By submitting this POD Plan, you become an official member of the Gateway Collegium,
a learning and leading community.

First Name Last Name Licensed with Foursquare? ____ YES NO

Church/Organization Name Is this a Foursquare Church?____ YES NO

Name of POD Guide, Divisional Leader, or Sr. Pastor

Personal Mailing Address (so we can mail you the membership packet!)

Street City State Zip ______
Email Contact phone Type __ Cell__ Home__ Work
Preferred method of contact:
text email mail phone call FaceBook Messaging

FRAMING – To start, we want you to think about the rhythms of your life, personality tests and how/where God is leading you. We want this to be a Spirit-led time, as you reflect both on how God made you and who He is calling you to be. We are all, always, in a state of being refined and reformed by God (2 Corinthians 3:18). Additionally, scripture says that the person who is faithful with little will be given more (Luke 16:10). Whether you are young or old, new to ministry or a sage, God always has more he wants to do in us and through us (Philippians 1:3-11). We are here to champion that journey!

RHYTHMS THAT DEFINE YOU – Answer the following questions to help discover some of the rhythms of life that build you up or tear you down.

List the results of any personality test
you may have taken
(i.e. Myers-Brigs, APEST, Strength’s Finders, etc) / What builds you up, gives you energy,
gives you rest, gives you life? / What runs you down, depletes you,
gives you negative feelings?

ENGAGING YOUR LIFE – After looking at some of the answers above and thinking about who God has created you to be, what is something you need to increase in your life so that you can better engage the fullness of how God created you? What is something you need to decrease in your life or gain skills around so that it stresses
you less?

ENVISIONING YOUR LIFE – Now, spend some time prayerfully before the Lord and ask Him what He wants you to dream about with Him. What dreams, visions, or ideas does God have for your life that draw you closer into alignment with who He has created you to be? After you have done this, select one of the projections below to answer what you want to “be” or “do” in the timeframe. Answer the one that comes to you the easiest.

90 days/ 3 months / one year / three years

GOALS – Goals are what you would like to accomplish, results, or impact wanted. Think about what are the goals of the organization you are in? What goals would you like to focus on and share with others? They can be opportunities to capture or problems to solve. The POD Plan asks you to set a goal in each area of Person of the Leader, Organizational Leadership and Skills, and Foursquare Domains of Expertise. Together, these three goals make up your POD Plan.

POD GUIDES – The role of the POD Guide is to talk with you about your POD Plan. They will help you brain storm, formulate thoughts, suggest resources,
and give you ideas to consider. They are here to help you and check in with you. Sometimes we have good ideas that turn out not to be as
practical or do-able as we thought. Your POD Guide will help you modify your POD plan to make it realistic and accessible.

List a goal you have in the corresponding area of personal growth. If you have goals in more than one area, you may list them all. For example, a goal could be to improve overall health with an appropriate dietary and exercise rhythm. It could also be to spend more time in contemplative prayer, regaining a rhythm of Sabbath that would be intentional family time or personal care time. It could also be to create and live within a budget or plan for retirement.

Area What is your goal this year in this area? Priority

Soul care, rest, and sabbath ______

Spiritual disciplines ______

Family life, work-life balance ______

Physical fitness ______

Finances ______

What is your number one priority goal in this area? ______


HEART – (Motivation) The heart is the soil in which the seed lands. It is our spiritual and attitudinal disposition toward something. It is also the place growth and development begins. If your heart is not good soil, the rest of the work will not take root. It is valuable to consider the heart and how it can be shaped in order to make the goal a reality.

Heart: What spiritual development of attitude or disposition is needed to create fertile soil for growing in this area?

HAND – (Action) The best method of truly learning something is to wrestle with it and experience it. Experiences with purpose and focus can be the best teachers. Think about what experiences will help you really learn and accomplish your goals. Be practical but also be creative.

Hand: What is an experience that would help you with this goal?

HEAD – (Information) The head is about content. What content, ideally from experts and those who have gone before, is valuable to you accomplishing your goal?
Is there a book, podcast, classes, coach, author, or project that will help resource you with the ideas, concepts, and practical thoughts concerning your goal?
Be as specific as possible in this area.

Head: What content is needed to help you meet this goal? (i.e. book, class, person to coach you, topic to study, or a project to complete)

Evaluate yourself based on any area in which you serve that you would like to focus on

for improvement (organization, business, church, etc.) Please read the paper “Plateaus,

passages and breakthroughs” to get the most out of this exercise.

·  Read each section thoroughly. Star the box (LO, LSO, LLT, LCO) that describes

the leadership place you think you are in right now (other than LS).

·  Underline the 3-4 things (in any section) you think you are really good at.

·  Circle the numbers of 2-3 new behaviors you might want to learn in the next 6 months.

As we all grow, it is important that we continue to learn and grow together. One way to accomplish this is by learning more about the areas in which our organization has expertise. We call these the Foursquare Domains of Expertise.

Select which Foursquare area of expertise you would like to learn more about this year

_____ Pentecostal ethos (the ways we as pentecostal people live out, in all areas of life, the power of the Holy Spirit)
_____ Women in ministry (the value and belief that women should be recognized and prepared for every area of Christian ministry)
_____ Indigenous empowerment (the practice of finding and preparing leaders to lead in their own context — ethnically, culturally, geographically, locally)
_____ Moderation (the value of taking a “middle of the road” stance between fanaticism and formalism in church style, practice, and attitude)
_____ Integrated Mission (the value of embracing both evangelism and social action/care as one integrated approach to ministry)

If you have a specific goal within one of these areas of expertise, please describe it below.


P (your top priority) / O (the 2-3 new skills) / D (your top priority)

Out of these three, circle which goal is your number 1 overall priority for this year.

Finally, as we aim towards a future together, please check one of the following boxes of a role you are thinking about for your future.

q Missionary q Sr. Pastor q Church Planter q Continuing in my role as a senior leader

q Other vocational ministry (youth, worship, evangelist, chaplain, assisting minister, Christian counselor, etc.)

q Secular vocation as ministry (teacher, business owner, community member, church council member, etc.)

q Other ______