2 blank spaces of TNR 8


TNR 10 free space

Sabău Nicu Cornel*, Şandor Maria**

*University of Oradea, Faculty of Environmental Protection, 26 Gen. Magheru St., 410048,

Oradea, Romania, e-mail:

**AgriculturalResearchandDevelopmentStationOradea, 5 Calea Aradului St., Oradea,



This file provides the model for completing the article for the journal. The journal will be published at University of Oradea Publishing House, which is accredited by CNCSIS exactly in this format. The manuscript in MS Word format will be written in accordance with the guidelines in this template. The author will not have to do anything, only to replace the headings and paragraphs without changing the format presented in this template. The entirearticle will be written in English (the abstract willhave maximum 300 wordsand minimum 150 words).

Keywords: (maximum 6): correlationclimate-yield, irrigation, de Martonnearidity index wheat, crop rotation


It is preferable that authors to submit their article carefully written and checked. Materials submitted with spelling and grammar errors will not be accepted. They must present the results as concisely as possible.

Material and method

The article shall be written in such a way that its reading to be as smooth as possible. This can be achieved if you will strictly follow the format required through the present template. Please note the following details: this template is an MS Word file A4,with top and bottom of 4.5 cm,and the left and right marginsof 4 cm. TheHeader and Footer is of 3.7 cm.

All the paragraphs should be written at single space, the first line having a paragraph (tab) of1 cm. Position and character titles and subtitles will follow this template. Do not leave spaces between paragraphs.

Byusingthistemplate, themargins, headerandfooterwillbe set automaticallysothattheauthor must onlyreplacetheauthors’ namesandthepapertitle on thefirst page footer,usingthistemplate.

The article will be edited in Times New Roman (TNR) 12.The indices and exponents will be edited in TNR 10.

For the text inside the figures, it is recommended they shouldnot be smaller than 10.


The papersshould include original dataandtheyshouldbeeditedonly in English, in Word, single spaced.

The figures and tables should be named so that there is no need to refer to that text of the article. They will be mentioned in the text by brackets (Fig. 1) or (Table 1). The figures and tables that are not cited in the text should not be presented in the article. The tables and figures will be introduced after they are mentioned in the text. All figures and tables will be numbered in Arabic numbers, as in this example. The name of the tables is edited above the table, with right alignment.

Table 1

Title of the table

Times New Roman 10
Times New Roman 10

The name of the figures is edited bellow the figure, with center alignment.

Fig. 1. The link between....


The bibliographic references from the text will be marked in brackets, for example (Sabău et al., 2010) or (Nagy, 2010; Șerban, Dragotă, 2013; Sabău et al., 2010).

The referencesshouldappear in alphabeticalorder.A few examples of bibliographical references are presented below.

Acknowledgment (optional)

The researchwascarried out in theproject: PN-II-ID-PCE-2008; 1103/2009 ”Study of therelationships...... ”.


  1. Nagy J., 2010, Impact of FertilizationandIrrigation on theCorrelationbetweentheSoilPlantAnalysisDevelopmentValueandYield of Maize. Communications in SoilScienceandPlantAnalysis, no.41, pp.1293-1305
  2. Sabău N.C., 2008, Poluarea mediului pedosferic.Ed. Universităţii din Oradea, pp.45-53
  3. Sabău N.C., 2012, Metode pentru analiza solului.Ed. Universităţii din Oradea, pp.112-125
  4. Sabău N.C., Şandor M., Domuţa C., Brejea R., Domuţa Cr., 2010, SomeAspectsof thePhytoremediationuponaHaplicLuvosoilunder Control Pollutedwith Crude Oilfrom Oradea, Romania.Bulletin of University of AgricultureandVeterinaryMedicine, Cluj-Napoca, vol.67, no.2, pp.111-118
  5. Şerban E.,Dragotă C.S., 2013, Long-termVariabilityof Precipitation and Air Temperature in Crisuri and Arad Plains.Natural ResourcesandSustainableDevelopment, Oradea, vol.5,pp.433-440




