ACADEMIC YEAR 20..../20... / Photo

This application must be completed in the ENGLISH language on the COMPUTER.

Please send the signed copy of this application together with the page from your passport containingpersonal information and photo tothe International Cooperation Office at:

Last name(s) ...... First name(s) ......
Place and date of birth ...... Sex M/ F Nationality ......
Passport number: ……………..………......
Residentialaddress...... ,......
City ...... , Country ...... , Postal code…………………..
Tel...... e-mail ......
Full name of the university ......
City………………………………Country………………………………Postal code….…………......
Tel...... web site:…………………………………………………………………..
Field of study ...... Year of study ......
Requested duration of study at the University of Bialystok:
 winter semester  summer semester  whole academic year
Requested duration of study at the University of Bialystok: ...... months
 winter semester  summer semester
Do you wish to request student's accommodation? *  Yes  No
If yes, please specify the period:  for the whole duration of my stay  from ……….. to …......
*The University of Bialystok reserves the right to refuse the accommodation, due to the insufficient number of the rooms available
To be completed by the sending institution:
I certify that the above mentioned student has been selected by my institution to study at the University of Bialystok and the information provided on this application form is correct.
Name and function……………………………………………………………………………………...
Date ...... Signature ......
Official stamp of the Institution......


Please choose the faculty of your primary at the University of Bialystok:

Faculty of Economics and Management

Faculty of History and Sociology

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

Faculty of Physics


Please choose a minimum of 4 courses from the Faculty you checked above, which you want to study at the University of Bialystok* (*The University of Bialystok reserves the right to not accept the student for the chosen course, due to the insufficient
number of students required to activate the course or if the number of students interested in the course outcompete the maximum number of students allowed for the course).


1)Faculty of Economics and Management

Accounting Foundations

Economic Geography

Economics of Taxation

EU Project Management

Functioning of the EU

International Marketing

International Trade and Freight Forwarding

Leadership in Business

2)Faculty of History and Sociology - History, International Relations

 Contemporary Polish and World History

 Peacekeeping Operations and Humanitarian Interventions

 Threats to the International Security in the MENA

 Transformations of the Modern World: Society and Culture

3)Faculty of Law

 Atypical Employment

Commercial Law of the European Union

 Contemporary Political Systems

 Constitutional Law of the European Union

 General Budget and Budget Law of the EU

 European Industrial Property Rights

 Fundamental Rights Protection in the Council of Europe

 Immigration Law

 Intellectual Property Law

 Introduction to the US legal system

 Legal and Criminological Aspects of Terrorism

 Media Law

 Public Banking Law

Polish Civil Law

 Polish Environmental Law

 Polish Tax Law

 Public International Law

 Sociological Perspectives on Internet Studies

Substantive Law of the European Union

 Territorial Organization of European States: Federalism, Regionalism, Unitarism

Transnational Justice and Rule of Law

4)Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics

 Graphics and Human-Computer Communication

 Internet Programming

 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

 MatLab Programming and Applications

 Network Technologies

5)Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

Aesthetics Workshop

Aggression Replacement Training as a Pathway to Work with Juvenile and Offenders

Comparative Education in Europe

Creativity Workshop

Film Workshop

Photography Workshop

Practice in Kindergarten

Sociology of Migration

6)Faculty of Physics

 Analysis of the Experimental Uncertainty

 Computer-Aided Computations

 Structure of Physics


PAYABLE OFFER OF LANGUAGE COURSES(the fees for the English and Polish language course will be confirmed by the beginning of the academic year)

You may choose to attend the English language course or the Polish language course for an additional fee. If you are interested, please check the right box.

 English language course organized by the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching

 Polish language course organized by the School of Polish Language and Culture POLLANDO

Price includes:tuition, in-class extra materials, course attendance certificate

All of the courses develop communicative skills, improve grammar, expand vocabulary, enhance comprehension and help to master writing skills.

Date...... Applicant's signature......