iPharmacist Information Sheet

1.  What PDAs are available with this offer?

The three PDA’s available from iPharmacist are the Treo 680, Palm T/X, Tungsten E2.

2.  What are the features of each PDA?

This table helps compare the features of each PDA. For more specific information, please go to www.ipharmacist.com. Details of each PDA are available in the “webstore.”

Model / Operating System / Wireless / Manufacturer Warranty / Cost**
Treo 680 / Palm OS 5.4 / GSM/GPRS* and Bluetooth / 1 year / $445
Palm T/X / Palm OS 5.4 / Wireless 802.11b and Bluetooth / 1 year / $345
Tungsten E2 / Palm OS 5.2.1 / Bluetooth / 90 days / $245

* GSM account is required for cell-phone function (comes unlocked, needs AT&T/Cingular or T-mobile SIM card)

**Cost includes coupon discount but not applicable sales tax.

3.  What databases are included with the one-year subscription to Lexi-Comp?

·  Lexi Drugs

·  Lexi Interact

·  Lexi Infectious Diseases

·  Lexi Pediatrics

·  Lexi Natural Products

·  Griffith’s 5 Minute Clinical Consult

·  iNews

·  iPharmacist NetUpdate

4.  What is the annual renewal fee for iPharmacist?

The renewal rate for the software package is $175 per year.

5.  Is this offer available to only pharmacy students?

No, this offer is available to pharmacy students, residents, alumni, pharmacists, etc.

6.  What else comes with an iPharmacist device?

Each device comes with a charger, sync cable, leather carrying case, and 1 GB SD card for additional storage.

7.  How do I purchase a PDA through iPharmacist?

Order your PDA through iPharmacist by going to www.ipharmacist.com. Extra costs are WA state tax and shipping.

8.  How long does it take to receive my PDA?

Your new PDA arrives in 5-7 business days after purchase online. Paying with checks could delay shipment.

9.  When does this discount expire?

The coupon for $450 will expire on June 30, 2008.