue you chose to address. You will describe the context where the issue resides and the size and other data about the site? You will include in your literature review what is known about the issue from others who have studied the same issue. You will describe how you went about implementing the treatment (what you did differently). You will state what you consider success (goals/objectives). You will describe how you collected and analyzed the data. You will state the findings. You will discuss the implication of the findings to future action research possibilities. All of this in 12-15 slides.
  6. Write your administrative platform. The platform will include four sections. 1) What work and life experiences lead you to believe you will be a successful building level administrator? 2) What are your beliefs about leadership and policy? 3) What are your beliefs about school, society, and citizenship? 4) What makes you think you will be any better than those that preceded you? Why is being a building level administrator so difficult? What will you do with this administrative platform?
  7. Prepare and submit four Internship Reports. Each report should focus on a different three- month time period. The report will be submitted on the form provided by the instructor. Areas of the report will focus on 1) what you observed, participated in, and were responsible for, 2) cyclical, constant, planned and unplanned activities, 3) what you learned from what you did, and 4) what standards and sub-standards coincide with the main activities involved?
The following list of activities is just some of the suggested activities you might want to consider experiencing during this final semester of your internship. They could become areas for your action research project or activities that could be included in your internship reports or activities that could shape your administrative platform.
1)Review the discipline referrals for a period of not more than 10 school days. Compile the data with regard to grade level, special education, other special programs, race, and gender. Report concerns, etc, time of day for most office referrals, same teacher(s), and reaction to the types of office referrals.
2)With the permission of the administrator, observe a conference dealing with student behavior. You will not be expected to participate in the discussion.
3)Interview the school nurse and discuss the major requirements, concerns, and goals of the school health program. How have the expectations of the program changed in the past five years?
4)Observe the front office secretary or clerk for a period of about 45 minutes. Your report will discuss your observations, the demands placed on the office staff, positive observations and concerns.
5)Meet with the director of maintenance or head custodian and review their job responsibilities and schedules of the staff. Shadow/observe one custodian and/or maintenance person for a period of about one hour. This needs to be done with the knowledge of the principal and the person to be observed.
6)Interview the director of transportation. Discuss the current issues and needs in transportation. Are their special transportation needs for special education students?
7)Interview the campus food service manager. Discuss the current requirements for food service employees, federal and state requirements related to menus, current issues of the program.
8)Discuss security procedures with a campus administrator. Are there written guidelines for key distribution, visitor identification, student searches, locker searches, and metal detectors?
9)Observe a district or campus level shared decision-making meeting. Observe the role of each member in attendance. Did you observe efforts being made to develop leadership skills in the meeting?
10)Investigate current procedures on the campus in one or more of the following areas: student searches, student-to-student sexual harassment, student privacy, faculty privacy, teacher-to-teacher sexual harassment, special education issues, or any other area agreed upon by the cooperating administrator
11)Interview one professional with experience in writing grants. Review one grant and highlight the requirements and procedures for writing and submitting the grant.
Grade Calculation:
EDAD 5399 is a Pass/Fail course.
Email Communication:
UTA e-mail will be considered the official means of communication between the university and students, effective August 22, 2005. Utilize your UTA e-mail for all communications. Your will be responsible to check your UTA email on a regular basis. I will not be responsible for information you miss that is sent by UTA email.