Rubric - Making a Flyer / Name:
Criteria / Exceeds Expectations
5 pts. / Meets expectations
4 pts. / Almost meets expectations
3 pts. / Below expectations
2 pts.


(See below) / Followed all directions exactly. / Almost followed directions. / One or more items missing. / Many items missing and/or late.


/ Extremely neat and easy to read. / Neat and easy to read. / Somewhat difficult to read. / Very difficult to read.


/ Adds to the understanding of the text. / Good but does not add much
meaning to the text. / Has nothing to do with the text. / None included.

Grammar & Conventions

/ Flyer contains no errors. / Flyer contains one error. / Flyer contains two or three errors. / Flyer contains four or more errors.


/ Clearly explains why and how people should reduce, reuse or recycle. / Explains why and how people should reduce, reuse or recycle. / Explains either why or how people should reduce, reuse or recycle. / Does not explain why or how people should reduce, reuse or recycle.

Criteria Scores

Total Points

Directions – Your flyer should:

1.  Give one reason why and one way how people should reduce, reuse or recycle. Use only the topic you researched this week.
2.  Include at least one graphic. Choose from the file on the computer desktop.
3.  Type all work. You may use any font that you wish. Size of flyer should be normal printer paper. Print a copy for each group member.
4.  Print this sheet and staple it behind your flyer in the upper left-hand corner. Make sure to write your name in the space at the top of this page.
5.  Scoring: 20 = 100 16 = 80
19 = 95 15 = 75
18 = 90 14 = 70
17 = 85 13 = 65