Miguel A. Perez, Ph.D., MCHES

PO Box 3201

Clovis, ca


Doctorate of Philosophy
The Pennsylvania State University / 1994
Dissertation: An assessment of HIV/AIDS risk factors among Pennsylvania's Hispanic/Latino Farmworkers.
Master of Science
The Pennsylvania State University / 1993
Thesis: Migrant adolescents: Knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS
B.A Research in Mental Health (Honors)
California State University, Dominguez Hills / 1991


Pérez, M.A., Pinzon-Perez, H.L., & Alonso, L.M. (2007). Promoción de la Salud: Conceptos y Aplicaciones. [Health Promotion: Concepts and Applications]. Barranquilla, Colombia: Ediciones Uninorte.
Edited Books
Pinzon-Perez, H. & Pérez, M.A. (Editors). (2016). Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Health: A Multicultural Perspective. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.
Pérez, M.A., & Luquis, R. (Editors). (2014). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.
Pérez, M.A., & Luquis, R. (Editors). (2008). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.
Publications: Book Chapters
Pinzon-Perez, H., Perez, M.A., & Luquis, R. (2016). Complementary, alternative, and integrative Health: Beyond the paradigm of CAM. In H. Pinzon-Perez and M.A. Perez (Eds). Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Health: A Multicultural Perspective (pp.323-350). San Francisco, CA: Wiley.
Luquis R.R., & Pérez, M.A. (2014). Cultural competency and health education: A window of opportunity. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 293-310). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.
Pérez, M.A. (2014). Foundations for health literacy and culturally appropriate health education programs. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 217-240). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.
Zografos, K. & Pérez, M.A. (2014). Health disparities and social determinants of health: Implications for health education. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 59-86). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.
Pérez, M.A. & Luquis, R.R. (2014). Implications of changing US demographics for health educators. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 1-21). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.
Pérez, M.A. (2013). Community health and minorities. In J.F. McKenzie and R.R. Pinger (Eds). An Introduction to community health – (Brief Edition, pp. 183-199). Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett Learning.
Luquis, R.R., & Pérez, M.A. (2008). Cultural competence and health education: Challenges and opportunities for the twenty-first century. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 231-242). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.
Aguilera, C., Dailey, W., & Pérez, M.A. (2008). Aging and health education: Partners for learning. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 201-210). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.
Pérez, M.A. (2008). Strategies, practices, and models for delivering culturally competent health education programs. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 183-197). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.
Pérez, M.A., & Luquis, R. R. (2008). Changing US demographics: Challenges and opportunities for health educators. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 1-19). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.
Pérez, M.A., & Pinzon-Pérez, H.L. (2004). Sexual health issues among US Latinos. In R.T. Francoeur and J. Noonan (Eds). International Encyclopedia of Sexuality (pp. 1154-1160). New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc.
Pérez, M.A. (2000). La violencia entre los jóvenes Colombianos: Un reto para la bioética moderna [Violence among Colombian youth: A challenge for modern bioethics] In J. Triana (Ed). Bioética y calidad de vida (163-174). Bogotá, Colombia: Ediciones El Bosque.
Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón, H.L. (1998). Latino perspectives on sexuality. In P.B. Koch & D. Weiss, (Eds.), Sexuality in America (pp. 49-62). Tennessee: Continuum Press.
Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón, H.L. (1997). Latino perspectives on sexuality. In D. Weiss & P. B. Koch (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Sexuality (pp. 1423-1436). Tennessee: Continuum Press.
Pérez, M.A., & Fennelly, K. (1996). Risk factors for HIV and AIDS among Latino farmworkers in Pennsylvania. In S. Mishra, P.F. Conner, & R.F. Magaña (Eds.), AIDS crossing borders: The spread of HIV among migrant Latinos (pp. 137-155). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Publications: Peer Reviewed Articles
Arboleda, J. Pérez, M.A.. Gonzalez, A., & Pérez, A. (2015). Analisis comparativo del bajo peso al nacer entre madres adolescentes y mujeres adultas que alumbraron en el Hospital Regional Antonio Musa en el periodo 2008 – 2011. Revista Dominicana de Investigacion para la Salud, 1(1): 22-36.
Rios-Garcia, A.L., Alonso-Palacio, L.M., Erazo-Coronado, A.M., & Pérez, M.A. (2015). Food security overview: The Colombian Experience. Salud Uninorte, 31(1): 181-189.
Silva, G., Arboleda, J., Luquis, R., Pérez, M.A., Corvala, A., & Gonzalez Diaz, E.S. (2015). Health behaviors among first year college students in a private university in the Dominican Republic. Global Journal of Health Education and Promotion, 16(2): 32-50.
Pérez, M.A., Fortune, D., & Luqis, R. (2015). Global health: Chartering a new mission for health education specialists. Global Journal of Health Education and Promotion, 16(1): 76-84.
Luquis, R., Brelsford, G., & Pérez, M.A. (2015). Exploring Latino college students’ sexual behaviors in relation to their sexual attitudes, religiosity, and spirituality. Journal of Religion and Health, 54: 1345-1357. DOI: 10.1007/s10943-014-9929.9.
Pérez, M.A., & Luquis, R. (2012). Getting to know US Latinos: A step toward cultural competence. California Journal of Health Promotion. http://www.cjhp.org/SpecialIssue2_2012/documents/65-69perez.pdf.
Cisneros, R., Schweizer, D., Zhong, S., Hammond, K., Pérez, M.A., Guo, Q., Traina, S., Bytnerowicz, A., Bennett, D. (2012). Analyzing the effects of the 2002 McNally fire on air quality in the San Joaquin Valley and southern Sierra Nevada, California. International Journal of Wildland Fire. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WF11025.
Witrago, L., & Pérez, M.A. (2011). Preparing for an Influenza Pandemic: Policy Implications for Rural Latino Populations. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 22:58-71.
Pinzon-Perez, H.L., Kotkin-Jaszi, S., Pérez, M.A. (2010). Childhood Diabesity: International Applications for Health Education and Health Policy. International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 13:125-134.
Aguilera, C., Pérez, M.A., and Alonso, L.A. (2010). Readability of diabetes education materials: Implications for reaching patients with written materials. SaludUninorte, 26(1): 12-26.
Pérez, M.A., & Thao, C. (2009). Understanding Barriers to Prevention of ntshav qab zib / nsthaav qaab zib: A Hmong Perspective. Hmong Studies Journal, 10: 1-23.
Alonso Palacio, L.M., Pérez, M.A., Alcala, G., Lubo Gonzalez, A., & Consuegra, A. (2008). Comportamientos de riesgo para la salud en estudiantes Colombianos recién ingresados a una Universidad privada en Barranquilla (Colombia). [An assessment of health risk behaviors among first year college students at a private university in Barranquilla (Colombia)]. Revista SaludUninorte, 24(2): 235-247.
Zarate, G., & Pérez, M.A. (2007). Factores Sociales como Mediadores de la Salud Pública [Social Factors as Mediators of Public Health]. Revista SaludUninorte, 23(2): 193-203
Pérez, M.A., & Cha, K. (2007). Diabetes knowledge, beliefs, and treatments in the Hmong population: An exploratory Study. Hmong Studies Journal, 8: 1-21.
Cisneros, R., & Pérez, M.A. (2007). A comparison of ozone exposure in Fresno and Shaver Lake California. Journal of Environmental Health, 69(7): 38-44.
Luquis, R.R., & Pérez, M.A. (2006). Cultural competence among school health educators. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 13(4): 217-222.
Pérez, M.A., Moua, L.J., & Pinzon-Perez, H.L. (2006). Food preparation, practices, and safety in the Hmong community. Hmong Studies Journal, 7: 1-24.
Luquis, R., Pérez, M.A., & Young K. (2006). Cultural competence development in
health education professional preparation programs. American Journal of Health
Education, 37(4): 233-241.
Pérez, M.A., & Pinzon-Perez, H. (2006). Uso del tabaco entre los jóvenes colombianos: Retos para los profesionales en salud pública. [Tobacco use among Colombian youth: Challenges for public health professionals]. Salud Uninorte, 21: 66-75.
Pérez, M.A., Gonzalez, A., & Pinzon-Perez, H.L. (2006). Cultural competence in health care systems: A case study. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 4(1): 102-108.
Nsuangani, N.M., & Pérez, M.A. (2006). Accessing web-based health related information by college students: An exploratory study. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 4(1): 64-74.
Luquis, R., & Pérez, M.A. (2005). Health educators and cultural competence: Implications for the profession. American Journal of Health Studies, 20(3): 156-163.
Pinzon-Perez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (2005). Changes in students’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills in a service learning community health course. The Journal for Civic Commitment Issue 6. Available online at http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/other/engagement/Journal/Issue6/Perez.jsp.
Pinzon-Perez, H.L., Pérez, M.A., Torres, V., & Krenz, V. (2005). A qualitative study of cervical cancer Screening among Latinas living in a rural area of California: Lessons for health educators. American Journal of Health Education, 36(4):228-236.
Pinzon-Perez, H., Moua, N., & Pérez, M.A. (2005) Understanding satisfaction with Shamanic practices among the Hmong in rural California. The International Electronic Journal of Health Education. Volume 8:18-23. Available at www.aahperd.org/iejhe.
Alonso, L.M., Pérez, M.A., Arias, C., Figueroa, N., Gamarra, C., Martinez, A., Sanchez, L., & Toscano, A. (2004). Caracteristicas biopsicosociales y frequencia de relaciones sexuales de las embarazadas en la ESE Prudencio Padilla Clinica Sur: Barranquilla, Colombia [Demographic characteristics and sexual activity frequency among pregnant women obtaining medical services at the Prudencio Padilla Managed Care Clinic in South Barranquilla, Colombia]. Salud Uninorte 18:8-19.
Pérez, M.A., Luquis, R., & Allison, L. (2004). Instrument development for measuring teacher’s attitudes and comfort in teaching human sexuality. American Journal of Health Education, 35(1): 24-29.
Luquis, R., & Pérez, M.A. (2003). Achieving cultural competence: The challenges for health educators. American Journal of Health Education, 34(3): 131-137.
Krenz, V., Pinzon-Pérez, H.L., Krenz, E., Pérez, M.A., & Haugan, P. (2003). Barriers to pap smears among Latina MediCal enrollees using GIS. On-line publication. Available at: http://gis.esri.com/library/userconf/proc03/author.html#p.
Pérez, M.A., Pinzon-Perez, H.L., & Sowby, S. (2002). The role of health educators in dealing with biological threats in the United States. American Journal of Health Education, 33(4): 216-224.
Pérez, M.A., & Pinzon-Pérez, H.L. (2002). Risk behaviors related to safety and violence among Colombian high school students. Journal of the International Council for Health. Physical Education, Recreations, Sport, and Dance, 38(1): 50-54.
Pinzón-Pérez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (2001). A study of suicide related behaviors among Colombian youth: Reflections and implications for health education. American Journal of Health Education, 32(5), 288-292.
Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón-Pérez, H.L. (2000). Alcohol, tobacco, and other psychoactive drugs use among high school students in Bogotá, Colombia. Journal of School Health, 70(9), 377-380.
Bungum, T., Melgar, D., Jackson, A., & Pérez, M.A. (2000). The association of maternal aerobic exercise with type of delivery in nulliparas. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 29(3), 268-274.
Pinzón-Pérez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (2000). Advocacy groups for Hispanic/Latino health issues. The Health Education Monograph, 17(2), 29-31.
Pérez, M.A., Weiller, K., Morrow, J.R., Martin, S., Caldwell, P., & Jackson, A. (1999). Project PEAK: Physical Education and Activity for Kids. Strategies, 13(1) 13-16.
Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón, H.L. (1999). The health tree: A needs assessment tool for Hispanic groups. Journal of Health Education, 30(3), 186-187.
Chng, C.L., Ding, J., & Pérez, M.A. (1998). Validation of the East Asian student stress inventory (EASSI). American Journal of Health Behavior, 14(3), 153-160.
Pérez, M.A., Pinzón, H.L., & Luquis R. (1998). Focus groups among Latino farm worker populations: Guidelines for implementation. Migration World, 26(3), 19-23.
Pérez, M.A., Garza, R., & Pinzón, H.L. (1998). Northern California Hispanic migrant farm workers health status: A case study. Migration World, 26(1-2), 17-23.
Kitchens-Lyda, K., Pérez, M.A., & Chng, C.L. (1998). Cardiorespiratory resuscitation training among individuals aged 60 and above. American Journal of Health Behavior, 22(1), 54-61.
Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón, H.L. (1997). Sexual communication patterns among Latino adolescent farm workers: A case study. American Journal of Health Studies, 13(2), 74-83.
Pinzón, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (1997). Multicultural issues in health education programs for Hispanic/Latino populations in the US. Journal of Health Education, 28(5), 314-316.
Valerius, L., Hodges, J.S., & Pérez, M.A. (1997). Cultural tunnel syndrome: A disabling condition. Parks and Recreation, 32(5), 60-67.
Pérez, M.A, Pinzón, H.L., & Garza, R. (1997). Latino families: Partners for success in school settings. Journal of School Health, 67(5), 182-184.
Lyda, K.K., Pérez, M.A., Chng, C.L., & Bungum, T. (1997). CPR training implications for Texas older adults. The Texas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Journal, 65(2), 21-23.
Published Reports
Pinzon-Perez, H., & Pérez, M.A. (2012). H.E.L.P. Harvesting Empowerment of Learning Partners: Bridging the Gap Between Health Care Systems and Communities through
Community Health Workers. Fresno, CA: California State University, Fresno.
Pérez, M.A. (2012). Advancing health for All. Fresno, CA: California State University, Fresno.
Pérez, M.A. (2002). Reaching Latinas with Pap Smear information: A report from the field. Fresno, CA: Department of Health Science. California State University, Fresno.
Pérez, M.A. (2001). Central California Public Health Partnership’s Needs Assessment. Fresno, CA: Central California Center for Health and Human Services. California State University, Fresno.
Pérez, M.A. (2001). Exploring public health opportunities in Ciudad Guzman, Mexico. Fresno, CA: Department of Health Science. California State University, Fresno.
Pérez, M.A. (2000). American Grantee Report. Bogotá, Colombia: Comisión Para el Intercambio Academico (Fulbright Commission).
Pérez, M.A. (2000). Jóvenes Colombianos y el uso de sustancias psicoactivas [Colombian youth and psychoactive drug use]. Bogotá, Colombia. Centro de Investigación y Educación en Salud, Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá.
Pérez, M.A., Cuellar, B. (2009). Town and gown collaboration: A practical perspective. Fresno, CA: Department of Public Health.
Sutton, P., Rondero Hernandez, V., Pérez, M.A. & Curtis, K. (2004, April). Children in jeopardy: A source book for community action. Fresno, CA: Central California Center for Health and Human Services.
Pérez, M.A., & Curtis, K. (2003, October). Healthy People 2010: A 2003 profile of health status in the Central San Joaquin Valley. Fresno, CA: Central California Center for Health and Human Services.
Non-refereed publications
Pérez, M.A. (2004). The globalization of health: the role of health promotion and disease prevention (pp.139-146). The trilateral conference on quality of life: Impact on society, environment, and education in Asia Pacific and the United States. Conference Proceedings.