Matter: Anything that takes up space and has mass


1.  Gold has a Density of 19.3 g/cm3.

2.  What volume would 64g occupy?

3.  What mass would a volume of 4.5 cm3 have?

Physical Changes and Chemical Changes-

4.  Define each. How can you tell the difference between the two?

5.  Classify the following as physical or chemical changes:

a.  spoiling of milk ______

b.  bending wire ______

c.  cutting paper ______

d.  rusting of a nail ______

6.  Put the following into a graphic organizer/flowchart and define each:

a. Matter

b. Pure substances – elements and compounds

c. Mixtures – homogeneous (solutions) and heterogeneous

7.  Identify the following as pure substances, homogeneous mixtures or heterogeneous mixtures:

a.  copper ______

b.  sweetened tea ______

c.  sand and water ______

d.  calcium carbonate (CaCO3) ______

8.  Sketch particles in the three states of matter. How close are the particles and how much do they move?

Solid / Liquid / Gas

9.  For this Carbon–14 isotope,

Atomic number = _____, Mass number = _____,

# of protons = _____, # of electrons = _____, # of neutrons = _____.

10.  Atomic Masses: What is the difference between the mass number for Carbon–14 and carbon’s atomic mass of 12.011 amu?

Electron Configurations.

11.  What element has the configuration [Ne]3s23p1? _____

a)  What does the 3 mean in 3s2 ?

b)  What does the s mean?

c)  What does the 2 mean?

d)  How many valence electrons will an atom of this element have?

e)  How many electrons will an atom of this element lose to form an ion?

f)  Write out the electron distribution according to Hund’s rule. The 1s2 sublevel is done for you.

1s2_↑ ↓___ 2s2 ____ 2p6 ______3s2 ____

3p4 ______

Periodic trends

12.  Locate or define parts of the periodic table:

a.  Groups

b.  Periods

c.  Transition metals (d & f blocks) vs. Representative Elements (s & p blocks)

d.  Alkali metals, Alkaline Earth metals, Halogens, Noble Gases

13.  Periodic Trends: Increasing or Decreasing from top to bottom or left to right?

Top to Bottom in a Group / Left to Right across a Period
ionization energy
atomic size

14.  Elements in the same ______have similar physical and chemical characteristics

(group, period)

because they have the same number of ______.

(atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, valence electrons)

15.  Draw a electron dot diagram (or Lewis Dot structure) for Be and for N showing the correct number of valence electrons

16.  From their positions on the periodic table, what charges would the ions of Be and N have?

Gains or loses electrons? / Symbol for ion

Ionic vs. Molecular Compounds:

  1. What is the octet rule?
  2. Metallic atoms tend to lose their valence electrons to produce a(n) ______, or a positively charged ion.
  3. Most nonmetallic atoms achieve a complete octet by gaining or ______electrons.
  4. What is an ionic bond?
  5. Describe the structure of ionic compounds.
  6. Is the following sentence true or false? Ionic compounds generally have low melting points.
  7. What are metallic bonds?
  8. A mixture of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal, is called a(n) ______

25.  Metals lose electrons and form ______while nonmetals gain and electrons form ______.

26.  Molecular compounds form when a ______and a ______combine as they share electrons.

27.  Identify the following pairs of atoms as potentially forming an ionic or molecular compound:

28.  Mg and Cl ______I and F ______P and Cl ______

29.  Ag and S ______K and Br ______Sn and O ______

Covalent Bonding in Molecules

30.  Draw Lewis Structures (dot diagrams) for N2, HCl, H2S, CH4, and O2.

Naming Molecular and Ionic Compounds

31.  Naming molecular compounds

32.  Name: N2O: ______and NO2 ______

33.  Naming Ionic Compounds

34.  Name: Li2O ______and (NH4)2SO4 ______

35.  Name: FeO ______and Sn3(PO4)4 ______

36.  Name: NaHCO3 ______and CuCl2 ______

Formulas of Molecular and Ionic Compounds

37.  Write formulas for the following molecular compounds:

a.  Water ______

b.  silicon dioxide ______

c.  Phosphorous trihydride ______

d.  dioxygen difluoride ______

e.  Lead (II) hydroxide ______

f.  chromium (III) sulfate ______

38.  Write formulas for:

a.  Ba2+ with OH– ______

b.  iron (III) sulfide ______

c.  magnesium oxide______


  1. Complete the electron dot structure for each molecule (show bonds as pairs of dots).

a.  NH3 b. H2O2 c. CH4 d. N2

  1. What are resonance structures?

Chemical Quantities/The Mole

  1. What is a mole? What element is it based on?
  2. How many grams, liters, and atoms is 5 moles of Helium gas at STP?
  3. Grams= Liters= Atoms=
  1. Of Nitrogen?
  2. Grams= Liters= Atoms=
  1. What is STP?
  2. How do you convert from Celsius to Kelvin?

Chemical Reactions/Stoichiometry

48.  Define what is meant by the term chemical reaction.

49.  In the following chemical equation, identify the reactants and the products.

3Ba(C2H3O2)2(aq) + 2Na3PO4(aq) à Ba3(PO4)2(s) + 6NaC2H3O2(aq)

50.  Define each of the following:

a.  Direct Combination (or synthesis):

b.  Decomposition

c.  Single-Replacement

d.  Double-Replacement

e.  Combustion

51.  Using the five types of reactions listed above, classify AND balance the following equations:

a.  ___Na(s) + ___Br2(l) à ___NaBr(s)

b.  ___CH4(g) + ___O2(g) à ___CO2(g) + ___H2O(g)

c.  ___K2CrO4(aq) + ___Ba(NO3)2(aq) à ___BaCrO4(s) + ___KNO3(aq)

d.  ___H2O(l) à ___H2(g) + ___O2(g

e.  ___Al(s) + ___Fe2O3(s) à ___Al2O3(s) + ___Fe(s)

f.  ___H2(g) + O2(g) à ___H2O(l)

g.  ___C8H18(l) + ___O2(g) à ___CO2(g) + ___H2O(g)

52.  The complete combustion of octane, C8H18, a component of gasoline, proceeds as follows:

53.  C8H18 + O2 → CO2 + H2O

(a). Balance the equation :

(b). How many moles of O2 are needed to burn 1.50 mol of C8H18?

(c). How many grams of O2 are needed to burn 1.5 mol of C8H18 ?