TMS – Part VII
- Why does Smith want to discuss the major schools of ethics that came before him?
- What are the two central questions to be examined when considering principles of morals?
- What are the three main schools Smith intends to discuss on the nature of virtue?
- What did Plato think reason was the key to virtue?
- What two basic categories did the passions fall into?
- What are the four major virtues for Plato? Explain each.
- What does Smith say is the key to understanding Aristotle’s theory of virtue? Explain.
- For the Stoics what did the “Author of Nature” place within us to guide our behavior and serve as a standard?
- Is it success or failure that matters or the choices we make in pursuing success? Explain.
- How does the Stoic view lead to the conclusion that ordinary human affairs matter very little? What does Stoicism result in?
- What is Smith’s critique of Stoicism?
- In what did virtue consist for Epicurus?
- Why are the pleasures of the mind greater than those of the body?
- What does Smith mean by prudence?
- What are Smith’s objections to the Epicurean view?
- Who were the people who considered virtue to consist in benevolence?
- What reasons can be offered for concluding that benevolence is the sole basis of virtue?
- How does Smith refute the arguments that virtue consists only in benevolence?
- Why didn’t Smith discuss obedience to the will of the Deity in a separate chapter?
- How does vanity fit into Mandeville’s view of human nature?
- What is the distinction that Mandeville ignores which refutes his view of vanity?
- Do Mandeville and Smith agree on the moral value of self-interest?
- How does the topic of Section III differ from that of Section II?
- Describe the three schools discussed in Section III>
- How does Smith argue against Hobbes that virtue cannot be reduced simply to self-love?
- Describe Cudworth’s argument against Hobbes.
- Why isn’t reason the foundation for our moral judgments for Smith?
- Why doesn’t Smith’s view reduce to saying that virtue is simply what pleases?
- What are the two main schools within the sentiment-is-the-basis-for-approbation school?
- What does Smith say is wrong with Hutchison’s “moral sense” theory?
These study guide questions are the work of Professor Douglas Den Uyl.