Ordering in a Restaurant

Time: 30 minutes

Focus:The purpose of this lesson is to give English learners the skills to order food in a restaurant. This lesson follows a simple format of an introduction and discussion, followed by a role-play activity.

Preparation:Computer, Skype, internet,

The teacher will need to have good internet connection and be online at required time.


1. Teacher: Good after noon class? How are you today?

2. Student; I am happy/ I’m fine and you/ I’m good/

3. Teacher: What is the weather like today?

4. Student: It’s raining/ sunny/ windy / cold/

Teacher: Let’s start today lesson. Today we are going to learn about ordering food in a restaurant.

Teacher: Ask each student :The question below.

Restaurant question for student:

1. What's the name of your favourite restaurant?

2. What type of restaurant is it? (e.g. Italian, Chinese, Steak House, etc.)

3. Where is it located? (e.g. downtown, in the mall, etc.)

4. What's your favourite dish there? ( e.g. steak with chips, Pasta, Sushi, etc.)

5. How often do you go there? (e.g. once a week, every day, etc.)

6. Who do you go with? (e.g. Family, Friends,etc.)

Vocabulary word:

1.Ordering: to ask for something.

2.Waiter: person who works at restaurant.

3.Give: to hand something to another person.

4.Food: something you eat.

5.Customers: people who buy things in a shop.


The purpose of the above demonstration is a lesson in pragmatic competence. Just barking out orders can be perceived as being rude and may have real consequences. Explain why it’s important to be kind and respectful when ordering food.

Teacher: Let’s look at the important words now.

1. Respect: to do good for others or to say positive words to others.

2. Rude: to be bad to others.

3. Kind: to listen and help others.

Role-play Activity 1:

Now, comes the real focus of the class: a role-play activity to practice ordering food. Divide the class into two. One Student of the class will play restaurant waiter and the other student will beordering food.

Waiter: Welcome to Steak and Beefs. Here are your menus. Today's special is grilled salmon. I'll be back to take your order in a minute.

1. Waiter: Are you ready to order?

2. Customer 1: I'd like the seafood spaghetti.

3. Waiter: And you?

4. Customer 2: I'll have a hamburger and fries.

5. Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

6. Customer 1: I'll have a coke, please.

7. Waiter: And for you?

8. Customer 2: Just water, please.

9. Waiter:OK. So that's one seafood spaghetti, one hamburger and fries, one coke, and one water. I'll take your menus.

10. Waiter: Here is your food. Enjoy your meal.

11. Waiter:How was everything?

12. Customers 2: Delicious, thanks.

13. Waiter: Would you like anything for dessert?

14. Customer 1: No, just the bill please.

Role-play Activity 2:

1. Waiter:Are you ready to order?

2. Customer: Yes, I am. Please bring me a sandwich.

3. Waiter:Would you like a salad?

4. Customer:No, thank you.

5. Waiter: Anything to drink?

6. Customer:Yes! Please bring me some Milk.

7. Waiter: Yes, of course.

Role-play Activity 3:

1. Waiter:Are you ready to order?

2. Customers: Yes, I am. Please bring me Pizza.

3. Waiter:Anything to drink?

4. Customers:Yes. Please bring me a Coke.

5. Waiter:Yes! Of curse.

Thank you class!!!!!