Culture Assignments Spanish 1

Refer to each of the possible countries and topic options. Complete one and turn it in by the stated due date.


Level 1 Country choices:



El Salvador



Costa Rica



La República Dominicana

Puerto Rico (U.S. Commonwealth)

Level 1Topic Choices:

Historic Event (Guideline 2)

Person (Guideline 3)

Hispanic Catholic Saint (Guideline 1)

Holiday or Festival (Guideline 2)

Monument or Architecture (Guideline 5)

Food (Guideline 7)

Music (Guideline 6)

Artesanía(Guideline 4)

General Requirements:

  • All work must be original to the student. Translators of any kind, including free online, are not permitted nor help from native speakers or anyone with a Spanish background. Help and support via the Socratic Method is acceptable and wonderful. You may not work together nor share information for these projects.
  • Late work may receive partial credit. You may turn in the project the next day for a 15% grade reduction. No late work accepted after the second day.
  • You may not choose the same countryor topic twice.
  • No Wikipedia, please vet your source for reliability.
  • Each project should state the topic and guideline number the student is following.
  • Each project must have a rubric attached with the student and project info filled in. You can print one out from my website.

Due Dates:

Q1-Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Q2- Monday, November 19, 2012

Q3- Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Q4- Monday, April 29, 2012

Each quarter project is worth 40 points.

Project Guidelines:

Guideline 1 (Hispanic Catholic Saints)

The vast majority of Hispanics are Catholic. For example, in Mexico, 87% of the population is Catholic. To that end, in order to understand a large part of the Hispanic culture, you need to understand their Faith. The Catholic Saints play a large, loving role in the lives of the Hispanic People.

Vocabulary you may need to understand your research:

Saint- (n)A person officially recognized, especially by canonization, as being entitled to public veneration and capable of interceding for people on earth.

Venerate- (v) To regard with respect, reverence, or heartfelt deference.

Venerable-(adj) worthy of veneration

Feast Day-(n) a holiday; a day set as a solemn commemorative festival. A Feast Day can be celebrated alone or in groups.

Miracle- (n)An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God.

Miracles performed- the actual posthumous (after death) miracles that are attributed to this particular person in order to become a Saint.

Canonization- To declare (a deceased person) to be a saint and entitled to be fully honored as such.

Patron Saint- A Saint that the Faithful may pray to for a specific reason.


  • The product that you turn in may vary in creativity.At the very least, it will be an informative, creative construction paper folder about the Saint you have chosen. It should include:

o the life and times of the Saint (a brief paragraph in YOUR OWN WORDS)

oIf applicable, is this person a Patron Saint? If so, what do people pray to this Saint for?

oWhen is the Saint’s Feast Day?

oWhen and where was the Saint born?

oIndicate how and evaluate why Saints especially important to Hispanics Catholics? Or, indicate how and evaluate why this particular Saint is important to Hispanic Catholics.

oIs there a country where the Saint is particularly venerated/celebrated?

oWhat were the miracles performed that lead to canonization of this Saint?

oA picture of the Saint. You may download from the Internet a nice likeness of the Saint. Many of the Saints were born hundreds of years ago, so a photo-copied painting of your Saint is fine.

oThe folder should be attractive and decorative. It should convey that you took time and interest doing it.

oSome of the information may be in bulleted form

oYour name and period number must be on the back

Depending on your skill level, you may sculpt or draw a likeness of the Saint you select in place of the xerox photo. You may also take artistic license with the presentation of your project as long as it is quality work and fulfils the assignment.

  • Include a Works Cited Page. This means a list of resources that you used in your research.Failure to include a Works Cited Page will be considered plagiarism and will result in a zero for the paper or project.

Guideline 2 (Holidays, Traditions, History)

Holidays and traditions are very important to Hispanics. They are part of their history in that they keep the Hispanic Heritage alive. If you have chosen to research a holiday, tradition or a part of Hispanic history, the following are the guidelines for your assignment. For this option you may not chose Day of the Dead.


  • Write in English a minimum of a 1 page paper, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. The paper should be in paragraph form, not numbered responses.
  • For holiday research use the flowing criteria to guide your research and writing:

- What is (are) the origin(s) of the holiday/tradition?

- When is the holiday/tradition celebrated?

- How is the holiday/tradition celebrated?

- Is there a different celebration for family than for public?

- Evaluate how the celebration of this holiday leads to a more fulfilled life for the residents of this country.

  • For history research use the following criteria to guide your research and writing:

-What is the importance and /or relevance of this historical event.

-What event(s) occurred to lead up to this event?

-How has this event shaped the country’s history?

-Has the event had a positive or negative impact on the country?

-Predict what would have happened in the country had this event not happened, or if there was a different outcome.

  • Include a Works Cited Page. This means a list of resources that you used in the research of your Saint. Failure to include a Works Cited Page will be considered plagiarism and may result in a zero for the paper or project.

Guideline 3 (People)

This option allows you to learn about some of the many Hispanics who are important to the history and culture of Spanish-speaking countries. The following are the guidelines for your assignment. For this option you may not chose Roberto Clemente or Cesar Chavez.


  • Write in English a minimum of a 1 page paper, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. The paper should be in paragraph form, not numbered responses.
  • For people in history research:

- What impact on history did this person make? Give details and examples.

- When and where did (does) this person live?

- What events in this person’s life determined his/her actions? Give details and examples.

-If this person had a different career, what do you think it would be? Why?

-Predict how this person’s life change would be different if he/she had this other career.

  • Include a Works Cited Page. This means a list of resources that you used in the research of your Saint. Failure to include a Works Cited Page will be considered plagiarism and may result in a zero for the paper or project.

Guideline 4 (Artesanía)

Artesanía refers to Hispanic created folk art. Artesanía is rooted in the culture and history of the Spanish-speaking country. Some of it is functional, some is purely artistic.


  • Research a particular type of artesanía. Some suggestions are: Huichol Bark Paintings, Cerámica, Talavera pottery, Retablos, Bultos, etc. There are many, many more types of artesanía for every Spanish-speaking country. Consult with me for ideas that aren’t listed.
  • Create an example of the artesanía that you have researched (one type). The example should be carefully executed. It should look as if you spent time and thought creating it, and should mimic the type of artesanía. For example, if you choose cerámica, you need to re-create it using clay or something similar and paint. The example must be 100% student created.
  • Include a photo or photo-copied image of the original type of artesanía that the student is recreating.
  • In a creative, bulleted format, indicate the following information on the artesanía that you have researched. Put your name and class period on the back of your artwork and your written information.

- The origin of the particular type of artesanía that you are researching.

- Is it functional or purely artistic?

- What country(s) is it indigenous to?

- How did the artist learn the necessary skills?

-Evaluate the impact of the artesanía on the culture of this country?

  • Include a Works Cited Page. This means a list of resources that you used in the research of your Saint. Failure to include a Works Cited Page will be considered plagiarism and may result in a zero for the paper or project.

Guideline 5 (Place, Monument, Architecture)


This option allows you to learn about places that are relevant and important in the Hispanic culture. In a creative, bulleted format, indicate the following information on the place that you have chosen to research. Your presentation of information should be no larger than 8 ½ x 11. It can be folded or flat, it is your decision, but it must include the following:

-Where is this “place” located?

-What is the history behind this “place”?

-Why is it important to the Hispanic culture?

-What is/are the origin(s) of this place?

- Evaluate the impact of the place, monument or architecture on the culture in this country?

-Include a picture of this “place”. It can be printed out from the computer, cut from a magazine, or drawn by hand.

  • Include a Works Cited Page. This means a list of resources that you used in your research. Failure to include a Works Cited Page will be considered plagiarism and will result in a zero for the paper or project.

Guideline 6 (Music)

In a creative, bulleted format, indicate the following information on the music that you have researched. Your presentation of information should be no larger than 8 ½ x 11 in any format you choose, but when finished must include the following:

- The origin of the particular type of art that you are researching.

- Is it functional or purely artistic?

- What country(s) is it indigenous to?

- How does this type of music impact the culture of the country?

- Include a photo, drawing of your topic. If this isn’t appropriate, think of a different way to express an example.

  • For mariachis answer these additional questions:

- What are the origins of Los mariachis?

- What are the names of the instruments and what sounds do they produce?

- Explain the significance of the suits and hats the mariachis wear.

- On what occasions do mariachis play?

- Evaluate the impact of Mariachi music on the culture of this country?

  • Include a Works Cited Page. This means a list of resources that you used in your research. Failure to include a Works Cited Page will be considered plagiarism and will result in a zero for the paper or project.

Guideline 7 (Food)

In a creative, bulleted format, indicate the following information on the recipe that you have researched. Your presentation of information should be no larger than 8 ½ x 11 in any format you choose, but when finished must include the following:

-A copy of the recipe, handwritten or computer generated

-What country(s) is it indigenous to?

-What if any is the origin and/or history of the recipe?

-Where you familiar with all the ingredients? If not, which ones were new to you and where do they come from?

-Photos of yourself cooking and eating the recipe

-A few sentences stating your opinion on the recipe.

-Did you like it?

-Is it similar to anything you have ever tasted?

-If you make it again, would you change any part of the recipe? If so, which parts? And, how would you change the recipe? Why would you change the recipe?

  • Include a Works Cited Page. This means a list of resources that you used in your research. Failure to include a Works Cited Page will be considered plagiarism and will result in a zero for the paper or project.