Showjump Training Day

with Dave Carey

Supported by Gidgegannup Horse & Pony Club

and Gidgegannup Equestrian Association

Sunday 10th December 2017

(Entries close Friday 1st December 2017)

Gidgegannup Showgrounds, Old Coach Road, Gidgegannup

First classeswill start at 8:00am.

Open Entries:

  1. GEA Competition membership is available to riders 18 years or over (as per the GEA constitution) who are not GEA or EWA Members. You will need to complete the GEA Competition Membership form and pay the $10 fee.
  2. Riders under 18 years must be a member of EWA to compete (PCWA members to enter PC Events only)
  3. To enter the Open 105cm class you MUST hold EWA Competition Membership.

Pony Club Entries (under 18 only)

  1. All riders must be a member of PCWA to compete
  2. All Pony Club classes are being held under Pony Club WA Rules
  3. Pony Club WA Gear Checking will apply to all Pony Club classes.
  4. All competitors participating in Pony Club classes must abide by the Pony Club WA Codes of Conduct.
  5. Day insurance is not available for Pony Club classes.

All riders MUST include a signed waiver with their entry.

Stables will be available. Please clean your stable after use or they will not be made available for free in the future. Please pick up your horse’s manure from stables and in the car park and drop at manure pit near stables or bring a bag and take it home .Stallions experienced at coping in group environments are welcome however you MUST apply to the organisers prior to submitting your entry and EA stallion guidelines must be adhered to.

Draw available:

on Thursday 7th December.

No preferences for the draw will be undertaken nor will the draw be changed upon posting.

***Cancellation policy: If entry is withdrawn prior to closing date entry fees will be refunded less 10% administration fee. After the closing date entry fees will only be refunded(less 10%) if a vet/doctors certificate is provided.***

About Karen

Karen is my identical twin sister and was diagnosed earlier this year with aggressive breast cancer.

She got the double whammy with both Triple Negative and Triple Positive tumours being found. Treatment started immediately with the hope that chemo first will reduce the tumours enough for her to have a double mastectomy and then 5 weeks of radiation therapy. Karen is into her 5th chemo treatment with 3 more to go. But things haven’t run smoothlywith her immune system being so weak and seeing an emergency dash to hospital after contracting gastro which pushed back her treatments until she was strong enough. She also runs her own business which of course she can’t work when she is unwell or when having treatment and the bills are starting to pile up.We are hoping this training day will not only help her financially for a while but also give her the strength,from the support that is being shown, to keep fighting.

From her entire family and herself we would like to say thank you for attending this day and for your generosity.

We hope you have fun!!! - Tracy

Entry Form

ShowJump Training Day

Supported by Gidgegannup Horse & Pony Club

and Gidgegannup Equestrian Association

One entry form per horse/rider combination

Riders Name: / Date of Birth (if under 18)
Contact No: / Horses Name:
Member Of: / GEA GH&PC GDC
EWA / Member #
PCWA / Member # / PC Club Name

A maximum of 3 classes at 2 consecutive heights can be entered per horse and rider combination.

*Pony Club WA Members Only*
Class / Tick / Number of rounds / Class / Tick / Number of rounds
- 45cm / - 45cm
- 65cm / - 65cm
- 80cm / - 80cm
- 95cm / - 95cm
- 105cm / - 105cm
1 round / $14
2 rounds / $28
3 rounds / $40
Competition Insurance / $10 / Fill in attached form(for non-EWA or non-GEA membersover 18)
Ground Fee* / $10 / $10 per horse (Not applicable GEA, GH&PC, GDC Members only)
Fridge Magnet / $3 ea / Qty
Donation / $
Total / $ / EFT reference: **Use J4K-SURNAME as payment reference
Or: Email Entry Form & EFT Receipt to: /
EFT Details: / Bendigo Bank
BSB:633-000 ACCOUNT No: 150137297
ACCOUNT NAME:Gidgegannup Equestrian
**Use J4K-SURNAME as payment reference
Or: Postyour entry (and payment) to: / GEA, PO Box 77, Gidgegannup WA 6083
* cheques payable to Gidgegannup Equestrian Assoc


Fridge Magnets: $3.00 each

Order your magnets now & collect on the day!





NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………….…………....….....

ADDRESS: ……………………………………………………………………………….……………......

DATE OF BIRTH: ……………….....………...….… CONTACT No.: …….....…....………..…......


AMOUNT DUE: $10 for one event

Name of event: ……………………………………..…...…… Date of event: ………………………......

GEA (Inc) is an EWA affiliate. Riders who are NOT direct members of EWA are able to compete at designated events run by GEA (Inc), as determined by the Committee, by becoming a Competition member. Competition members are not eligible for election to the Committee, do not have the right to nominate a person for election to the Committee and cannot vote at any meetings of the Association. Protection is afforded to the member under the Association’sPublic & Products Liability Insurance while participating at the designated event where they are liable for bodily injury or property damage to a third party. It does NOT provide Personal Accident insurance cover.

It is important to note that any liability claim for causing bodily injury or property damage to a third party whilst attending a designated event results in a $2,500 excess. This excess is payable by the person held liable for the damage.

SIGNATURE OF MEMBER: ……………………………….….…………….. DATE: …………………..….

EFT receipt number (if applicable): …………………...………….…Date of fund transfer: ……….…………………


Emergency Contact Name: …………………..…….…… Contact No.: …...... …..…...... …

Medical Conditions / Allergies etc., ………………...………………...………………….……...... …

……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………...... ….


It is compulsory to wear a safety standard approved * riding helmet and riding boots(smooth soled and heeled) when mounted on a horse at all GEA club events.

* Approval Numbers AS/NZS-3838, Euro VG1, US-ASTN F1163