Harcourt Reading---Me on the Map---April 8-12, 2013

Monday--- Day 3

Morning Message---Students will copy, complete, and correct sentences from the board.

Oral Reading: Sharing Literature---Teacher will read a poem aloud to the class and ask questions over the text. Phonemic Awareness---Students will learn the long vowel /e/ sound.

Word Work: Phonics---Students will review long vowels /a-e/. Students will have to read words from list of word building words. Students will have to read words in context from sentences the teacher writes on white board.

Spelling---Students will state the generalization by learning what is alike in the long vowel /a/ words. Teacher will write the words on the board and students will read the words aloud.

High Frequency Words---Students will review the following words: over, town, world. Students will read the words from textbook page 36-37.

Vocabulary Review: country, Earth, special

Word Power: Words to Remember page 36-37 Harcourt Text

Reading---“Me on the Map” pages 38-58 Students will reread the story for fluency and think and respond questions at the end of the selection. Students will read about the author and illustrator. Making connections page 62-63: Students will read and choose one of the three choices to do in class.

Language Arts: Students will write sentence frames of pieces of furniture are in the room and what is on the wall or floor. Grammar: Students will review the use of I and Me in sentences. Students will have to read and write sentences from the board and use I or me correctly in each sentence. Students will do this on paper.

Tuesday--- Day 4

Morning Message---Students will copy, complete, and correct sentences from the board.

Oral Reading: Sharing Literature---Teacher will read a poem aloud to the class and ask questions over the text. Phonemic Awareness---Students will identify initial sounds as the teacher says the word aloud students tell what sound is at the beginning of the word. Students will focus on distinguishing between short vowel /a/ and long vowel /a/. Students will copy groups of words from the white board and find the words with the long vowel /a/ in them.

Word Work: Phonics---Students will review building short vowel /a/ words and long vowel /a/. Students will have to read and write words with short vowel /a/ and long vowel /a/. Teacher will dictate sentences and students will write the sentences on paper. Students will complete practice workbook page 21.

Spelling---Students will change letters in words to make new long vowel /a/ words by listening and following directions. Teacher will show letter cards for the words know and also and have the students make the words.

Vocabulary Review: country, special, Earth Review the words in story context.

High Frequency Words---Students will review the following words: town, over, world. Students will read the words from textbook page 36-37. Teacher will have the students write the high frequency words by using the words in story context.

Word Power: Words to Remember page 36-37 Harcourt Text

Reading---“Me on the Map” pages 38-58 Students will reread the story for fluency and think and respond questions at the end of the selection. Students will focus on classifing and categorizing. Students will learn to sort information into categories. Students will complete practice workbook page 22. Students will read from textbook page 64 and 65 and answer the test prep questions on paper.

Language Arts: Students will write in their journal about their own special place. Grammar Review: Using I and Me---Teacher will play a pronoun game with students by having students write on index cards the words I and me and as the teacher tells a story about a girl named Pam students will hold up the pronoun that correctly completes each sentence. Students will write on paper the story together in class.

Wednesday--- Day 5

Morning Message---Students will copy, complete, and correct sentences from the board.

Oral Reading: Sharing Literature---Teacher will reread the big book “On a Hot, Hot Day”. Phonemic Awareness---Teacher will say a word from the big book and have the students to focus on the middle sound in the words. Teacher will say pairs of words and have students focus on whether or not the beginning or ending sounds are the same.

Word Work: Phonics---Phonograms –ake, -ate Students will be introduced to discriminate between different words with different patterns and to use common letter patterns to build and read words. Inflections –ed, -ing Students will be introduced to read words with inflections –ed and –ing in which the final e is dropped before adding the ending. Students will complete practice workbook page 23.

Spelling---Students will write words with long vowel /a/ on paper as the teacher says the word and sentence with the words aloud in class. Students will write and illustrate sentences frames that the teacher writes on the white board.

High Frequency Words---Students will review the following words: also, know.

Vocabulary: country, special, Earth Students will have to write a sentence using the words in sentences.

High –Frequency Words---Words to Remember---over, world, town Students will complete sentences using the words correctly.

Reading---“Me on the May” pages 38-58 Students will reread the story for fluency and think and respond questions at the end of the selection. Students will read along with the CD and focus on fluency. Students will take the story test in class.

Self-Selected Reading: Students will cut and fold the book “Baseball” page 73-74 as part of independent reading.

Language Arts: Students will write in their journals about a topic of their choice. Writing: Advertisements---Students will describe a favorite place by generating adiectives. Teacher will write adjectives on the board. Students will write an advertisement that would make someone want to visit their favorite place. Students will write a sentence or two. Grammar: Using I and Me---Students will copy sentences from the board and draw a line under the naming part and two lines under the telling part. Students will add two sentences one sentence using I correctly and one sentence using me correctly. Students may share sentences with the class.

Thursday---Day 1

Morning Message---Students will copy, complete, and correct sentences from the board.

Oral Reading: Sharing Literature---Teacher will read Big Book “Hattie and the Fox” aloud to the class and ask questions over the text. Phonemic Awareness---Students will learn the long vowel /e/ sound.

Word Work: Phonics---Students will practice reading long vowels /ee/ and /ea/.

Spelling---Practice workbook page 8 and 9. Students will learn to spelling long vowel /e/ words.

High Frequency Words---Students will review the words: who and door.

Reading---Decodable Book 19: “To Be a Frog” “Reed’s Beetles” “Sweet Treats”

Language Arts: Students may write about and draw something surprising that they might see. Grammar: Students will be introduced to names of holidays. Practice Workbook page 10

Friday---Day 2

Morning Message---Students will copy, complete, and correct sentences from the board.

Oral Reading: Sharing Literature---Teacher will read a poem aloud to the class and ask questions over the text. Phonemic Awareness---Students will learn the long vowel /e/ sound.

Word Work: Phonics---Students will review long vowels /ee/ and /ea/. Students will do workbook page 11.

Spelling---Students will practice word building.

High Frequency Words---Students will be introduced to the words: also, know, moved, only, room, should, those, write

Vocabulary: anything Students will complete workbook page 12.

Word Power: Words to Remember page 8-9 Harcourt Text

Reading---“Bed Full of Cats” pages 8-29 Teacher will read aloud to students and ask the comprehension questions on page27 Meet the author and the illustrator page 28-29. Students will focus on drawing conclusions and retelling and summarizing the events of the story.

Language Arts: Students may write about something they lost and would like to find. Grammar: Students will review names of holidays. Students will have to write sentences from the white board using capital letters for names of holidays in three sentences teachers writes on the screen.