HOA Annual Meeting


(1)The meeting was led by Christina Bowles and commenced at approximately 4:20 p.m. The meeting's main business was to decide about the entrance signs. A package was handed out that included 2 options for the signs, as well as the budget for the coming year.

(2)Out of 192 homes, 19 were represented today, and it was agreed that this constituted a quorum.

(3)It was decided to do both signs at once, to ensure that they match. A one-time assessment of $25 per house was proposed, but a vote was approved to make this $50 instead, to complete both signs. We have enough funds to do the signs now, but there are 2 items (Hall County building permit and Jackson EMC electricity costs for the signs) whose costs are unknown and the roofs of the pool buildings will also need to be replaced. Sign B option was chosen by vote, as well as the East Bay style of bricks. As late fees are collected and if no unexpected new costs arise, annual fees may be lowered later.

Other Business:

(4)Hall County is responsible for the sidewalks and grass on Friendship road.

(5)We have the option of purchasing chlorine ourselves for the pools, to save money. Leslie Pool Supply will be checked for prices.

(6)About 32 homes are not up-to-date with their annual fees. There are 9 ongoing lawsuits to recover fees (defendants to pay legal fees), 1 past late payer is now up-to-date, 1 has made a partial payment, 2 new lawsuits are being prepared, and there has been 1 judgement received. The total amount outstanding is $16,613.00. Most late homes owe $750.00 or less, but 4 owe more.

(7)Homeowners can check their individual deeds to see if HOA membership / fees are optional. If so, HOA needs to check with our lawyer to see if membership/fees are enforceable. Several of us, including this scribe, were told at our closings that it was optional, and several of us, including this scribe, were given false information about the amount of the annual dues.

(8)2 new members were voted onto the HOA Board: Brandon Wilson and Vance Crawford.

(9)It was agreed to form committees for work in our neighborhood: (a) Violations-check and Yard-of-the-Month: Lauren Palmer and other(s)(Christina Bowles will send letters to violators);(b) Pool, to check on the actions of the pool company (a smoking area may be later designated): Jennifer Lennox; (c) Landscape: Brandon Wilson; (d) Social, for neighborhood holiday parties: Greg Corral and Lauren Palmer. Others may volunteer.

(10)Brandon Wilson and Greg Corral will stock the pond. Shannon Wilson and Linda Peterson will check the security cameras several times a day. Joe and Mary Girard will donate crepe myrtle for our landscape. Brandon Wilson will also re-do our website.

(11)The meeting adjourned at 5:06 p.m. Acting Scribe: Lauren Palmer.