Monthly Summary Report of Member

Activity Form VA-2

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Date / Special Observance attending in cooperation with veterans organizations. Mark if you attended any of these events or other events in your area. / Attended
Jan. / Battle of Cowpens
Feb. / Health Fair Week at VA Hospital. Events everyday
Feb. / Presidents Day Service
Feb. / George Washington’s Birthday Service
Feb. / Kettle Creek Battle Memorial, Washington, Ga.
Mar. / Battle of Gilford Courthouse
April / Patriots Day
May / Armed Forces Day
May / Memorial Day
May / National Memorial Day
June / Flag Day
July / Independence Day
Sept. / DAR/SAR Georgia State Society – Joint Constitution Luncheon
Oct. / King’s Mountains Memorial Service
Nov. / Veterans Day Parade
Nov. / Veterans Day Banquet
Dec. / Christmas Eve Day to pass out stocking to patients at VA Hospital & Nursing home
Did You Participate in Any of the Following Events
Please See Sample Worksheet for examples / Points
1 / Chapter member (s) appointed to VA Hospital Council or equivalents organization. (25 points)
2 / Member may count either item2 OR item 3 when reporting service, but may not count BOTH.
Each HOUR served in VA Volunteer Service capacity. (Verified by submitting local VA Hospital Report per hour). (10 points)
3 / Each SAR member visiting a Veteran in a VA Hospital, Nursing home or his home. (5 points)
4 / Each GIFT donated to Veteran in VA Hospital, or Nursing home or his home (5 points).
5 / Each dollar donated to VAVS or Veterans Project & coupon books. (per dollar, max $1500) (1 point)
6 / Each PUBLICATION donated to VA Library, reading room (Magazine, Paperback books, etc.) (1 point per item)
7 / Each VETERAN OUTING or Party that includes Veteran Parties (1-10-10; 11-25-15; 26-50-20 and 51+-25 points)
8 / (A.)Special Observance(A Chapter sponsored event or A Chapter sponsoring event with other veteran’s organizations attending – Non SAR Meetings). Only Chapters can count this event. Washington’s Birthday, Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th, Constitution Day, Yorktown Day, and any other local Historic observances (50 points per event) ( Color Guard Events Don’t Count)
(B.)Attendance at Special Observances (per Member 5 points)
9 / Special Veterans OBSERVANCES Chapter members attending in cooperation with other organizations–Non SAR Meetings).
Marking Revolutionary Patriots War Veteran’s and compatriots graves (Total points of A,B,C,D, and E.)
10 / (A)Initial Revolution Grave Dedication (Per Grave, Max 200 points). (50 points) Only Chapters can count this credit.
(B)Attendance at Revolutionary Grave marking (5 points per member)
(C)Flag placement on veterans Grave (per grave, max 200 points) (1 point)
(D)Patriot Grave Registry donation to NSSAR (per grave, max 40 points) (5 points)
(E)Participation in a Veteran’s Funeral
Reading or Dedication (20 points)______
Pallbearer (20 points)______
Attendance (5 points)______
Mileage (max. 50 Miles per funeral)______
11 / New or Used clothing – Men’s and Women’s (ref list used by IRS for donation deductions)
12 / All new or used big ticket items such as TV’s Computers, VCR’s, Radio’s etc. points are to equal 1/3 of the original purchase price (Points=1/3 Original item Cost…1/3 cost points.)

Rev. 10-09-2012