TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2017



9:00 A.M.

Those in attendance: Craig Burgess, Adrienne Craig (representing Gina Sheeks), Abraham George, Ed Helton, Tom Helton, Rocky Kettering, John Lester, Nancy Marino and Todd Reeser.

Guests: Jennifer Joyner and Steve Morse

Adrienne Craig: Distributed information to ELT regarding scheduled student events for the week of August 14. Volunteers are needed for the CSU 411 Ask Me tent on August 14 – if interested contact Adrienne. All faculty and staff are invited to the picnic with the students on Wednesday,

August 16 at 11:00 a.m., at the clocktower.

Camp PROWL - Expecting eighty students to participate this year in Covington, GA. ELT members are invited to dinner with camp participants on Thursday, August 3 at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.

iLead – New organization focusing on soft skills and active learning skills with students. ELT and faculty are encouraged to nominate students.

Tina Butcher: CIE will be moving to the Schuster Center in the near future, and will be known as the Center for Global Engagement Recommendation made to rename Schuster, room 130 to the Sara Spencer Global Engagement Hall. Motion to approve made by John Lester, seconded by Todd Reeser, with unanimous vote by team members present. Tina, Tom and Rocky will work together on the new plaque.

Graduate Enrollment report distributed to all ELT members. Graduate enrollment is up under the category of Other States, which includes online courses.

Tina has received a recommendation from the CIE Director Search committee, and will discuss this information with Dr. Markwood.

Faculty Workload policy has been approved on the academic side, and recommendation to the president has been made for his approval.

Rocky Kettering: Jennifer and Steve discussed the proposed Event Policy and Process. All internal requests for CSU events must complete this form and receive approval before the event takes place. External requests will go through the existing process online through Logistics. Steve will work with UITS to see if the form can be accessible through Cougar Scheduler. Academic requests may need Dean’s approval as well as the Provost approval. Jennifer and Steve will tweak the form, and Rocky will present modified form to the ELT at the August 22 meeting for approval.

Recommendation made to the President: ELT in favor of process continuing to be developed by Steve, Jennifer and UITS.

Tom Helton: Move On When Ready students will be obligated to pay the $45.00 CSU annual parking fee just as our regular CSU students.

New red lined parking spaces are available for tenants who rent space at the Cunningham Center. Tom will have signage posted.

Abraham George: Report on computer labs, tech fees, etc. will be presented at the September 5 ELT meeting. UITS is continuously working with HR migrating Shared Services for all users and remote access. Tom will ask Laurie Jones to the September 19 ELT meeting regarding the process for Open Enrollment Benefits through the HR Connect.

John Lester: Currently working to hire a branding consultant. Christa Robbins left CSU and is now working with Kennesaw State. College of Arts plans to hire a Communication person.

Alunmi magazine will be sentout the end of September.

Dr. Markwood’s State of the University Address will be available online this year.

Welcome Week events are posted. ELT members will receive an invitation to the New Faculty dinner scheduled for Friday, August 11 at the RiverPark campus.

Craig Burgess: Mark Lott, Chip Reese and Craig plan to address the Chairs Assembly regarding the new Campus Carry law.

All faculty contracts this year have a letter regarding faculty teaching at other educational institutions and CSU at the same time.

UITS working on the General Counsel website.

Recommendation to the President on Policy on Policies will be presented to the ELT at the August 22 meeting.

Todd Reeser: Peach Belt Cross Country Championships will be held at Ft. Benning at Stewart Field on October 21, women at 8:30 a.m. and men at 9:30 a.m.

Ed Helton: J. Blanchard forum scheduled for August 28 and 29. Agenda for this event is available on line. ELT members will be invited to the private reception with special guest, Octavia Spencer. Currently working on the 2018 program.

At the request of the president, working on a leadership umbrella for leadership development for CSU faculty and staff. Once president has approved proposal, will present to the ELT.

Please note time change for the next two ELT meetings:

August 16 – 8:30 a.m – CSU Picnic scheduled at 11:00 - Clocktower

August 22 – 8:30 a.m. – State of Education forum downtown at 10:30 a.m.

There being no other business to discuss, meeting was adjourned at

11:46 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by,

Nancy Marino