Presidency Chart – John Adams (1797 - 1801)

Election of 1796:


Major Figures in his Administration:


Federalist Candidates:

§ 1.
Democratic-Republican Candidates:
§ 1.
§ 2. /

VP = ______(D-R)

Sec. of State: Thomas Pickering & John Marshall
Sec. of the Navy: Ben Stoddert
Important Supreme Court appointments:
§ ______(Chief Justice)

Election of 1800:




Federalist Candidates:

§ 1.
Democratic-Republican Candidates:
§ 1.
§ 2.
Winner(s) = / What party had control of the House of Reps. (HR) from 1789-1801?
What party had control of the Senate from 1789-1801?
What party won control of the HR & Senate in the 1800 election & when exactly did they take power?
Foreign Affairs:
Explain how Britain & France being at war (Napoleonic Wars) impacted Adams’ presidency.
How did France react to Jay’s Treaty in 1797? Why did they react this way?
Explain the XYZ Affair (1798).
Quasi War with France (1798 – 1800):
§ Why is this called a “Quasi” War?
§ Who was the U.S. in a Quasi War with? ______
§ Why was the U.S. in a Quasi War?
§ How AND where did the U.S. fight this Quasi War?
o  Why did Congress build a standing army to fight this war in 1798?
§ Who was given command of this standing army? ______
§ Explain how this army almost caused a civil war with Virginia in 1799.
o  Why did Congress create the Department of the U.S. Navy in 1798?
§ How does Adams avoid a civil war between 1799 and 1800?
o  What was the name of the treaty that ended the Quasi War?
o  List the 3 most important things this treaty did.
§ 1.
§ 2.
§ 3.
o  What’s the effect of the treaty for the standing army & Adam’s reelection bid in 1800?
Domestic Issues
Aliens & Sedition Acts (1798):
§ The Naturalization Act =
§ The Alien Act =
§ The Alien Enemies Act =
§ The Sedition Act =
Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions (1798):
§ Why were these resolutions written?
§ These resolutions adopted the compact theory of the Constitution. What was this?
o  Compact theory =
§ What was the state’s rights theory of government AND nullification?
§ Virginia Resolution:
o  Who wrote this?
§ Kentucky Resolutions:
o  Who wrote this?
o  What theory was originally drafted in this resolution before it was edited?
o  Who later uses this theory in South Carolina in 1832?
George Washington dies in 1799. How does this effect Adam’s administration?
Judiciary Act of 1801:
o  What Congress passed this act? (What political party?)
o  Why did Congress pass this act in 1801?
o  What did this act do exactly?
Midnight Appointments (1801):
o  Who appointed this people with the consent of the Senate? ______
o  What political party is the president, the Senate and the appointments? ______
o  What were these people appointed to under the Judiciary Act of 1801?
o  Why are they called “midnight appointments”?
o  What Supreme Court case is going to address one of these people in 1803? ______