NTNU / Fire protection / Prepared by / Number / Date /
/ The HSE section / HMSRV-12/04 / 01.12.2006
Approved by / Page / Replaces
HSE / The Rector / 1 of 2 / 01.05.2002


  • Which individuals are responsible for which storey (also counting the ones in different buildings if the unit’s premises are distributed across more than one building)?
  • In what manner is the unit ensuring that the caretaker for the building has an updated overview of the individuals responsible for each of the unit’s storeys?
  • What routines does the unit have for ensuring that annual fire escape drills are carried out?
  • How is the unit ensuring that it is possible to evacuate all members of staff in an emergency – including those with a disability?
  • How is the unit ensuring that all members of staff know where to find essential extinguishing equipment?
  • Which, and what quantities of, inflammable and explosive substances/items (liquid or semi-solid with an ignition temperature below +55 degrees Celsius, engine fuel, heating oil, gas that continues to burn in air after ignition etc.) are found at the unit?
  • How are any such inflammable and explosive items labelled and stored?
  • How does the unit ensure that room-cards are updated and posted in all the relevant places?
  • Have the necessary permits for using and storing inflammable and explosive items been obtained?
  • Has the unit secured the necessary running- and maintenance agreements for its equipment and installations?
  • To what extent are new products evaluated according to fire safety?



Act relating to the prevention of fire, explosion and accidents etc.

Regulations ()

Regulations on fire prevention measures and supervision

Brannfarlig vare

Brannfarlig eller trykksatt stoff

NTNUs guidelines

HMSR06E Fire protection

HMSR29E Hot work


  • Fire protection equipment (fire alarms and extinguishers)
  • Functioning and unobstructed escape routes
  • NTNU’s fire protection manager may be contacted concerning question about fire safety
  • Annual drills

Guidelines from the Labour Inspection Authority